Eversolo DMP-A8 bypassing my preamp despite setting to fixed volume out

Fellow Audiogoners,


I’m at a loss for what’s going on in my system. I recently rearranged some of my components in my shelving and after reconnecting everything back up, I’m getting no ability to control volume with my preamp, AR Ref 5se.

Previously, my setup was Eversolo > Lampizator Amber 3 DAC via USB > AR Ref 5se via RCA > Bryston 14BSST2  via XLR > Aerial Acoustics 7T.

I was extremely happy with my sound quality and managed all volume control with the Ref 5se. That is, until last night. After removing/rearranging components and reconnecting everything, the Ref 5se has merely turned into a bypass unit. I can only control volume by way of the volume control of the Eversolo. 

To troubleshoot, I tried to restore the Eversolo to factory settings but no dice. I tried disconnecting the power from both Eversolo and Lampizator to allow a power cycle but no luck. I tried changing the settings within the Eversolo to allow volume pass through but no changes. Theoretically by enabling volume pass through, should disable the preamp section of the Eversolo and pass a signal only to the Ref 5 se. It’s not happening. It merely cranks the volume of the Eversolo to max (0) and my Ref 5se is set to zero volume and I still get max output from the Eversolo.

Ironically, when I turn off the Ref 5 se, all signal is lost. Hence the bypass only situation. To boot, I had never tampered with any of the Eversolo settings prior to rearranging my components. It was a simple turn on Eversolo, USB out to Lampizator and all volume control taken care of by whatever preamp was in place.

I’d appreciate any insights or help from anyone who may have experienced this situation. 



I don't have experience with that unit, but I would check to see if only one output from it can be bypassed.  I had a device once that had one specific output that could be set to unity gain.  


Thank you. I did check the other output settings previously and there was nothing to indicate that being a problem.

Also, after re-reading my initial post, I should clarify that I was only using the Eversolo as a streamer. I had tried the Eversolo onboard DAC/preamp functions when I first received my unit, but preferred the Lampizator DAC and outboard preamp. For anybody looking for either DAC, preamp or both, it’s a cool unit.

Do you have the Eversolo/ Lampi combo accidently plugged into the Processor input of the preamp.  That will act as you are describing.  


Thanks for the reply and I wish it were only that easy. I have different cables going to each respective input so that’s not it. 

As I continue to troubleshoot this, I tried my older Bluesound Node 2i. Same instance. The volume can only be controlled by the Bluesound app and when I go to fixed output, the volume maxes out and no response from the Ref 5se. I also tried swapping cables but to no avail.

I’m beginning to wonder if there’s an issue with the Lampizator. It’s the only common denominator I haven’t removed from the equation.

I seem to remember some Eversolo owners complaining about issues related to firmware updates. Did you install any update recently?

Yes Tony.   Still no recognition of my Dad's McIntosh USB DAC card.   I ended up buying him a nice quality Coax as the work around.   I'm waiting for the next batch of FW with fingers crossed.   Sounds like they already have a new version but his unit says " up to date"   

He's 81 , not sure how much longer he can wait !

Does the Eversolo recognize the Lampi and verify with a pop up of the USB status?

Thas why I suggested checking to see if the Lampi  RCA or XLR are going into the ARC's "Processor" input.  That will deliver a full 2 v or 4 v signal to the preamp and you will only be able to control volume through the streamer.  

If two devices can control volume through the Lampi in the digital domain then the Lampi is probably fine.   

You may want to restore the factory defaults on the ARC.  Turn volume on streamer down just to be safe when sorting it out 

Going to try a power cycle on the Ref 5se. Haven’t tried that yet. Even tried swapping some tubes in the Lampizator but still no luck. So frustrating because the sound had been so good.

I really appreciate all of the great suggestions. I’m hoping it was just a glitch while repowering up the Ref 5se. Never really factored in it as the common denominator. Would make sense. That would put all of this to bed. Will keep you all updated. Thanks again!

To try another test, plugged my CD player (Oppo BDP-103) direct to the CD input of the Ref 5se and same scenario. I made sure to double check the menu and set the volume to fixed output and still full volume as though the Ref 5se was bypassed. Volume was set to zero on the Reg 5se. I think I’ll be calling ARC tomorrow. This sucks!

Post removed 

So sorry to hear this @swhite007. There truly is nothing worse than reconnecting and having any type of issue. I can SO empathize😞! I have the Eversolo DMP-6 Master and absolutely LOVE it! Sounds like there may be some sort of setting on the DMP-8 that somehow changed during the reconnect? 

I wish you the best of luck my friend. I feel your pain all too well. Been there many times. Hang in there and keep trying.

2 things not so far mentioned and likely you have already tried this BUT:

Can you adjust volume via the Volume knob rather than the remote?

Are you sure you have not hooked up your power amp cables to the "record Out" outputs?

This one will.keep you up at night. Sorry to hear your problems. I also think the issue is likely related to the ref 5se. Good luck with it.

Sounds like something wrong with the ar 5se and only the 5se. Cause I have some experience with a dac come with the pre stage. You can just treat it as a pre or let’s call it pre-pre amp, like a phono pre with Potentiometer, or a preamp before an intergrated.

+1 Try to adjust the volume by the knob. It’s the only way to totally make sure the volume is ’’not adjustable’’ but not something wrong with the remote.

Good morning all!

Im very happy to report that the problem has been solved.

Thank you so much for all of your responses and suggestions again!

@alvinnir2  was crucial to me resolving my issue. It was a glaringly obvious misstep on my behalf when I hooked everything back up. While I was so focused on the issue being an input issue, it was all about the output. The Ref 5se is rather new to me and when I rearranged my components and reconnected, I reconnected my amp to the ‘record out.’ As soon as I read the response from @alvinnir2 when I awoke this morning, it hit me like a tone of bricks. I had disconnected everything before going to bed last night with the intent of working on a fresher brain this morning. Thank you s@alvinnir2 !

I am grateful for forums like this as there are so many awesome folks who take their personal time to share their experiences, wisdom, insights and opinions to aid in the betterment of the end user experience of others in their musical journeys. I thank you all for your contributions. As I sit here writing my response, I am blissfully enjoying some amazing music again. Cheers to you all and happy listening!



@swhite007 I suspect you have your amps plugged into the "record" output.  Switch to Main 1 or Main 2 and you should regain your hearing.