Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?

OK we all know what a merry-go-round audio can be. For those of us who are incessant upgraders, what components have you found that either have stopped or seriously curtailed your search for better?

For me its my Audio Tekne Cables and my vintage Classe DR3 amps (25 wpc high current class A design designed by Dave Reisch in the early days of the company). My Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s would probably fall into this category, but I would probably buy the next statement models that Roy Johnson builds sight unheard.

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Showing 6 responses by mitchb

When I put on Tekline power reference power cables on myy system nmy search for power cables which seemed to be nonending hadactually ended. Upon listening to the Tekline reference cable on akll components including my Hydra I no longer get the itch to try new power cables. I am a power cord junkie self acclaimed and although iève lost the itch to find better power cables in a sense i feel let down as i no longer have the powere cables to fuss about, get obseessed with and sometimes get a fever over. Two days after putting tekline Cables , the reference series on my system my power cable search had ended. I sold cords that were 4 times the price of the Teklines but as far as getting the best sound out of my gear.b The Tekline have given me a completely different outlook on power cables. There is a point where there is good enough and it isnèt at the expense of some of the cables out there. You do not need spoend $3500 per cable to acheive good sound as far as power cables are concerned. The tekline took my Ècomponent of choiceÈ to obsess about away and for the past few momnths Iève been enjoying the music. I forgot it was about the nmusoic when i got tyo obbssessed with power cables. Teklines Reference cables lead me back to the music. Thanks again Scott. You the man!!
There is always " Bigger, Better, Faster" out there but I don't find myself wanting with my Pass X250.5 and Pass X1 Preamp. My Hales, moddified as they are, just sound right. My Talk Electronics CD player is a good sounding player. It's too bad they are not yet strongly represented in my part of the world.
I'd look for their new stuff if it were available.I'm sure with money I could do better but in truth I'm satisfied. Especially when I got over cable issues by putting Cardas Golden Reference all around and Tekline power cables which stopped a lot of searching. I'm playing with toys now but when I want to listen to music in my favorite way I go upstairs to my Pass Hales system.
The Audioengine A5 speakers are a fun way to build a listenable system for the price of an ipod and $325.
When I got my Pass X250/X1 combo I knew I had found my brand of amp. I since upgraded the x250 to an X250.5 and I had my X1 completely redone at Pass to update it to current. Pass gear has put an end to my search for electronics as did Talk Electronics with their Thunder 6 CD player. I've been waiting 8 years for this player and received it last year. I truly feel I may never require a new cd player again.
The Talk Electronics Thunder 6 has taken the mystery out of what good digital can sound like. I truly believe I may not get tired of this player for a very long time regardless the power cable attached to it. Obviously anyone will praise their own equipment but the Talk player seems to have filled the gap between anticipation and wonder.
Pass Labs electronics have kept the itch at bay for 18 years now. My Hales T5’s are not being replaced any time soon. The only thing I have changed over the years is digital gear, headphone gear and cables. 
My Audio Art Statement e2plus power cables are as nice as I can imagine. I would probably have to spend thousands of dollars per cable to better them and at that I can’t imagine. I think I’m good to stop looking at power cables.