

Discussions blueranger has started

Source for resistors for an acoustech/sutherland phono preamp174816
Inside the Iso Acoustics mechanism686450
Does your system sound change with the seasons?13923
Does your system sound change with the seasons?13663
My battle with sibilance.1175168
Just what percentage of digital artifacts removed17177
Mega dollar systems. 200k on up. What are their professions?544353
My best retort to those that think we listen to our stereos more than the music350942
Phone preamp goes click click click.11622
Rush" DMM is awesome.20262
What's your definition of an audiophile?225441
My thoughts on TT isolation methods.590252
Record Doctor cleaning fluid beads up13603
Room temperature and audio fidelity.9804
My venture into the world if demagnitizing vinyl. Your results may vary.221324