Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?

Putting security and personal safety issues aside, do you share with others how much you have invested in your system?

I can see cases when we share with those who are generally interested what the "tariff" is for superb audio reproduction. Or, those who are already know how tall you have to be to ride the ride.

Can you think of any other reasons (accountants, lawyers, insurance, etc)? Afterall, when your spouses second cousin pulls in the driveway in their Minivan, bragging about fact that you have $10k invested in cables may not be the best way show common interests?

What say you?


I only tell the people that have enough money themselves to not think I'm crazy.  Or don't tell the ones that may think I may think I am better than them because I can spend that on a stereo.  Most often I just say, more than the cars I could afford in my younger days.  

I own Coda, Legacy, Marantz, Anthem, Furman, Teac.  Radio Shack 12 Ga. speaker wire. 

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's a case by case situation based on the vibe I'm getting from them at the time.

I'll share prices with visitors. Then I say 'how much is a fishing boat? nice set of golf clubs? snowmobile? rolex? do they get asked prices? moreover: fishing? golf? yuk.' 

All part of my charm offensive. 

99% of people wouldn't care and would just think you're out of your mind spending outrageous sums of money on some archaic piece of equipment like a turntable.or, even better, power cables. Best to keep those sort of thoughts to yourself.

Also, it might not be good to share your system cost with people that know how to listen either. I remember perhaps 2 good sounding systems costing over $100k that I've heard in the past 25 years. It would be slightly embarrassing to throw out a impressive sounding price tag for your system only for your visitors to not be too impressed with the actual sound of your system. Better to let them listen for themselves and have them ask questions about your equipment choices.

A big part of that is that the listening room matters a lot. Getting that right could be far more expensive than any other part of the system.

I do not tell everyone the cost of my equipment, just what equipment I own. Most sites have an info page to list your equipment so you know what level the audiophile has equipment wise, Audiogon does not.

"I do not tell everyone the cost of my equipment, just what equipment I own." 

Huh? Isn't that the same thing?


@fisher_400 you can list your equipment on your system page here, everyone does - who chose to post it. I don't know what you are talking about? You mean links? You can post links here too.

I just stick a yellow posty on each piece of equipment and cables with cost. (-: 

I use refurbished vintage gear from the 60s that makes music as well as modern systems costing a lot more. On a good day, there's not much that can beat it in some areas. 

Only if they ask. And I only point my fingers. Which likely makes them put a price in the 100s. Which is fine with me 😉🤷‍♂️

I've told no-one, despite being repeatedly asked by:  my wife, my brother, friends etc

Some prices can easily be researched.  Any fool can google the current price of a 3-way ATC speaker (SCM40).  But no way am I telling anyone I spent £1500 on a USB cable - I still can't believe it myself, to be honest.

Over a few beers I came perilously close to telling a friend how much I'd spent.  He plays in one of the UK's best orchestras and loves his music, though barely has 2 cents to rub together.  He said he understands how important music is to me, but I really couldn't rub his nose in my wanton spending.

I justify it by remembering it's a hobby which brings me pleasure and a respite of the soul.  Plus, the money I spent (£20k) was inherited, and being slowly eaten by 10% inflation, and flatlined equity markets.

I just wish I could now stop.  

@zufan - it's a good point regarding the other luxuries.  I partly funded my system by selling my Omega after I realised I'd spend more servicing it than I had on buying it 15 years ago.   

Think of those who might spend 50k on a Porsche, then only drive it around town at 30mph