Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

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Can I only use the original silly putty or can I use some of the newer glow in the dark types? If I mix it with graphene will it work better? Graphene seems to make everything audio better?Β 
Uh, oh, looks like someone just experienced the famous glubson wit and irony. In fact this whole thread has become a study in wit. Or half of one anyway.
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I think aj-s is like any other great inventor. She/he had a moment of ingenious spark and could not recognize it her/himself. I suggest that all of us build upon it.
Are you telling me the best idea anyone had on this thread was a scam? Well, color me impressed!Β 
Dialectic, dielectric, Scalextric, it's all good.

Wasn't there a set of matching components a while ago that used solid bus bars instead of cable interconnects?

"Bunch of idiots the lot of you are..."
Don’t be so harsh. We just thought you were a credible expert. And now you are telling us you are not and we are idiots to trust you. That is a pity, your idea seemed theoretically sound.

On a good side of it, now that we know that we should not trust you, we will not trust your statement that we are idiots.

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Can u measure a narrow soundstage?
You may be asking this question on wrong forum. I suspect that the forum inhabited by guys who invented those ambiance modes many receivers and cell phones have had for the longest time would be a better place to ask. Those guys might have figured out some mathematical way to make you feel that soundstage is narrow, wide, etc. Maybe they also have an idea how to measure it. You know those modes "stadium", "church", "jazz club", and so on. They do not base that on cable burn-in so maybe there is a way around it. It may be worth asking if they know how to measure it. Here, we can discuss Engels, excretory functions, and some other topics.
The meaning of this thread is to learn as much as we can about speaker cable burn-in. We are getting there. Progress is slow, but I am not losing hope. It has been getting more interesting over the last 20-30 posts.

Karl Marx, allegedly, did not wash himself that often.Β 
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Marx quotes,

β€œTime flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.”

β€œI've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it.”

β€œI never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.”
Didn't Marx say cable makers will sell the cables that we will hang them with? Their necks will show evidence of burn in.
Karl Marx being a communist, naturally he would like
to things that can commune together, like getting along.
In that sense all these - air? Unobtanium? Dark matter?
Event horizons? should have a common origin therefore
they should follow the same burn in principle.
Dialectical materialism, or the angle of the dangle is....πŸˆπŸ’©
Geoff: Now you’re talking my language! I wonder if there’s a dialectic with faster break in properties than air? Unobtanium? Dark matter? Event horizons?
What does Marx have to say about their electrical properties?
I think I am going to side with the non-believers.
I found out that there is a cable burn in devil
behind of this bs. The devil has been able to command
all the cable manufacturers and millions of audiophiles
around the world to perpetuate this burn in myth.
The non-believers should be admired for standing up
to this evil.
Come on, boys, hit a thousand posts. You can do it. I'm rootin' for ya.

Oh, shoot, almost forgot, burn-in is real.


Burn in is real. Ive heard it many times. And no we don't have the test equipment that can analyze not just what our ears hear but how the brain processes the information. How did this all start? Because people started hearing changes in the sound and the term burn in was coined. I can't make it more clear until we have sophisticated enough equipment that can test in the realm of our brain process. You just can't sweep all this under the rug.
That’s interesting. If I recall correctly Michael Green of Tuning fame sometimes bakes cables and lots of other things in the oven, controlling temperature and time, obviously. I tried it with some CDs a few years ago and think I heard an improvement. I’ll try again today at 200 F for ten minutes maybe even twenty minutes. So, I guess you never know. Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven. πŸͺ πŸͺ πŸͺ

of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the home freezer (48 hrs) can provide a big percentage of real cryo treatment, not only for metals but almost anything you can think of - CDs, LPs, CD players, cones, power cords, cassettes (!), Blu Ray discs, HDMI cables, etc.
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Just hold your nose whilst eating, Flyboy. Problem solved! πŸ˜›
Nothing worse than the smell of Kat πŸ’© in the morning....πŸ˜–
A vacuum would be faster. Maybe Flyboy has some to spare. 🚌 😴
Air is definitely directional. Anyone who walked out around here today would tell you so. It did change directions from time to time, but was it windy.
Geoff: Now you’re talking my language! I wonder if there’s a dialectic with faster break in properties than air? Unobtanium? Dark matter? Event horizons?

And, is air directional?
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