Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?


"Bunch of idiots the lot of you are..."
Don’t be so harsh. We just thought you were a credible expert. And now you are telling us you are not and we are idiots to trust you. That is a pity, your idea seemed theoretically sound.

On a good side of it, now that we know that we should not trust you, we will not trust your statement that we are idiots.

Dialectic, dielectric, Scalextric, it's all good.

Wasn't there a set of matching components a while ago that used solid bus bars instead of cable interconnects?
Are you telling me the best idea anyone had on this thread was a scam? Well, color me impressed!Β 
I think aj-s is like any other great inventor. She/he had a moment of ingenious spark and could not recognize it her/himself. I suggest that all of us build upon it.
Post removed 
Uh, oh, looks like someone just experienced the famous glubson wit and irony. In fact this whole thread has become a study in wit. Or half of one anyway.
Can I only use the original silly putty or can I use some of the newer glow in the dark types? If I mix it with graphene will it work better? Graphene seems to make everything audio better?Β 
Post removed 
"Why does placing speaker cables in a pot of boiling water sound like lunacy to me but NOT to you?"
Well, I see you are new around here. Stay for some time, follow cable threads, mix with fuse threads, and you will start believing in your own theories, too. You will surely get a following. Become like, you know, Cablevangelist.

"How naive and gullible can one be?"
Apparently a lot. Still, regardless of how naive you may or may not be, do not tell people they are idiots. It is not a good idea.
I still think a large part of burn in is in the connectors. Hence contact enhanchers work but OMG the na sayers there is burn in there too!!! 24 hours
Ha, ha! Β A lawyer dies and stands before St. Peter, who sits at a high desk with the big book. The lawyer says he wants to be admitted to heaven, and St. Peter says you must answer one question, truthfully. The lawyer smiles. St. Peter says how old are you, and the lawyer replies, 76. St. Peter flips through the big book, screws up his face, and says according to your billing sheets you are 105!

Riddle. What do you call a lawyer who’s up to his neck in wet cement?Β 

Answer: Not enough cement.Β 
So, a quack engineer dies and goes to Hades, where, because he is such a quack, he is given his choice of tortures. Room after room he rejects as too awful. Finally, Satan shows him to a room where people are standing in crap up to their chins, drinking coffee. Ah, I’ll take this one says the quack! Β Satan hands the quack an empty cup, shoves him into the crap and shouts excitedly, β€œCoffee break is over, heads down!”

To help explain burn in, its like having faith. Like religion. Science can't prove the existance of God or burn in. Its what we hear that we believe in. Its not tangeable or touchable. Its what we hear.
I don’t want to miss out on the lawyer jokes so here goes:

Why did God make snakes before lawyers?
Because he needed the practice.
Why did God make snakes before lawyers?
Because he needed the practice.

Not funny.
A better one would be:
Why did God make snakes and lawyers?
So they have friends.

You just made the firmest case against burn-in that has been posted around here.

It seems there are no lawyers on this thread. At least no defense lawyers.
There are very few criminal defense lawyers. The defense bar, on the civil side, is quite large. Hisssssss! Β 
The real question is, would Einstein be on board the burn-in train? πŸš‚ Β Recall Einstein was not (rpt not) on board the quantum mechanics train. He missed that train. Even thought he won the Nobel prize for the photoelectric effect, which is pure quantum mechanics.
So I am not the only one to doubt Einstein as the biggest science star that we made him into?
"There are very few criminal defense lawyers."
I have a feeling that andy2 would disagree. He might say there are way too many of them.
no difference for breakin or direction.
variable AC exhibits skin effect and parrallel capactive coupling in all speaker wires proportional to frequency carried. 0-20khz is no problem.
only when you go a few 100khz do standing and reflected waves impact a

While resistivity of a wire can impede the flow of current and make heat, the inductance of a wire/transmission line can also impede the flow of current but this impedance does not create heat since the energy is ’lost’ in creating a magnetic field rather than exciting electrons in the material. This impedance is called Reactive impedance in AC Circuits. We used the word ’lost’ however the power is not truly lost, it is used to create the magnetic field and it returns when the magnetic field collapses.

2.) Skin Effect:
In AC power electrons like to flow on the outside of a wire. This is because the changing of current back and forth causes eddy currents that result in current crowding toward the surface.

Skin Depth

Skin depth is a fixed number for given frequency, resistivity and permittivity. The higher the frequency of AC power in system, the more current is compressed on the outside of the wire, so a wire that is used at 60 Hz at a given voltage will not be ok at 200 MHz. Engineers must always have the skin effect in mind when designing circuits. See the wikipedia site for the formula used to calculate the skin depth.
Above: engineers overcome skin effect by by using insulated stranded wire. If you make the individual strands equal to one skin depth, most of the current flows in the entire cross section and you use all of the copper. The downside is your wire must have a larger diameter as you need all the extra space for insulation. As the wire strands get smaller in diameter, and the insulation stays the same thickness, the ration of copper area to insulation can become less than one, then you will have more insulation than copper in the winding or cable.

Β current traveling on the outside of each strand. This gives more surface area as a whole and allows for a large amount of current to travel through.

wires carring ability.
I have a feeling that andy2 would disagree. He might say there are way too many of them.

I have nothing against lawyers.Β  Only the ones I know of.
So I am not the only one to doubt Einstein as the biggest science star that we made him into?

Don't put words in my mouth. I think Einstein deserves to be the big science super star ⭐️ he is simply for turning Newtonian physics on its head. He gets a pass on any mistakes he might have made.
Ok one more time. Explain to me when I accidentally cooked my ICs in my cable cookers speaker cable setting they sounded aweful. Lifeless, narrow soundstage and dull. They finally relaxed back (for a better term) out after a week. Hemigreg explain that?
now that this thread has been up well over a month, wondering if gawdbless is hearing any changes in his new/used cables...
I was also wondering should we look for gawdbless who is missing in action. He did it to us. Burned us all.