Decware Line Conditioner - Worth the wait?

I'm interested in the Decware Line Conditioner which is just under $1000. Only issue is the 25 week build time.

Is it worth the wait, or what would you recommend of comparable quality at the same price point?
Worth the wait.  Period.  My ZLC replaced a Furman Elite 15i and outperformed it in every aspect.  The noise floor dropped into the abyss.  Everything became far more dynamic, separation improved and attack quickened.  Purchased one for a friend and he experienced the same results.

Steve Deckert is a first class engineer.  Besides, Decware has a generous return policy.
Read the forums section at Decware and see what they say about it's performance. That should help some.

All the best,
Say your amp has a large toroidal transformer. Doesn’t this go a long way to clean up the power?
I ordered mine last December. I’m pretty close, maybe a couple of weeks more. I ordered it after spending a week with one I borrowed from a friend. It really stops noise and harmonics from the grid. Maybe it is the toroidal transformer, maybe the fully balanced output, maybe luck, I don’t know, but it works very well. Love the indicator in the back that tells you the actual voltage. Also, the individual switchings... And it is 10 amps, you can plug anything there. This thing sold via dealers would be twice the price at least.
(Also ordered a Torii Mk 4 at the same time)

I picked up a pair of Decware 60 watt MB 13-4 years ago it was 17 weeks THEN..

I ordered a ZP3 Phono/Tape preamp November 19 2020.  Look at their current build list. David B. that's me.  I actually paid 2 weeks before that. That is why my SN is ahead of the guy in front of me, I'm 265, he is 266.

They haven't pulled parts YET.. Almost 5 months NOW.. I say 3 more months.. I'll post and let EVERYONE know..

YES this guy needs to hire some more qualified staff and PAY them..
Sounds like he needs an apprenticeship program.. BIG TIME..

They couldn't get BeesWax caps either for the tape section. They wanted to sub with Mundof I declined the offer.. And one upped it to copper foils, NOW that's in question.. CRAP leave them out.. I'll get my own.. Problem is there is no way to bench test.. I'll go with polys for the breaking in before I use Mundof. They have a sound of their own.. Supreme Silver/gold.

It use to be a work of ART inside Decware gear. The only reason I bought it the first time. I was in the neighborhood working (actually the next state over :-)) so I stopped in and placed my order, in person with cash. They must have counted that money 10 times.. LOL 11K

Things are pretty crazy!

Around here the bike shops have no inventory and won't be getting any in for their spring sales until late November, and the local kayak shop won't be getting any boats to sell this summer until the end of August.

Not sure with Decware though what is normal for build times.
I had one on order, they look the part and are very well built. I cancelled because of how far backed up they became after I placed my order. I’m generally not very patient. I will order again when things get a little more normal.
NO.. Stay off the list... UNTILL I get my STUFF.. :-)

Simple.. 6-8 months....wait, right now if you get on the build list, 8 months..

WHY? the only reason I can figure is warrantee work comes first, and they are small.

Copper foil caps were scarce too, still are for that mater.. Jupiter's

It looks nice. I like that you can switch on 1 outlet at a time.

Power conditioners can make a positive difference for audio systems and even servers. Just don't expect any miracles from your gear. They can also regulate the power so your gear is using the right amount at all times.

A pure sine wave (without sharp peaks or dips) is what you want. This ensures that electricity is free from radio interference; found commonly in every home, building, or hotel. Want proof? Here's that along with a solid product:

If you don't believe this like the tumbleweed of naysayers on here, then you can buy that same tool and test it yourself.  Not saying you don't...good luck.
On the one hand this is nothing more than your basic transformer with cap "conditioner". All the benefits described that sound so great are really nothing more than what you get with any transformer. It is simply that since no audiophiles understand transformers they think all these great benefits are something extra Decware somehow adds. They aren't. You can use any transformer and cap and get just the same. Pretty much the same as what a lot of others are doing as well.

That's on the one hand. On the other, Decware uses not any transformer but a really high quality toroidal transformer and- this is crucial!- beeswax cap. Those who don't understand might be surprised to learn that dinky little cap has about as much to do with the sound quality as all the other stuff put together. Decware being known for quality gear I have to think they know their cap selection and this is a very good cap indeed.

The other single word that means a lot more than people might think is, "wholesale". This exact same conditioner, if sold the usual way, would be easily twice the price. At least. This is a huge and often times underrated benefit of buying from places like Decware, Tekton, Raven, Soundsmith, etc.

Since this thing is new and since Decware doesn't seem to play the game of sending reviewers free stuff to get good reviews you will have to search around for someone who has one- and then they will probably not have much to compare it with. That is the one benefit of reviewers, they at least have usually heard more to compare. But as for the same quality at the same price point? No way. Now you have to search around for someone selling direct. There's a reason Decware shows you exactly what is going on inside. They know no one can touch them on that.  

Never even knew Decware had come out with this. Thanks for letting us know!