Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Thanks for the great advice Gunbei. I don't think I've ever tried an Omaha steak. I also would like to eat at a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse some day. Living out in the "boonies" has kept me in a rather secluded position. Great idea for using the dry ice. Will definately save some freezer burn on my power cords.
"Just trying to show the world what a frigid bitch she really is..." exclaimed Slappy, a Colorado native, after locking his ex-fiance in his freezer who has been reported missing.

Experts are dumbfounded in trying to explain the string of curious events that has happened in Colorado during this past year. One expert explained, "It must be the thin air in Colorado. That explains why that guy who drove a bulldozer into town." Interestingly, the alleged mad bull dozer operator and Slappy will be cell mates.
Sherod, you may not have to send any of your delicious steaks to NASA.

When I used to buy steaks and hamburger patties from Omaha Steaks they'd send them to me via FEDEX in a giant styrofoam case filled with dry ice.

Why not just order them here? The Potatoes au Gratin and New York Cheesecake kick major boo-tay!;jsessionid=5AE06602BDC4D85A41DC1D5FBE9BEB79?Dsp=14&PCR=1:100&PID=null&IID=4603&ITMSUF=XE&RAND=H3528

After you've received your nice freezer burned choice cuts, you can throw all your interconnects into the styrofoam container and let them turn blue overnight before the dry ice melts.

Who needs NASA, Amana or Frigid-Aire?

And guys, I think Slappy already tried this on his recent psycho booty chick.
David99, "Freezers are best for ex-girlfriends who stiff us"? Are we going to see be seeing you on "America's Most Wanted" soon? Don't give Slappy any ideas! Him having his Ex in the freezer could get really twisted, defrost, freeze, defrost, freeze, etc..... See the pattern? ;0)~
Everybody, Kevin R Holt, a member over at, he said that he will give my freezer tweak a try. Kevin will be telling us all if this tweak worked for him this Sunday, sometime..........So STAY TUNED!...........Richard
Well, thank you Mr. Gunbei( pronounced Goom-bay to the uninitiated). I don't understand why some people mistake you for that green,slant-headed clay character.The key word that nailed it for me in that AA thread was "don't" when it should have been "doesn't". Bad grammar will nail you every time. Now on to a less serious note, I just sent a few porterhouse steaks(my fave) to NASA to be cryo'd and they tasted far better than a standard frozen steak. Somehow the muscle fibers in the meat get in better alignment after cryo'ing. When you cut the steak against the grain, the bite just melts in your mouth and the flavor just bursts forth on your taste buds. UMMM, YUMMMMY. I'll stick to cryoing vs. freezing. It's worth the extra cost to me.
Yeah, there seems to be something about his very "distinctive" writing style. You're very observant Mr. Sherlock Sherod. :ย•)
What extremes we psycho audiophiles will do for improvement to our rigs.
A dedicated freezer to cryo?
Freezers are best for ex-girlfriends who stiff us.
Slapman,you need a freezer! :~)
Are you the initial poster of on this AA thread ? I think you are. Am I right, Richard?
Here's a post from someone that has been freezing his stereo system now for years....
I haven't read all the comments but I gather that chilled CD discs are touted. I can't see how this would affect a CD, but if you chill an LP, and play it before it warms up I would expect the sonic character to be different, because the compliance of the vinyl will be different (less).
Its OK to have some fun here but for these who do try this tweak, you will be glad you did!.......
No, but if you see some NBS Omegas there, that's the guy!! She claims she thought they were very large sausages that had turned grey with mold...
Damn it, I put my cables into the trash bags as Rpatrick suggested and then into the freezer, but my wife cleaned out the freezer and threw them out this weekend!!!! Be forewarned if you try this tweak!
Rpatrick, you know where just having fun, and we love cheap tweaks! So go find us another thing to try for free! I actually think Arthur Fiedler may be with Walt Disney On Ice. So the Boston Pops may have been way ahead of your cryogenics suggestion?
Audiobugged, I tell you a even better Idea!.....FREEZE that boston pops........Now that's a GREAT Idea!
Slipknot1, What a Great Idea! The Boston Pops, & Popsicles! Could listen sessions ever get any better than that???
Rpatrick, audio/video perforance? Has your extensive Freezer "Performance" must have left your fingers frost bitten?
Better idea: Get yourself one of those walk-in supermarket meatlockers. Set up your system in it. All cryo, all the time.
If you want better audio perforance........this is the tweak for you.........If you want better video perforance.......this is the tweak for you.....try it,you might like it!...........Richard
Thanx Slipknot1, I was going to also consider Rives Audio for my listening room. But after this thread I may call Sub-Zero instead?
Seems like Viggen and Audiobugged are the only two "plugged in" on this thread. Westinghouse Cryo treatment? Maybe on a Bose Wave radio....
Audiobugged, I sure heard a improvement when I froze my cables, how long did you freeze your cables? ............ one time.......or two times.........Richard
I might have mispoken on my last post re austenite and martenite - apologies to tireguy.... please disregard my last post...
Tireguy, the process you described re austentite/martensite applies only to steel, e.g., steel tools, so not really relevant to this discussion.
I took my LNB off my satellite dish and my satellite receiver and my circuit boards out of my TV and put them in the freezer, I did everything two times...........very nice improvement!.......cleaner sharper picture........darker looking colors too.........Richard
Geoffkait, you don't stir the pot, they will always be debates on this tweak, more people like you need to come and tell us how they like this tweak...........Richard
Because its NOT the same as cryogenic treatment as I have just explained to you. If you can tell me how the freezer creates the SAME effect as cryogenic treatment then I am all ears, other wise I think this portion of the debate is over.

Until you have tried cryogenic treatment on all of the same components as you have frozen in your freezer your making a broad generalization with out merit.
not to stir the pot, but freezing a vinyl record improves the sound quite a bit, just thought I'd mention as freezing works for non-metalic objects too.
Tireguy, I not talking foolish, I think everybody should know about this, and when some of you do try this tweak you too will see that this is all you need........Why should you pay for it when you can get about the same effect for FREE.........Richard

Patrick has a cryo unit right next to the freezer. He has compared CD's, both cryoed and frozen, through his high resolution system consisting of a vintage Sony receiver, sound dynamics speakers and a Bravo DVD player.
Now your talking just plain foolish. I am by no means an expert in metallurgy however I understand the basic of metal properties. The purpose of cryo treating is to reverse the damage done to the metal when it was heated- when metal is heated its micro structure changes to what is known as austenite. When its cooled most of austentite converts to the much stronger(molecularly "aligned") martensite. However a portion remains in the softer austentite form and by introducing extremely low temperatures(around -300ยบ F)- via slow cool down and then slow recovery- it changes all of the austentite to the superior martensite. You can't claim your freezer is acheiving this, maybe its chaning some of the austentite but the amount would be so insignificant the improvements based on this alone would be undedectable(perhaps this is what Twl was eluding to).

I hate to bring science of any sort into this hobby, but you've got to use at least a little common sense when you make statements like you just did.
Hdm, I think that freezing is just as good as cryo treatments as far as the effect goes, the only time you really need cryo treatments is for car parts and tools and things like that. Maybe cryo treatments last a little longer than freezing, but it don't cost you anything to freeze it again...........Richard
Mhu: I have been cryoing CD's for about a year now. One person's "dramatic" is another person's "subtle", but I would say that cryoing will give you a bigger performance boost than freezing. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being subtle and 10 being dramatic, I'd put the freezer tweak around 3 and cryoing around 6.5 to 7. I would say that bass performance is quite a bit more improved with cryo than freezing, but the biggest enhancement with cryo is a significant reduction in glare and edge. Freezing does it to a minor extent, but cryo gets you quite a bit further down the line in that regard as well as improved transparency.
Mhu, if you freeze that CD one more time you will hear an even better improvement then you you are hearing now......Richard
Twl- I agree completely. The only point I'd like to clarify is, I don't think anyone is saying it changes the metal molecularly(or at least I hope not)- your austenite and martensite will remain the same. The difference some are experiencing- IMO- has to do with a subtle shrinkage of the wire itself.
Rpatrick, I think it is fine if you have discovered a tweak that you like. It costs nothing, and if it makes you happy, that is great.

Personally, I am quite skeptical of the technical veracity of this technique because it wouldn't seem to lower temps enough to make a molecular change. Also, I would be very afraid to freeze my expensive gear anyway. So, I'm not going to try it, but I won't ridicule you either.

It's your gear, and you can do with it what you like.
I don't know about the freezing the cables, but seeing that there're some merit to freezing cds, I decided to experiment . I put a copy of Kind of Blue in a zip-loc bag in the freezer for 24hrs, then in the fridge covered with a terry cloth for another 24, then room temperature for 3 hours.
I've used track # 5 "Flamenco Sketches" as a tester for quite sometime now. I've probably listened to it hundreds of times. On first impression, the openning bass line was more immediate, snappier, and "woodsier". The trumpet then came on and the sound was definitely smoother, more body, and better focus. The sound overall, and pardon my inadequacy of capturing the changes, was livelier, more prat, smoother, more transparent, and better extentions at the top end. The one drawback that I've noticed is that there seems to be some loss at the bottom end.
I was very skeptical, and heard about this for quite some time now, but finally decided to give it a try. I'm not sure if the effect is permanent or if I will do this for all my cds, but there are definite noticeable changes. Anyone tried cryoeing a cd?

Associated equipments:
Bat Vk-d5
Bat Vk-5i
Belcanto Evo2
Merlins Vsm-m
Purist cables.
Bpt 3.5 Sig.
Prpixel, I am enjoying my system now more and more each day, and that's all that counts. If you feel better because your components cost a lot more, more power to you!..........Richard
Quote of Richard from

"Scott, I have a vintage sony str-v5 receiver with Walker Audio: super silver treatment on everything inside, some Sound Dynamics rts 9 speakers with gr-research gr-t2 tweeters and Sonicaps caps with super silver treatment, Bravo D2 DVD player with super silver treatment on everything inside, Dakiom feedback stabilizers with super silver treatment, hook up to everything, Mi-Rollers under everything"

This system is hardly "hi-end". The Bravo D2 DVD player has gotten ripped, both here and in the press, for it's incredible bad sonic performance. IMO, Sound Dynamics speakers are mid-fi at best.

In addition, on, you indicated that you took apart you speakers and froze the drivers. This can not be good for the rubber surrounds.

Richard, I do believe that you are here differences after freezing your equipment. The constant temperature changes have got to be doing a lot of damage to it.

Also, on, you said that the equipment doesn't matter and that you could achieve "hi-end" performance from tweaks alone. IMO, you can spend the rest of your life tweaking your equipment, but its going to take a lot of tweaking, a whole lot of tweaking, to get this system up to "high-end" standards. It would be cheaper and easier to just go out and buy some better equipment.
Ellery 911 wins!
I tried the tweak on some commercially purchased vegetables and orange juice. I taste tested them vs. fresh. I had a slight preference for the fresh stuff; not jaw-dropping, mind you, but it was a steal in this price range.
Sherod, go over to in the home theater talk Forum, my post, Freezer Tweak, I have my system listed there........Richard Patrick
If possible, please list all the components in your system. I would be curious as to the value of your investment.
Tireguy, if you don't want to freeze your cables then why don't you freeze one of your CD's and see how you like that. I did mine two time, for 24 hours in freezer and 24 hours in refrigator and then do it again, it sounded better that way, give it a try and let us know how you like it..........Richard