First Tube amp suggestions

I am thinking of buying my first tube amplifier and really have no idea where to start.  Years ago I listened to a Sophia Electric  el34 amp (SET) driving a pair of Joseph Audio rm7si bookshelf speakers in a very well set up room and could not believe how sweet they sounded together for the price. (It really felt like James Taylor was in the room).  I regret that I never pulled the trigger on that system and do not know what a good entry level system would be nowadays.  I listen  mainly to male and female folk rock and an occasional classical or jazz album (Cd's and streaming from Tidal)  My current speakers are Triangle Borea BR03's  -90 db but am open to swapping them out. and the listening room is 14' x 20'.  There is a lot of internet chatter about low cost tube amps like the Reisong A12 and the mid priced Williston R8.  Are these amps worth buying or where should I start?  Thanks in advance!


The first tube amp foray for me was a Yaqiun MC13S - or something like that. It was a - I wonder if this is any good - moment. I still have it. 40 wpc push pull, El 34 design. Nothing bad to say about it other than it ran through power tubes pretty quick (1 tube yearly, tx runaway, pretty scary). It does not give the SET magic, but it was fine for 88db sensitive speakers. Lots of bass - though that could be the PP design as much as the manufacturer.  

That being said, it can’t match my Decware, Sophia Electric, or Tektron amps. It’s been relegated to bass duty in a bi-amped 5th system - for which it is perfectly suited. Sad to think of all those htz getting tossed.

I would consider long term and where you want to go with this - SET or not. Maybe take a look at Icon Audio. You can find similar designs, B stock or discounted sometimes. They are production type amps, but built to David Shaw’s specs. I had an issue with a European model being sent to me and he was dealing with it personally within a couple hours of reaching out. I also second Black Ice, although I too only know their Tube Dac and not their amps. 

Last word of warning.  You’re dipping a toe in uncharted territory. The worst that could happen is you enjoy it too much.

I'd start with speakers - buy something reasonably efficient used, either locally or from someone here or US Audiomart with a good reputation.

Next: While I don't know Black Ice tube amps, I love my Black Ice tube DAC so I can vouch for their quality/price/performance and customer service.


Aric Audio makes fantastic tube gear! Every piece is hand made, point to point wiring at an approachable price. Visit his site and/or call him.

If you think of changing speakers… I would start there. They are the first determinate of the overall sound of your system and will determine the kind and quantity of the rest of your system. It is usually best to think first as your system as a system, not a collection of


If you want beautiful, emotional, beautiful midrange with great imaging. I would audition an Audio Research I/50. It will power your speakers. I remember the first time I heard it… I just fell in love. I recently compared to Pass and Luxman… and I have a PrimaLuna integrated… I’m pretty sure it is the sound you are looking for. Even if it is not within your budget I recommend listening to one. It will give you a good reference point.


Of course there is PrimaLuna… but not nearly as engaging.

Great info and thanks for sharing.  I think the recommendations for Black Ice and LSA amps would be well worth looking into given your price target and what you’re looking for.  My best advice would be to read all the reviews you can, and best of luck. 

@soix I currently have an NAD C338 integrated.  My main goal is to try to get closer to a "holographic" soundstage that is not fatiguing.  My  system right now is not bad to my ears, I just want to try to take a next step towards that being in the room with the artist feel. My budget is $1,000 - $1,500 depending on if I keep my Triangles.


Before you buy anything watch this video about Black Ice Audio entry level tube amp:

I haven’t heard it, so can’t comment on it first hand… but I’ve been researching similar options for my dad who has expressed interest in an entry level priced tube integrated.

The LSA VT-70 sold by Underwood HiFi seems to get universal praise for the price….which is about $1200 I believe.

It’s a Chinese amp built by a former lead engineer at Line Magnetic (Chinese tube amps that also receive lots of praise)


I own the R8 as well as the Bro 3's. Works great and they are not harsh sounding. No need for a sub in my 15x15 room

What amp do you have now, what sound characteristics are most important to you and what specific improvements are you looking for, and what’s your budget?