Footers- Break In? Such A Change.

So, I know components and cables break in and this has always been a source of mystery, not to mention the EE’s and the naysayers who believe firmly it is just not possible.

I am of the mindset based on my actual experience that electronics need power run through them for a time to perform their best. And that may mean hundreds of hours of electrical energy running through the item to fully form.

So, with this understanding I use this as the preamble to what I will describe next.

Footers. You know those little devices we put under our components, speakers etc., to isolate or stabilize the item.

Well, I must disclose that I have always been a tweaker and have tried many of the accessories we add to get the best out of equipment. I have also tried so many footers, many brands, types, even some DIY etc.

Critical Mass makes racks and footers. I have always wanted their racks, but due to my needed configuration just never have tried a rack. But I have tried the footers. The ones I have are called the Center Stage 2(CM2). I have them in the 1.0 and the 1.5 versions. There is also now a newer version called the 2M.

Anyway, these CM2’s is amazing. When you first place them under the equipment the music becomes dull, soundstage is narrow and the highs/lows are restricted. First comments you will have is; WTH?

But, wait about 7-10 days and these footers really open up and improve in all aspects that is important in sound reproduction.

How the heck a footer breaks in is amazing to me? The only thing that makes sense is that they must be adjusting to the weight that is on top of them and it takes that long to adjust.

Anyway, these are kinda relatively expensive but since the newer versions are now out perhaps you can grab some at a good discount. These will probably be the last footers I will ever own… Maybe?

I highly recommend them, even as strange as they are with break in.




do you think that the CMS LS footers for speakers will be better than the Townsend podiums under the speakers or have you compared those two?


I am not sure about the Critical Mass footers for speakers. However, with my new speakers: (Clarisys Minute, when they arrive) they may / or may not be an option, I’m not sure. The new speakers look to have aluminum feet so it may be a balancing act to use the Critical Mass LS footers.

But they are like $5K a set!


@sns : +1 Agreed. I've not experienced break in with any footersd I tried. However, repositioning them, even a 1/2 inch, could result in  a marked improvement or degradation of the music presentation. I currently am using Marigo Audio Mystery Feet throughout my system. Good listening. Jeff

Well, I just set up the Clarisys speakers. Whew they are heavy!

Anyway, I don't see any practical way to put Critical Mass LS footers or podiums underneath them.

Too bad someone doesn't make a footer that can double as a furniture mover disc.


The Center Stage 2m footers are extremely impressive. I’ve been through many footers: Nordost Sort Kones, Stillpoints and several other top footers. I previously used the Stillpoints, but read about these 2M footers (in TAS) and decided to get a set.

At this point, with the experience I’m having with them in the system, I’d rather keep my current electronics and just get two or three sets of footers. The substitution of better electronics would not, I fear, bring the music to Life in this way. Apparently, removing all vibration can yield some staggeringly great results. I can’t even imagine that if I went back to Jadis or VAC electronics that this same result could be achieved. One need look no further than playing a good recording of a particular singer, and be awestruck by how the voice sounds vastly more the way it does in life. I’d just played a Cleo Laine CD which was nearby, and in this, her return to Carnegie Hall (the album is 1975), her voice is quite lifelike in the way it "moves."

It’s too bad they’re so expensive. If they were only $700 instead of $1100, it still wouldn’t be an insubstantial purchase, but it would certainly allow a (slightly) wider set of people to hear what their electronics are truly capable of. And there would be substantially more benefit than one could get even by spending $5,000. Superb isolation has no substitutes. I would have been happy with the Stillpoints had I not heard about these babies and then tried them out (I like places with 60-day returns. It allows time to live with a component). And, having lived with them for a month? No way I could go back to anything less now. Except for (eventually) getting a new integrated and a pair of Magnepans 2.7i, I’m real good.

Try these little suckers out, but you must give them the full 10 days of putting some component on them and then not touching them or the component again. You cannot move them, even an inch or two, for at least the next 10 days. Fourteen would be better. Just put them under a component (any digital or even your line conditioner would be the best place to start), listen at the 1 day, 3 day, 7 day and 10 day mark. 10 is where it gets magical.  Oh, and you will not like how they sound at the beginning. You might even think something's wrong with your system. It's not. These things will make you wonder while they're going through whatever settling they do, though. So, expect it.




You are right on.

I just got some new very heavy (140lb ea.) amps and I waited until they were broken in before adding the CM footers. Now, with the footers underneath, they really add extra depth and realism. BTW, I have the CM under all my components.

I still don’t know what is inside them, perhaps some rich dude can take one apart? I’m hoping it isn’t just some glue and horsehair...LOL!


Expensive footers was always something I read about but never seriously considered. Until a few years ago I purchased one set of Stillpoints Ultra SS out of curiosity and it blew me away. Amp, DAC, even power distributor, it did not matter which component it went under, it brought a noticeable improvement to each of them.

The only problem I need another 5-6 sets to fully complete my system. An expensive proposition but one I will eventually get around to.

In the meantime Stillpoints released a V2 version of their footer line. Apparently giving 30-40% more performance.

The guys on Whatsbestforum has been big on the Critical Mass footers. The new CS2M, as Ozzy has. It's a bit of a PITA to have a 7-10 days settling time, it makes things hard to A-B compare, especially if things go so negative in performance during this period as has been reported.

I would like to know how the Stillpoints Ultra SS v2 and Ultra 2 compare to the CS2M 0.8 and 1.0 as they are price comparable.


Thank you for your post. I have tried the Stillpoints Ultra SS and they are good, but the Critical Mass footers are in a different league. Both companies now have revised versions, not sure if the gap has closed or widened.

BTW, I am also using the ISO-Acoustics Gaiai 1’s under my Clarisys planer’s.


I’m a Symposium user, so I’m not anti-platform or footer, but did you ever consider that the CMs make your system sound bad for a week and then maybe it just comes back to what is was originally?  But it sounds better now because it’s back to normal, which is great compared to the week of crap. 

+1 @ozzy The difference with good platforms is very distinct and quantifiable. Live Vibe platforms also have a break in period, but it is so worth it.


What you are talking about seems to be more akin to someone not assessing the improvements correctly. That is most assuredly not the case with the Center Stages. Their advance over most other footers is obvious after the 10 days. I suppose, as someone who has had Audio Research, Goldmund Jadis and other expensive components, that take weeks to pass their break-in point (in the ’80s, it would take continuous playing for weeks before the most exalted components showed their virtues), 10 days is not a long time to wait for a component to break in.

They remove a "step-ladder" type effect - and particularly in digital - that allows voices to sound vastly more organic and the mechanism (control of the throat, chest and diaphragm) the singer uses to achieve an effect (i.e., "bending a note") becomes vastly more obvious. And the use of the word "vastly" is not - in this case- hyperbole.

This is more akin to having a decent (but not great) amplifier, and then getting an amplifier that reproduces sound in a far more closer-to-live-than-before effect. One that reproduces musical improvements, such as hearing if a passage is played staccato instead of how it sounded before: portato (which would have been wrong), but the "noise" that covers up the spaces between the notes is quite a bit more present in lesser equipment. In fact, even some very, very good equipment is not great at distinguishing between staccato and portato effects.

As well, instruments have more "texture," so when a trombone plays, you clearly hear the "blatty" sound it makes. Or xylophones, where you can hear the actual physical properties of the xylophone, instead of just hearing "notes" that help you fill in the blanks - as it were -  that allow you to  identify that it is an xylophone, but that you could only do by  focusing to come to this conclusion, whereas, with the Center Stage 2ms, it is immediately obvious. It’s much more like it is in a symphony hall performance and I hear those quite regularly.

You would just have to hear them yourself to understand how far ahead they are of any of the Stillpoints (and I’ve had Ultra Minis, Ultra 5s, both generations). The sonics are just not comparable. But it is hard to describe some effects in print. Sometimes nothing will do except the live experience.

So, since I posted previously, I added the CMS TT footers, and upgraded 3 sets of the original CMS 1.0 footers to the 2M. 

The CMS turntable footers were installed under a TW Acustic Raven Anniversary replacing the upgraded Black Knight version feet which were an upgrade when I bought the table.  The improvement in terms of lower noise was immediately audible. 

I didn't really want to replace the 3 sets of original CMSs with the 2Ms under my front end equipment (ARC REF phono, line stage, and Luxman D10X player), but I tried just the line stage and Wow - I was hooked.  The improvement was as much again as I experienced with version 1!  I hate it, but I'll probably end up buying a bunch more.

These things are so amazing that they are not a "tweak". They are a must have.