Filling speaker cavities with cat litter

Any opinions on whether it is ok to fill speaker cavities meant for playground sand with a nontoxic unscented clay granule cat litter?
I didn't this question was asked in 2002, but I would suggest you use sand as it's less likely to absorb moisture and will be easier to remove.
my old proac response 3.5's have a lower area of the cabinet (below the drivers) that allow the user to sand fill

stuart tyler said in the manual to use dry sand for mass loading

but for my skylan stands i use landscaping gravel or rice as the grains are larger and will not leak through the tiny seams
I have Skylan speaker stands and cat litter was the recommended fill material. I chose playground sand, however, for more mass loading.
What about filling speaker stands with cat litter.  Ron on new record day said to do it and I am left scratching my head ?  Would it work ?
My cat loves the idea, that way he can sharpen his claws on the grill after he's had a good constitutional! He enjoys this most while listening to Ted (guns & glory but no brains) Nugent's; "cat scratch fever". I have this set up myself in my high end rock speakers with the 15" woofer (Sirwin Vega)
best holiday wishes
Rather than "playground" sand look for an industrial grade variety. I went with a Mesh 30 grade which was essentially the same price as the playground stuff. The difference is it's been screened to remove the larger pieces (a.k.a. pebbles), so is a bit denser by volume. The finer consistency includes a bit higher dust content on a percentage basis which should be consider when handling. It hasn't proven to be a problem otherwise.
On a more serious note there may be much better choices of filler. Check with Industrial Abrasives suppliers for some safer (than lead) alternatives such as glass beads or steel shot. Both are rather moisture resistant and come in numerous (small) sizes. Is there some reason you don't want to use playground sand? Other than the downside of it wanting to attrack moisture, it's very inexpensive and usually available at most home remodeling centers.
Is one of your tweeters not going outdoors? Or is your woofer pooping out? Maybe if you neutered or spayed your speakers first, you wouldn't have these problems.
Since this stuff is designed to absorb moisture, I would be concerned that it would be pretty sensitive to humidity.
I don't know,, that stuff gets pretty dusty.. I can see it know,,, guy buys a mint pr of speakers but something seems wrong.. He pulls the driver out and its full of clay dust not to mention what else he may find... Whats that smell?? Too funny
Depends on the purpose of filling the cavity and what the manufacturer advises. If the purpose is to add mass or keep the cabinet from flexing, maybe not. I use unscented kitty litter in metal speaker stands to damp the ringing. No need to add any weight to my stands and it works very well for that purpose.
I have tried this before, but once your cat craps in your speaker, you can never get the smell out of your listening room! Even if you don't have a cat, clay litter is too light to do any good. Lead shot is the way to go.