Garrard 301 - Project

I have been contemplating for a while which turntable to pursue given so many choices. Every time I look around, I just can’t help drooling over a fully restored Garrard 301 or 401. Aside from being an idler-drive, I keep reading and hearing about their unique ability to reproduce music with its sense of drive and impact thus making them very desirable to own. And with available meticulous restoration services and gorgeous plinth options, what’s not to like, right!

Would you please share your experience, good and pitfalls (if any) with a restored Garrard 301 to avoid before I go down this path.

And what about the IEC inlet and power cord, would they be of any significance. My two choices would be Furutech FI-09 NCF or FI-06 (G) inlets.

I have already purchased a Reed 3P Cocobolo 10.5” with Finewire C37+Cryo tonearm/interconnect phono cable with KLEI RCA plugs option.

Still exploring Cart Options, so please feel free to share your choice of cart with Garrard 301 or 401.

And lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to @fsonicsmith, @noromance ​​​​@mdalton for the inspiration.


@noromance @jperry @mdalton @fsonicsmith 

301 is up and running for past 6 days. It does sound pretty darn good with $15K tonearm/cart combo. Love the classic industrial appearance. I am still getting acclimated with its strengths and flaws in stock form and maybe jumping the gun here but I feel this is not a TT that sounds best in its stock form. The inherent vibration or energy from motor and plinth was out of control. I got it tamed for most part by isolating the plinth with IsoAcoustics mini pucks. I realize, a better isolation solution is probably the next step but what can or should do next to eliminate or reduce inherent vibrations. Perhaps, a aftermarket bearing, platter, idler wheel or even a better, denser plinth. 

Appreciate your input. 

It is incredibly difficult to assist in this situation. It is similar to addressing a hum problem someone is having with their electronics. Are you certain the problem is vibration from the motor? How did you determine that? Yes, the 301 motor is not the smoothest of all motors but if properly rebuilt it should not be causing a problem with SQ. As I have written before a specially designed PSU like the LDA (Long Dog Audio) will help. 

My best advice right now is similar to that given when there is a hum problem-start by eliminating things from your system. First and foremost should be your subs. IMHO, subwoofers and turntables simply don't play well together absent Herculean solutions such as placing the turntable in a separate room. 

My best guess-from afar-is that what you perceive to be motor induced vibration is actually some other form of distortion. Though your plinth is not the one I would have selected, it is very unlikely to be the problem. You don't need a fancy plinth for a 301 to sound great. I would instead focus on these things in this order;

1) Subs-remove and then if problem goes away, reposition or turn off when playing vinyl. 

2) Check the mounting and alignment of the Reed 3P-a pro ought to be considered. 

3) Check the cartridge alignment-again a pro like Brian Walsh ought to be considered. 

4) Have the motor serviced by a pro-I recommend Greg Metz of STS out of Nashville. 

5) Try a PSU. 

6) Relocate your turntable and investigate a different turntable rack-I happen to prefer Symposium.

7) Experiment with different footers-I have had far better results with Stillpoints over IsoAcoustics for the plinth. 

8) Only last do I recommend a new idler wheel unless you have some reason to believe that your existing idler is out of round. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to chime in. This is exactly what I was hoping to hear from someone who has a deep understanding of Garrard.

The turntable and tonearm was professionally installed by my dealer. We went whole nine yards so I am ruling out bullet 2 and 3. Removing subs helped but not a long term solution, that’s why I am now using a phono with subsonic filter.

I would look into bullet 4 once I consult with my dealer (he is in Nashville too). My Garrard was completely rebuilt by Audio Grail, UK so I suspect it’s the motor but external PSU is definitely worth pursuing (and I will eventually).

Bullets 6-7 are in play this weekend as I am going to pull out my 800 plus lbs, Core Audio quad rack from storage and re-configure my system. Being on suspended floor + subs are not the best condition for turntable. Let’s see if changing out racks helps with chassis born vibrations.

Maybe if you would describe the nature of the noise that’s bothering you, others could more easily nail down the source. Tonearm and cartridge misalignment are sources of distortion for sure, but not the kind of distortion that falls into the category of “noise”. In a Garrard 301, you have to think of the motor and the drive system (idler wheel, platter bearing) first and foremost as sources of noise. When those are optimized, you’re left with the pluses and minuses of the design itself.


Sorry for being vague…the main issue is chassis vibrations. As I increase volume, the vibrations in plinth increases causing stylus to jump up or skip grooves. Day 1 was worse as even the footfalls were causing stylus to jump. After installing IsoAcoustics pucks, TT is now immune to footfalls. I can play records at reasonable volume but as I increase volume, I start to feel vibrations coming on when I touch the plinth. Subsonic filter is engaged and subs are ON. 

I am switching out much heavier rack tomorrow, hoping for better isolation from subs. 

@lalitk Sorry to hear you are having issues. It appears you are getting acoustic feedback. I doubt there is any issue with the AudioGrail work. It is most likely caused by your stand and suspended floor. Can you reinforce the floor from underneath? If your plinth is one of the hollow types, you may not have enough mass to damp structure-borne vibrations. I have no issues with big 12" REL subs.