Thanks Steve, I have enjoyed making these and experimenting with different wires and dielectric's. Your efforts in keeping the knowledge base accessible is appreciated.
DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Apologies for the delay, but it’s been very difficult to find a FREE platform to host the Helix DIY AIR Cable content that works with minimal hassle.
The cost of running the original web site was getting expensive, so I had to pull the plug on it
The new content detailed below consists of a series of PDF files that are derived from the web site content.
- It takes a little time to load the PDF files - My apologies - but it is FREE
- HyperLinks within the test will not work - my apologies - but it is FREE
- You will see other files in the GitHub interface that were also derived from the Web Site, but they are not formatted correctly - my apologies - but it is FREE
- Please use the files below - they will serve as the new pont of reference going forward
A special Thanks to Mikhail for hosting the PDF files on GitHub - very much appreciated
Please feel free to copy the PDF files for your own use or distribute to others - OR - you can just access the content from the links below.
Going forward...
- the content will not be modified and serve as a base level design.
- I have no plans to develop these cables any further, since the materials I identify appear to provide the optimum performance i.e. for my ears
- If you want to run ideas by me then post them here
- if you wish to share your own modifications and benefits then please post them here.
- If you have any questions, then post them here
Below are the sections from the web site that applies to the Helix DIY cable designs
THE HELIX IMAGE Power Cable.pdf
The HELIX IMAGE Interconnect RCA and XLR.pdf
The HELIX IMAGE Speaker Cable.pdf
Cable Science - Some Basics.pdf
The Significance of Cable Architectures.pdf
Hope this provides the information that people were looking for
Regards Steve
One thing I forgot to mention - the Audiogon Private Messaging feature...
Many Thanks - Steve |
@noromance - the purpose of the helix neutral is two fold #1...
Some say this is negligable, but at each "stage" that noise is amplified and as such creates a significant problem by the time it reaches the speakers. The speakers have the highest voltages, so they make the biggest impact to the neutral side of the amplifier On the power cable side of things - any noise on the neutral permates through the entire system via the attached components and contributes greatly to system wide noise issues #2...
Yes - Noise rejection is very good, both from external sources and internal cable signal induced noise
Hope that helps - Steve |
@williewonka Thanks for taking the time to answer. |
@williewonka Many thanks for bringing back the information. |
@williewonka Thank you for providing a valuable service to the audiophile community. I've been making the power cables for years using various types of wire and gauges of that wire, just exceptional PC's. This in comparison to PC's II've owned and others I had borrowed from lending library at CableCompany, these at many price levels, up to $7k for six foot runs, accounting for inflation likely at least $10k in today's dollars. What amazes is the seemingly complete absence of dynamic restriction, add amazingly low noise floor, windowless transparency, and then you can tune via the wire, guage of wire and AC connectors. Really, just a perfect AC cable, sold off vast majority of my AC cables from well known manufacturers, full loom of these, done with cabling for good. |
@williewonka Do you have the “Inside The Helix Geometry” article? I’m looking for the information on “The direction” of the Helix for the wire. Can’t seem to find it in any of the pdf you have posted. |
@red4765 I made a wiki article: |
Thanks @zlib |
@zlib - the answer to your questions are ...
In reality, the signal passing through the signal wires causes a connected component to vary the current drawn in the 5V supply line - this in turn cause very small fluctuations in voltage and the combintion can cause very small degradation of the signal passing through the signal wires. IF your ears are extremely sensitive, then you may hear a difference between using OFC for the 5v line and one using OCC copper for the 5V line. Hope that helps - Steve
@mpower1001 - seems our PM thread has been locked Take a look at this thread for details on the DIY Helix Cables - see the first post for links to PDF files containing construction details Regards - Steve |