Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?

OK we all know what a merry-go-round audio can be. For those of us who are incessant upgraders, what components have you found that either have stopped or seriously curtailed your search for better?

For me its my Audio Tekne Cables and my vintage Classe DR3 amps (25 wpc high current class A design designed by Dave Reisch in the early days of the company). My Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s would probably fall into this category, but I would probably buy the next statement models that Roy Johnson builds sight unheard.

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The Talk Electronics Thunder 6 has taken the mystery out of what good digital can sound like. I truly believe I may not get tired of this player for a very long time regardless the power cable attached to it. Obviously anyone will praise their own equipment but the Talk player seems to have filled the gap between anticipation and wonder.
My Coincident Pure Reference Extremes matched with the Frankenstein 300b MkII. No reason for me to look any further.Now I get to sit back and listen :)

When I got my Pass X250/X1 combo I knew I had found my brand of amp. I since upgraded the x250 to an X250.5 and I had my X1 completely redone at Pass to update it to current. Pass gear has put an end to my search for electronics as did Talk Electronics with their Thunder 6 CD player. I've been waiting 8 years for this player and received it last year. I truly feel I may never require a new cd player again.
A intuitive long shot a couple years ago from Craig's List satisfied my long search for main's: A church had a pair of mid-1980's Yamaha SX-1 cathedral organ monitors that turned out to be the best self-powered main's I ever heard (after a few hours of old school re-conditioning).

Each has 320 watt SS amps, 15 inch bass drivers in the lower unit's, and three independently facing upper units (forward and L/R at 30 degrees), each loaded with one 6 inch mid and 2 ultra-smooth tweeters. I adopted them for keeps after auditioning the speakers' "voices". They're perfect for a 30 x 30 room.
Simaudio evolution series, specifically Supernova cdp and P-7 pre. W-5 amp will magically turn into a W-8 or W-7 mono's one day

I recently sent my MFA Lumi preamp and M120 amps to Mr.Scott Frankland for repairs and some upgrades. The Lumi was upgraded about as far as Scott could take it. The amps received more modest upgrades. The components now have a significant "wow" factor compared to before the mods/repairs. But wait, there's more....

And, per Scott's suggestion, I replaced the amp power tubes with Genalex KT 88 Gold Lion Reissues, and the amps have improved to yet another level.

Overall improvement is extraordinary. And this, in a system which sounded damn good before.

I've yet to seriously address room acoustics, but that's coming....
Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, Meridian. Truthfully, I think I am just on hold!!
Normansizemore, I too am in my 70s. Frankly, I am still having a ball with audio. I do really need my music, but I also enjoy the quest. I do have to curb by appetite for trying new components that seem to have promise as my income is now fixed although ample and given the times, old equipment is not easily sold.

I still get a real thrill when I experience a great performance that approaches sounding real where I am tempted to jump and shout "bravo."
Multicabling: Outperforms any other cable solution, no matter the price.

R2R: Lyrec. Best source of all sources....ever.

Tuner: Tandberg TPT 3001A.

PreAmp: Mark Levinson No 380s

Cassette deck: Tandberg TCD 910/911

CD: Doesn't really matter. Very restricted in quality due to the Redbook format.

Digital format or other sorts: The higher resolution, the better. So far 32BIT / 192 kHz

Speakers: Wilson Alexandria II

Power Amp: Working on it but for sure tubes in my combo.

TT: Working on it but for sure a belt driven well suspended with hanging subchassis in a plinth and straight radial arm

Paul4223 said, "Overall, my system is very musical and always a pleasure to listen to. What's next, is a serious look at room acoustic analysis and treatment."

Great idea, what do you plan to do? How are you going to analyze the the room? What do you think is important and why?

MFA Luminescence Pre, MFA Mono M120 Amplifiers. Chapman T-7 speakers comprise the core of my system. I can't imagine replacing the MFA elecronics. Nothing I've heard under $5K beats the Chapmans for overall musicality, although sometimes I wonder what my old Maggies would sound like powered by MFA.

I may upgrade the Rega P5 someday. The Shanling T1000 SE is a very nice CDP, esp. with a WE Tube upgrade to the tube output section.

I'm very pleased with my Anti-Cable speaker wires and for now, Audio Perfection IC's, but will soon experiment with some DIY IC's, made from 20 AWG magnet wire and 28 AWG solid silver. All into basic Neutrik plugs.

After experimenting with a number of different footers, cones, etc, I've found Herbie's Tenderfeet and IsoCups to work most excellently in my system. I am using some DIY feet under the Rega, made from modified Barry units and they do sound much better than the stock Rega rubber feet. I may try BDR 4's under the table.

Overall, my system is very musical and always a pleasure to listen to. What's next, is a serious look at room acoustic analysis and treatment.
There is always " Bigger, Better, Faster" out there but I don't find myself wanting with my Pass X250.5 and Pass X1 Preamp. My Hales, moddified as they are, just sound right. My Talk Electronics CD player is a good sounding player. It's too bad they are not yet strongly represented in my part of the world.
I'd look for their new stuff if it were available.I'm sure with money I could do better but in truth I'm satisfied. Especially when I got over cable issues by putting Cardas Golden Reference all around and Tekline power cables which stopped a lot of searching. I'm playing with toys now but when I want to listen to music in my favorite way I go upstairs to my Pass Hales system.
The Audioengine A5 speakers are a fun way to build a listenable system for the price of an ipod and $325.
Man... you guys make me feel like an old fart! I am stuck in the 70's... still loving my Citation 17 preamp, Citation 16A amp, Dual 1229 turntable (with Grace 747 tonearm) Sony TC-755 reel to reel and Advent 201A cassette deck. Oh, almost forgot my Nakamichi OMS 4 CD player. (never use it) Speakers are Sandy Gross' Definitive Techology BP-10s.
Now I need a glass of Scotch... Awesome systems all of you... but I just love mine.. Buy one you like and keep it.
I have been content for 4 or more years with my mid 90's Krell/B&W nautilus system. I stopped looking on the web or stores for upgrades in that time. I am currently revamping my audio/video "theater" room right now only to incorporate a 106" screen and projector. I am still very happy with the audio portion and that makes the video upgrade more affordable. I recently went to a local store and they were using a similar system in their $100K custom theater so I knew then all I needed was the big screen. I will only tweak here and there for possible improvements. It's been a very long journey to get these results but well worth it.
Sorry're right it is a passive pre-amp. I'm new here and I had put a subject header on my post naming the Music First Audio TVC (Copper). I'll know to keep all my text in the 'Your response' box from now on!!!
Frank 115, we're having a contest to try to figure out what piece you're talking about!! Funky, retro styling, can't break transparent--any more clues? :~) Sounds like a passive pre?
Fantastically transparent, extremely silent, both XLR and RCA equipped.

Love its funkiness, retro style and the fact that theres nothing to break!

Does this still count if I'm curious about the silver-wired version???
Thank God, I never reached this conclusion. I was satisfied for five years with ARC and Infinity ServoStats and for three years with Beauhorns. Most stuff, however, has a shorter life-span.
When I put on Tekline power reference power cables on myy system nmy search for power cables which seemed to be nonending hadactually ended. Upon listening to the Tekline reference cable on akll components including my Hydra I no longer get the itch to try new power cables. I am a power cord junkie self acclaimed and although iève lost the itch to find better power cables in a sense i feel let down as i no longer have the powere cables to fuss about, get obseessed with and sometimes get a fever over. Two days after putting tekline Cables , the reference series on my system my power cable search had ended. I sold cords that were 4 times the price of the Teklines but as far as getting the best sound out of my gear.b The Tekline have given me a completely different outlook on power cables. There is a point where there is good enough and it isnèt at the expense of some of the cables out there. You do not need spoend $3500 per cable to acheive good sound as far as power cables are concerned. The tekline took my Ècomponent of choiceÈ to obsess about away and for the past few momnths Iève been enjoying the music. I forgot it was about the nmusoic when i got tyo obbssessed with power cables. Teklines Reference cables lead me back to the music. Thanks again Scott. You the man!!
Museatex Bitstream DAC upgraded by John Wright (including PS upgrades). I really don't care how much better digital can get because I am totally satisfied.
my Esoteric P3 transport and D5 dac. I am going to use these until they stop working (hopefully many many moons from now).
The Mighty Klipschorn... I never stop 'looking'...I look just for fun...but if I ever hear a speaker that I like better overall than a Khorn, I will purchase it immediately!
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Yep, there is significant growth and demand for American products for that very reason. My latest purchases are 100% made in USA.....and most from smaller companies, which are easier to deal with, more flexible, very helpful and offer excellent quality products at very attractive prices.
The weak US dollar has stopped me from looking for anything but US or Chinese made.
Sometimes I read these older posts I've made and they just make me laugh. I've changed my entire system since the last time I posted, which was over 3 yrs. ago.

I guess as long as there's gear out there to try, I'll keep trying it. For me, that's part of the hobby, so I'll change my story to still looking!
Sunglasses........but they have to come off sometimes. That is when the light hit you in the face, Then you are blinded for a while and trip over your new huge amps or cables.
The Von Schweikert MK4jrs. They should take me all the way for my sons going into and than out of college.
Gain skill in TT building and design made me stop looking at any turntables out there.

Dodd audio made me stop looking at preamps.

Consonance Cyber 800 modify by Bob Backert stop me from searching for new tube power amp.

AAD 2001 monitors end the search for small speakers for second system. As well as RWA amp to go with it.

I am still looking for better speakers (for the $$$$) then Vandersteen Quatro. No luck so far.
given most of the equipment listed isn't exactly as old as the family dog, i think its safe to say not many in this hobby have been married to anything.
Dynaudio sapphires!

Running them with the Sim audio I-7 integrated and Supernova CD player. Will not upgrade the Supernova, however the I-7 may turn into a P-8 and W-7 amp later down the road...
For me it would be my transport/DAC combo. It is a CEC TL51x with a Wadia 12 DAC. It may not be the worlds best and not the most expensive. But I think for me it is the best I will ever be able to afford.
Intuitive Design Delta Summits
Intuitive Design Coordinate amps
Granite Audio 657 CDP
Joseph Chow from Audio Horizons power cords. Very neutral, and just the most natural sounding cord. So I screwed it up and added Oyaide plugs, this has been a huge improvement, along with his amazing Dimension interconnect. This interconnect beat out the Acoustic Zen Silver Matrix for my cd player to pre-amp. I could not get Joseph to sell me another dimension interconnect as they are still in design stage....but WOW!! I kept the Zen Matrix Reference ll for the amp/pre-amp connection. Also my AR Classic 30 loudspeakers, I still love my BAT cd player, but I would buy Joseph's tube DAC in a second!
B&W 800D driven by Krell 300i.
Quad 988 driven by MC12 + LX-5 + RT-10 + Marantz 720p DLP.
Martin Logan CLS. It comes as know surprise that I vote the Martin Logan CLS.

Physically beautiful. Sonically stunning. Reasonbly priced. When the dust settled most (if not all)of its' shortcomings could be attributed to associated gear. It is the tweakers dream because it reveals almost every change upstream.

It remains the star of my system and everything else is the supporting cast.

Gayle Sanders should enjoy his retirement because he has left quite a legacy.
Maggie 3.6r driven by manley 250 tube power amp and Audible Illusions pre- amp and Super Njoe Tjoeb Cd player
When I got some nice Sylvania 6SN7 tubes for my Rogue 99
amd my Sophia 300B, that was the end of road. I don't know if my system could sound any better, using the current equipment. Audio Bliss.

The equipment that has made me stop looking are the following:

(01). Adcom GFP-750 Active/Passive Line Stage Control Amplifier.

(02). Adcom GFA-545 MkII Power Amplifier (until it died last year...... Replaced with the Adcom GFA-5400, my system hasn't sounded the same ever since..... I may go on the hunt and see if I can locate another GFA-545 MkII sometime soon).

(03). Magnum Dynalab FT-101 FM Tuner.

(04). MITerminator 2 Interconnects and Speaker Cables.

Damn..... That's half of my system right there.... That being said, I guess I am halfway off the "merry-go-round", right????


P.S. Oh yes, you can add my Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures to the mix as well.....