Directionality of wire

I am a fan of Chris Sommovigo's Black Cat and Airwave interconnects. I hope he does not mind me quoting him or naming him on this subject, but Chris does not mark directionality of his IC's. I recently wrote him on the subject and he responded that absent shunting off to ground/dialectric designs, the idea of wire directionality is a complete myth. Same with resistors and fuses. My hunch is that 95% of IC "manufacturers", particularly the one man operations of under $500 IC's mark directionality because they think it lends the appearance of technical sophistication and legitimacy. But even among the "big boys", the myth gets thrown around like so much accepted common knowledge. Thoughts? Someone care to educate me on how a simple IC or PC or speaker cable or fuse without a special shunting scheme can possibly have directionality? It was this comment by Stephen Mejias (then of Audioquest and in the context of Herb Reichert's review of the AQ Niagra 1000) that prompts my question;

Thank you for the excellent question. AudioQuest provided an NRG-10 AC cable for the evaluation. Like all AudioQuest cables, our AC cables use solid conductors that are carefully controlled for low-noise directionality. We see this as a benefit for all applications -- one that becomes especially important when discussing our Niagara units. Because our AC cables use conductors that have been properly controlled for low-noise directionality, they complement the Niagara System’s patented Ground-Noise Dissipation Technology. Other AC cables would work, but may or may not allow the Niagara to reach its full potential. If you'd like more information on our use of directionality to minimize the harmful effects of high-frequency noise, please visit or the Niagara 1000's owner's manual (available on our website).

Thanks again.

Stephen Mejias



Showing 32 responses by georgehifi

His silence is deafening on this, could it really be? 

Geoff if your reading.
Yes you can stay silent and not be punished and we’ll never know.
But honestly are you one? It would explain quite a bit.

Cheers George
Just don't call him a Scientologist.

Geoff, no joking around now, are you one of those?

Cheers George 
I think it's funny how when Geoffkait doesn't like my posts he reports them.
Yeah the forum police must be over him, then he is 75 going on 40

Cheers George 
Gee, I was wondering why my room is green and walls are padded. Whoa!

At least now we're all aware that you know you have a problem.

Cheers George
You should consider it, before they come and take you. 

Cheers George 
This is how bent you are Geoff, that is market place, feedback from 3 people I’ve purchased things off, it has nothing to do with the forums.

You really are commitable, please, from the heart, admit yourself before something happens. Your getting on at 75, things go wrong inside the head we understand.

Cheers George
But my tweaks are not so mundane, they are not cheap parlor tricks.

Really!!! your website indicates the total opposite. Now I’m laughing on the inside and outside.

Cheers George

"Lead, follow or get out of the way."

You may call yourself a leader Geoff, but it’s of the electronically minded gullible, who believe in the same snake oil you peddle on your website. And that’s nothing to be proud of.

And at 74! who are you trying to kid

Cheers George
And Geoff you should lay off the "hydro" bud, it's messing with your mind.

Cheers George
These are great ones, and there's 3 pages of it.
 "I just perused this "Machina Dynamica" website. Wow. At least this guy has a relatively benign outlet for his mental illness."

" Geoff Kait - a very strange person. If the Intelligent Chip is not far enough out there for you, try the Teleportation thing."

" I didn't know I was so popular. Whoa!"

Geoff you really are certifiable! When is it going to be enough.

Wish you a speedy recovery, you need to check yourself in.

Cheers George
   Wake up and smell the coffee! ☕️ it doesn’t do your side any good to just repeat the same mantra over and over again without doing your homework.

Now that is the pot calling the kettle black, Geoff you are really commit-able.
You and your little avatars need to be locked up, I'm amazed the mods are letting you post.

  Do you believe that everything experiential is measurable?

You need to know that even audio prototypes are done 100% using measurements, they're not concocted up in a blender.

Cheers George 
They let everyone out, when you went in and set the benchmark.

Cheers George 
Who said it acted like a diode?
It’s the only technical non voodoo’ist explanation, if they (fuses or cables) are seen/heard to be directional.

But I'm sure Geoff will pull another rabbit out of his hat.  

Cheers George
but nobody has ever measured directional wire or fuses. I'd say that's because it doesn't exist. Pathological denial of the existence of a phenomenon beyond measurement? I guess if rational thought is pathological, I'm guilty.
+1, it's all voodoo, led by you know who.

Cheers George
Keep it up sunshine, your showing your ignorance. It's got nothing to do with literacy skills, it's just understanding all laws of electronics which you don't, as you've shown here and on other much higher "tech forums" that you've been laughed off from. 

Cheers George
Show me the measurements. Real simple.
He can't, as he has no sens of the electronic laws that all audio gear is designed and built on.
All he has is his book  from deepest the Africa, and that "avatar" doll of his that looks like one should stick pins into.

Cheers George
Should I turn myself in?
No, go one better and commit yourself, you'll do everyone a favour.

Cheers George 
>>> Wow! Hey, just spotted! An Australian Yellow Speckled Whiner!

I’d rather be called that, than a voodooist, who’s trying to re-write all the laws of electronics, but has zero understanding of them, who’s also been laughed off many other technical forums.

Cheers George
When seeking information on the Internet

Problem with that is Al, some may believe Geoff's cosmic dribble, then you'll have a whole new tribe of v*****ist's

Cheers George

What a load of c**p this thread has becomes,.

As you asked before, SHUT IT DOWN  fsonicsmith, before it degrades anymore if that's possible.

Cheers George
On Monday I am going to send a letter on my letterhead to the University of Virginia to check on your Linkdn claim of an aerospace degree from that institution and I will publish the results here. Best to you sir. For now.
+1  fsonicsmith

Got to give it to you Geoff, you got stamina. You've been laughed off many other tech forums, but on this one you've dug your heals in. Many would say you really are certifiable. 

Cheers George 
And as I said in an earlier post, IMO the least implausible explanation I have seen is the one stated by Audioquest. .

The first part Al regarding the shield only connected at one end and which end to dump the RF to ground, is plausible, but I agree, the rest is not, and is just voodoo without any technical fact just to suck in the gullible here.

Cheers George

Can anyone tell me if this is accurate and has it been debunked as of late?
Yes and no, the only wire that was, was LC-OFC (Linear Crystal- Oxygen free Copper) developed by Hitachi and Audio Technica some 25 years ago.
It was heated up to a point where it crystallised the copper at the same time of being drawn into strands.
Stereophile presented microscopic photos of the crystal structure and they were arrow shaped and lined up nose to tail, naturally the arrow head was pointed, and was considered as the flow direction.
Sounded very good, BUT!!, trouble was that it was as fragile as cast-iron or glass. You couldn’t bend it much at all, if you did it cracked and cause micro air gaps between the crystals (sort of diode effect). Which resulted in worse sound than normal copper.

Cheers George
Sorry you feel that way. Not everything can be measured.
I am done!

1: Every component you have has been designed using measurements.

2: Any changes to the sound the designer needed to make was done using measurements then listened to.

3: There is no voodoo in designing equipment by any designer of any component you have in your system.

Cheers George

And, dude, what is your fascination with sheep?
He maybe a New Zealander? They have a thing with sheep. 

Cheers George
Geoff your at it again, not one shred of "Tech Talk" from you, just a lot of cosmic he said she said waffle, this is a "Tech Talk" forum how about presenting some.?

Cheers George
+1 Al

Geoff, look at the heading for this thread,  "Tech Talk" your not giving any what so ever.

Cheers George
but the directionality that Geoff describes is opposite to the shield end,
Then I would say it's been soldered the wrong way to the markings.

Cheers George

So are you saying if the ICs, as you described above, are reversed end to end you can hear, should be able to hear, a difference? If you can hear a difference then you surely can measure it, correct?

Depends how good you are at hearing something that can be measured.

If they are reversed and the shield is then dumping the RF noise at the source end, you "may" hear it as not as black a background as the right way around, I stress "may" depending on the amount of RF noise around your area.

It’s always best with an interconnect that has only one end of it’s shield connected, that that end should go to the least sensitive component, not the most sensitive one.

Cheers George
don_c55711 posts07-30-2017 5:20amSingle ended interconnects are directional because they are grounded at the source end only, for lowest hum pickup and resulting low noise.
+1 for Don, there’s a "technical" reason behind it, others are just making out something from nothing.

Unless you have some of the 30 year old Audio Technica, Hitachi, Linear Crystal cable, (LC-OFC) of years gone by, which was "truly" crystallised lc-ofc copper "very fragile", trouble was if it was bent more than 30 degrees it cracked the crystal structure and sounded worse, because there was a diode effect at the crack points.

With today’s quality RCA interconnects, it’s because most of them use 2 core inner cables "with an earth shield only connected at one end."
This end should be leading to the poweramp end of signal direction, dumping any RF caught by the shield at the least sensitive end of the component lineup.

Cheers George