Directionality of wire

I am a fan of Chris Sommovigo's Black Cat and Airwave interconnects. I hope he does not mind me quoting him or naming him on this subject, but Chris does not mark directionality of his IC's. I recently wrote him on the subject and he responded that absent shunting off to ground/dialectric designs, the idea of wire directionality is a complete myth. Same with resistors and fuses. My hunch is that 95% of IC "manufacturers", particularly the one man operations of under $500 IC's mark directionality because they think it lends the appearance of technical sophistication and legitimacy. But even among the "big boys", the myth gets thrown around like so much accepted common knowledge. Thoughts? Someone care to educate me on how a simple IC or PC or speaker cable or fuse without a special shunting scheme can possibly have directionality? It was this comment by Stephen Mejias (then of Audioquest and in the context of Herb Reichert's review of the AQ Niagra 1000) that prompts my question;

Thank you for the excellent question. AudioQuest provided an NRG-10 AC cable for the evaluation. Like all AudioQuest cables, our AC cables use solid conductors that are carefully controlled for low-noise directionality. We see this as a benefit for all applications -- one that becomes especially important when discussing our Niagara units. Because our AC cables use conductors that have been properly controlled for low-noise directionality, they complement the Niagara System’s patented Ground-Noise Dissipation Technology. Other AC cables would work, but may or may not allow the Niagara to reach its full potential. If you'd like more information on our use of directionality to minimize the harmful effects of high-frequency noise, please visit or the Niagara 1000's owner's manual (available on our website).

Thanks again.

Stephen Mejias


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I can't breathe anymore, Y'all stop. My belly hurts. I love geoffkait and his superb command of the soon to be superfluous dictionary and thesaurus. His products are well thought out and back to the future when "since I don't use my brain, do I really need my brain" will be a common dilemma. His products will satisfy the masses. Keep it rolling geoffkait. 
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Teo, you say very stupid things. Everybody does, or should know, quantum electrodynamics is the governing theory on how electronics work. At least Geoff makes me laugh.


Teaming up with Michael Dickey at North Carolina State University, they recently discovered that liquid metal electronics are not only useful for stretchable circuit wiring but can also be used to make electrical switches. These fluidic transistors work by opening and closing the connection between two liquid metal droplets. When a voltage drop is applied in one direction, the droplets move towards each other and coalesce to form a metallic bridge for conducting electricity. When voltage is applied in a different direction, the droplets spontaneously break apart and turn the switch to open. By quickly alternating between an open and closed and open switch state with only a small amount of voltage, the researchers were able to mimic the properties of a conventional transistor.

Any questions?
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His silence is deafening on this, could it really be? 

Geoff if your reading.
Yes you can stay silent and not be punished and we’ll never know.
But honestly are you one? It would explain quite a bit.

Cheers George
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Just don't call him a Scientologist.

Geoff, no joking around now, are you one of those?

Cheers George 
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The Teo wire is , to me, some of the easiest wire to identify. It is very dense sonically, and normally this means a veil over everything, but in this case the mids, and highs are very clear. It has a sort of old tube sound.

If you like the effect or not is a personnel decision.

TEO audio  I tried your wire and it  sounded no different than regular wire. 
Oh, please! Why would I report you? You entertain me. I suspect Georgie Boy. He seems like the jealous type. 😡 Let’s not fight, boys. I blush easy.

I think it's funny how when Geoffkait doesn't like my posts he reports them.
Yeah the forum police must be over him, then he is 75 going on 40

Cheers George 
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I guess some of you do not realize that interconnects do not flow a DC current in only one direction. Analogue audio signals are alternating current. The electricity moves back and forth, like the sound waves from your speakers. Directional fuse? Give me a break! If you use balanced interconnects, think about why?

>>>>>Sorry, all wire is directional in both DC circuits and AC Circuits. If you have trouble visualizing it I can draw you a picture, in the case of wire and fuses in AC circuits you can ignore the electricity flowing towards the wall outlet. That direction is not audible. The only direction that affects the sound is the direction pointing toward the speakers. That’s why most audiophiles report that fuses and cables sound better in one direction than the other.  Even power cords are subject to the rule of directionality, as the dude from Audioquest points out for his new Hurricane power cord. 

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I guess some of you do not realize that interconnects do not flow a DC current in only one direction. Analogue audio signals are alternating current. The electricity moves back and forth, like the sound waves from your speakers. Directional fuse? Give me a break! If you use balanced interconnects, think about why?
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It never ceases to amaze that their are always naysayers who never tried product X, or in this case Machina Dynmica products. Either you can't hear, or don't want to investigate things outside the box, but somehow feel justified to chastise things you have no clue about

You say no. I say yes. I am not here to carry on a philosophical debate. Take your own advice, lightnen up. Relax, float downstream. This is a hobby, not the Journal of Physics or The Journal of Psychology or the New Scientist. You are putting words in my mouth. I make no such claims as you suggest in your post. Your imagination is working overtime.
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Mucho gracias for the heads up, Georgie. You are the model of mental health and reason. Well, except for the stalking. 😛
Gee, I was wondering why my room is green and walls are padded. Whoa!

At least now we're all aware that you know you have a problem.

Cheers George
Gee, I was wondering why my room is green and walls are padded. Whoa! 😳
You should consider it, before they come and take you. 

Cheers George 
Georgie, by the way the word you were looking for is committable. Cheers
I never said it was not (rpt) feedback on the market place, Georgie. I never said it had anything to do with the forums"  In fact (and I hate to judge too harshly here) but my post apparently went waaay over your head. Don’t worry, mate. So you don’t actually have a product? I thought you did. My mistake.

This is how bent you are Geoff, that is market place, feedback from 3 people I’ve purchased things off, it has nothing to do with the forums.

You really are commitable, please, from the heart, admit yourself before something happens. Your getting on at 75, things go wrong inside the head we understand.

Cheers George
I just checked out your feedback on Audiogon, Georgie Boy. 3? Gee whiz, I didn’t realize the numbers could get that low. See if you can guess who’s laughing now? 😃 By the way, I’m thinking of promoting you to junior assistant shill.

G'day, mate! 
But my tweaks are not so mundane, they are not cheap parlor tricks.

Really!!! your website indicates the total opposite. Now I’m laughing on the inside and outside.

Cheers George


I’m laughing on the inside. 😏 I’m afraid you’re putting words in my mouth by characterizing (some of) my tweaks as having a "psychological" effect on the mind. "Psychological" is a perjoritive term that implies the mind is tricked, as with the placebo effect or expectation bias. But my tweaks are not so mundane, they are not cheap parlor tricks. When someone experiences a change to the sound due to one of my clocks being in the room, for example, it is real, as opposed to psychological. The operation on the mind is subconscious, and or conscious, so I suppose in a certain sense you could say it's psychological since it involves the mind. If someone were brought into the room - someone who had llistened to the system previously without the clock - he would also experience the change in sound, even though he's unaware the clock is there. So the effect must be real. Unlike DMT the effect doesn’t wear off. That’s because it’s real, not "psychological." It’s not an hallucination or a placebo, etc. Our sensory perceptions provide us with objective day to day reality. Chemicals can obviously distort that reality. If aliens are present during a hallucination they are actually there. Or are they? You tell me. 👽

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Harry Pearson ( HP - founder of TAS ) first championed the concept of directionality in IC's back in the 1970's. Try it for yourself and see if it makes a difference. I've heard audible differences even when using the 'junk' cables that were supplied with audio equipment and VCR's over 40 years ago. One orientation would sound compressed with a small sound stage and when reversed the image would open up and be clearer and more dynamic. You can find the same type of differences when reversing an unpolarized power cord as well. These are very old 'tweaks' that have proven themselves for years. If you try it you will learn whether or not you can hear a difference - it's what you hear, not what 'experts' say that matters.

Look, the standard model of cosmology indicates the total mass–energy of the universe contains 4.9% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 84.5% of the total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95.1% of total mass–energy content. Not only that but the great majority of ordinary matter in the universe is also unseen.

So, what’s the take away here? It is that scientists don’t know WHAT dark matter IS, WHAT dark energy is, WHERE they are or HOW they got there. Hel-loo! If there were no such thing as dark matter, though, I assure you the universe would have stopped expanding some time ago and would currently be in the process of accelerated CONTRACTION, headed for sure disaster. And time would have reversed direction as well. Addendum - If time did not exist man would have to create it.
Eg, while you were sleeping, just yesterday....the fundamentals of organic computers-blurring the line, big time:


and... quantum spooky action at a distance (quantum fluid).... as planetary and solar cores:

Relatively, this is just in the past week - alone!

In that week there is ---much, much much more.

It is moving so fast right now that even a child born today in the best environment possible, which is created by outdated people...might be woefully outdated by the time they are 10 years old. It’s an overt statement, on my part - but difficult to truly disprove.

And to remain inflammatory as, after all.. this is an audio forum...those physics news links, specifically the ’electron behaviour’ one will ~flat out tell you~ (in matter of fact terms) that what is going on in the liquid metal cables is beyond everything you know in physics. Whoops.

So no, it’s not business as usual and snake oil. Not scientifically possible to be 'hooey'. It's a totally different animal than wire. Big time.

@Teo Audio, I just put your post through Google translator and it spat out this.

“I’m right and everyone who disagrees with me is wrong because they’re too lazy to seek out the truth”

Einstein got the Nobel prize for photoelectric effect not relativity, gentle readers. It takes a long, long time before the robed priests of Science dare jump on board any new fangled idea. It's much safer and requires no work to cling to the outdated paradigms of yesteryear. Who wants to  get behind some revolutionary idea lest someone would think he's a kook or has lost his mind? Anyone who believes the audio hobby is sheparded by well meaning peer review committees or monitored by NASA is sadly mistaken. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "But what about ____ and _______ and _________? They're very scientific." 🤓
These proofs, are actually fully gone over and reviewed by the US government branch called ’the us academy of sciences’ and these works, considered to be true and accurate, with an error potential of less than three billion to one, are certified as 100% real by the said branch of the government
Fake news


Thank you for helping prove my point.

Beyond a minimal level of attempts which have to be carefully phrased so that one does not get a heartfelt knife in the back, there's almost nothing one can do to help those who refuse to look or don't have the wherewithal to look.
These proofs, are actually fully gone over and reviewed by the US government branch called ’the us academy of sciences’ and these works, considered to be true and accurate, with an error potential of less than three billion to one, are certified as 100% real by the said branch of the government
Fake news
Most people here, especially the ones who seem angry and bothered--and get steamed up enough to comment... are seeming to analyze what Geoff is doing with 18th and 19th century Newtonian physics.

Start looking with not just selected bits of old and now discarded incomplete physics...but modern physics - the entire swath of published and peer reviewed 21st century physics.

Which will take some digging and some disposal of what are apparently strongly held bits of very incomplete data.

No one can do that for you, you have to do that for yourselves.

When I make such a post, I’m smacking a very insular hornet’s nest, but well.... think of it as a human kindness, not as some sort of crazy and misguided new age hippy trip. As that, a human kindness.. is actually the truth of the matter.

Some of you guys are lost in the past of the record of physics. By about one full century of data. Never mind what is happening right at the cutting edge of published works.

I’ve not the patience nor the time to teach or show that to the given derisive ’others’, and we know what comes next.

The demand for proof.... from those who will never look... nor read.... nor understand ----what is in the given published and peer reviewed cutting edge works. People in the physics dark ages, looking for dark ages proof, that fits their dark ages projections in physics.

I could bring mind and door opening proofs and scientific works, peer reviewed published works that make a total mockery of these 19th century positions.

But that would only invite more ridicule from what is, let face it ....a small component -a very small contingent- of the group who are reading this, and can actually post.

As they are not looking to find anything new, they are not looking to understand anything new, nor come to any new mental vistas. They are, as far as the written words they use are saying (overt words and their psychological undercurrent) ..they are looking for a strong re-entrenchment of their position in woefully incomplete 19th century Newtonian physics..and an utter rejection of anything which threatens that world view and the associated mental comfort zones.

No number of words or data (written by others, on forums) -delivered by others-, can fight or alter those positions. Part of what the human condition is, for some. They have to go out and find and explore it for themselves, and won’t. They bar the door --and fight it. Fight it, to the mental death, if need be.

As can be plainly seen, right here. How can one accept, look at, or try and understand... something they are actively doing their darnedest to kill and/or stick a mental sword through?

Thus, I bring no data, and I only correctly and properly say:

You go out and find it yourself, you go out and search for it yourself, and explore the data yourself. And if you are lucky, you will get past your own current restrictions and see the ever expanding world of human cognition and understanding of the universe. Instead of this violent and projected mental turtling we see here now.

These proofs, are actually fully gone over and reviewed by the US government branch called ’the us academy of sciences’ and these works, considered to be true and accurate, with an error potential of less than three billion to one, are certified as 100% real by the said branch of the government, who went over the scientific works with a fine toothed comb and a microscope. It took years. And the tests and data they certified as real? That took some +35 years to produce. Many hundreds of scientists involved, checking each other’s works, constantly.

In reality...the ’cutting edge’ of knowledge and data in this world...has passed by some of the more derisive here. The entire world is screaming about this point, science and knowledge at the cutting edge -is moving far too fast for the average person to grasp, and is well true...even for the highly educated. Ad it's not linear, this increase in connectivity and thus scientific and human knowledge works. Cern is a fart in a windstorm compared to the whole package.

Have fun in your now limited comforts.
I feel kinda bad like I’ve been too hard on the guy. I honestly think he’d be a blast to hang out with. I’m sure I’ll eventually read every word on his site. It’s most definitely snake oil, but he really is an artist in how he sells it. I can see how some people would be pleased with his products. It’s like one of his customers said after buying his Clever Little Clock, to paraphrase, "I don’t know what to say -- I make fun of the things, but I bought another one."

This all reminds me of something. Oh, I know what it is! It reminds of a den of Boy Scouts discovering Playboy for the first time. 😳
"Lead, follow or get out of the way."

You may call yourself a leader Geoff, but it’s of the electronically minded gullible, who believe in the same snake oil you peddle on your website. And that’s nothing to be proud of.

>>>>>Actually, Georgie Boy, if you brushed up on your reading comprehension a little bit you’d see I wasn’t actually calling myself a leader. I was calling you a follower. Unfortunately, you’re following the wrong sheep. Baaaa!


Geoff is actually a magnanimous and beneficent soul. Not infrequently he suggests tweaks that would cost the user nothing, and that provide him with no monetary return. An example is the following excerpt from his post dated 9-7-2012 in this thread:
Taking all telephone books out of the house will usually be audible when you go back and listen to the system. Even if the telephone books are in other rooms of the house, they should be removed. The telephone book is perceived as an intruder by virtue of the fact that it is linked to a strong Field created by the tens or hundreds of thousands of identical telephone books. So, the link to that field can be eliminated by removing the telephone books from the house, making the house Safe from the telephone book "information field".
-- Al :-)

et tu Brute?


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