Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.

@benjie   Congratulations. What a wonderful way to kick off 2023.

Once your V2s (and SIT 3) are run in and you are comfortable with the V2s, positioning and placement experimentation will deliver significant results.

Keep us posted.


All of this is happening with only 30 hrs of play. I can't wait to hear how they evolve after 100 or 200 hrs on them. And I have not even started to adjust toe-in or change spikes and footers or distance from the wall. I can say that everything I have read and videos that I have watched on youtube are true. I have a feeling this is going to be a fun journey with these speakers !!!

Needless to say, you’re off to an excellent start.😊

At only 30 hours you have considerably more speaker (And frankly amplifier) burn-in to go. That you are so happy with what you’re hearing already is very encouraging. Congratulations on your wise and successful Nenuphar acquisition.

It would be very interesting if once the Nenuphars are fully settled in you could try a low power tube amplifier. Just to contrast with your S.I.T.-3 amplifier. Just a thought.


I recently purchased the Nenuphar V2 speakers. WOW what an amazing speaker. I only have about 30 hrs of play on them but I am very impressed with the sound I am hearing. When I first hooked them up, they sounded dry and flat, not very musical. Soundstage was not that great, kinda small. I am thinking to myself, what have I done, this purchase was a big mistake! Now I know better....all speakers need some break-in time before you start any critical listening so lets not get crazy yet. To top it off the amp I am using is a First Watt SIT-3 that I purchase and the original owner told me it had maybe 50 hrs of play on it, so it is like brand new also. So I put a break-in CD in and let the system play all day while I was out.

I played a couple of albums after 10 hrs of break-in and what a difference. These things started to come to life. The richness and detail of the music was beginning to blossom. The soundstage was wider and deeper. After every listening session the speakers and amp continue to improve. Now after 30 hrs the speakers are really stating to come into their own. I have never experienced this level of realism in recorded music. The bass is shocking. I never expected this level of sound from a 10 in driver. I have a copy of Dark Side of the Moon (UHQR) that I just played and I feel like I am hearing this album for the first time. The detail and separation of the instruments is mind blowing. When all of the clocks start to chime, the room is enveloped in the sound, the soundstage is wider and deeper than the room. It is one of those things you have to hear because words can not accurately describe it.

All of this is happening with only 30 hrs of play. I can't wait to hear how they evolve after 100 or 200 hrs on them. And I have not even started to adjust toe-in or change spikes and footers or distance from the wall. I can say that everything I have read and videos that I have watched on youtube are true. I have a feeling this is going to be a fun journey with these speakers !!!

Qualio Audio iQ receives the coveted Blue Moon Award  "An Über Speaker For Regular Folks" from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen:


6Moons Qualio iQ speaker review

For those interested in Cube's Cube related efforts there is mention of a new widebander combined with an 18 inch woofer. Photos of two renders are on page 4 of Srajan's Qualio intro, linked below.


New Cube Audio Speaker Renders via 6Moons



They look very similar to the Wolf Von Langa line of speakers.  So similar that WVL should take notice.  The WVL line uses field coil midrange and woofers however.  WVL makes fantastic sounding speakers.  While they look similar it seems both companies use some different approaches in design and drivers beyond the shared Mundorf tweeter.  

Cube Audio has launched their sub-brand 'Qualio'

Qualio Audio Speakers


Introduction and details from Srajan Ebaen // 6Moons:

Qualio IQ via 6Moons

Announcement from Cube Audio of the ’Grand Fission 2022’ awarded by Audiophile-Magazine AND a video with recorded music.

BTW: excellent sound quality based on a listen via my basic IEM / portable DAC/ Headamp. I'm really looking forward to listening via my primary headphone system.

Cube Audio announcement and video

Cube Audio Nenuphar V2 review by Joel Chevassus //  Audiophile-Magazine (France)

Note the link below is for the English language PDF.  Review is on pages 3 through 8.

Audiophile-Magazine Review of Cube Audio Nenuphar V2 in English

Hi guys ,

I be been on this thead on and off.I m an old owner of nenuphars( 3 yrs back)

Long story but i moved to another house, another system, another project.

i had a second pair of cube nenuphars drivers v1 wich i upraded from single driver builder in singapore ( he has his own brand), this was before cube audio make the v2.


the pair i have is v1 upgraded with different japanese paper craft .

i spend for this upgrade 1500€( incl shipping).


the specs are still the same as the v1.

i tried them on my friend nenuphars cabinets, and to my ears they sounded better than his v2 .

i was planning to make different design with these drivers, like back horn loaded, or open baffle design , but long time passed, and i m not a diy myself.

i m no longer interested to go ahead with this project and i m willing to sell these drivers to someone handy , willing to explore them, or even try on his nenuphars. 
they looks gorgeous.

if interested let me know, i will share pics, videos playing against v2 and price.





I have been comparing two power cable looms. The results have been extremely informative.

Just listened to / viewed Janos' recent 'Real World Audio' YouTube post. 

As always, he offers an interesting and meaningful perspective. This one is about reactions / feedback from three of his female friends as they listened to digital and vinyl, in two different rooms/systems via his Voigt Pipes with Cube Audio drivers.


Real World Audio Video: Voigt Pipes with Cube Audio Fc8 driver


@stephendunn those Boressen speakers seem like some sort of voodoo magic. Seems like anyone who hears them is amazed. They are probably at the top of my list of speakers I'd love to live with for awhile at some point. Enjoy!

@stephendunn  Stephen, speaking for myself, it has been an absolute pleasure having your insights, perspective and wisdom on the thread. 

I look forward to learning more about the Boressen Z2 speakers from your future thread.

You will be missed on this thread. Given your knowledge and experience with the Nenuphars, I hope you continue posting here.

It has been a pleasure and an education participating in this thread. Learned a bunch that helped me appreciate not only my Nenuphars but this hobby.

I’ve moved on from the Nenuphars to the Boressen Z2 Cryo edition speakers. A leap forward in everything I love about the Nens (and more), but at a cost of $10K plus. I’ll be posting a review of the Z2’s as a separate thread in the next month or so.

A pampered pair of white Nenuphar V1s will be going up on ’Gon shortly.


@stereodynamics   Are you all set on the bias settings?

I'm curious about which tubes you prefer with your Tektron amp and your overall thoughts of the unit? 

@stereodynamics   Ron: I would ask Tektron Italy directly.

From their website:

General inquiry info(at)

Support request support(at)


anyone know what the bias settings should be for a Tektron TK2a3/50si amp

2a3 tubes

300b tubes

50 tubes

any help would be appreciated.


@david_ten Thank you David for the warm welcome!

It is a pleasure to join the company of like-minded audiophiles. A little background on me: I have experimented with Voigt pipes in various forms and interpretations, drivers, rooms, and how they fare with associated electronics for over 20 years. I had the pleasure to spend my audio journey with like-minded friends, in a very strong local DIY community, and an amazing mentor (Stu Ono) who was regarded as a fountain of knowledge by a good number of the US leaders of high end audio industry.

I can say the Cube Audio has truly raised the bar! I have the version 2 of the Fc8, and currently breaking them in my Voigt pipe cabinet (which has been my most successful Voigt pipe). 

Cheers, Janos

@david_ten The following paragraph precedes that amplifier list and this what was stated one time as referenced in the Mono & Stereo review of the Nenuphar:

Magus are dedicated for rooms of 12 - 25 square meters. They are a perfect match for a tube amp with at least 3 Watts per channel. Our personal preference is somewhere around 2A3, Px4, 45 tube-based amps.  Nonetheless, most solid-state amps (especially those working in A-class) are also an amazing match for the Bliss C.  When it comes to placement, they can be placed both forward and placed right against the back wall. They like about 5-10 degrees of toe-in.

“Our preference” is the distinction I picked up on and 300b amps were not included.

@realworldaudio That was an excellent summary and I find your speaker cable mod (single run for the positive and five runs of speak cable for the negative) very interesting.

@realworldaudio Janos, you are welcome!

A double welcome: one for joining the Cube Audio family via your new Fc8 drivers and another for your posting here.

Thank you for sharing your detailed, initial impressions. If the Fc8 follows the F10 Neo drivers, expect a long (mostly enjoyable) break-in period and a positive (significant) improvement delta.

For those that are unfamiliar with Janos, he is based out of Hawaii and has a YouTube Channel dedicated to audio. His YouTube Name is Real World Audio. Here’s a link to his ’videos’ page:

Real World Audio


Thanks for taking the time to find this amplifier list. It is self explanatory. 

Thank you for bringing this thread to my attention, and for linking my video in!
I am using the Fc8 V2 in my traditional Voigt pipe cabinet (close to Paul Voigt's original, with cabinet volume adjusted to Fostex Fe204 Vas), and have about 7 hours of break in so far.
My observations are right on with @mikeg 's observations (post above, his 75hr break in report):
*Superb center fill
*Complete lack of directionality, sweet spot opened up (after 15min break in): image stays 3D in the entire room, I can sit / stand, move to the side, move between speakers - 3D integrity stays. Ear does not get cues about the actual place where the speakers / drivers are.
*Superb low end extension. First hour of break in bass was loose (yet extended), and it started tightening up, cleaning up. Level is lower as of now than mids & highs, but getting louder (catching up to mids) noticeably as break in progresses.
*They do not seem to mind silver. Using copper IC and speaker wire, but amp is fully silver wired internally and speaker cable has silver terminals.
*They do not need a sub. They reach very deep (my Voigt pipe cabinet has the ability to convey to 30Hz in my room). Church organ rendered beautifully. The low bass is better integrated and cleaner than a sub could render it, even when the sub goes lower than 30Hz. I agree, sub takes away from FR bass quality and integrity.
*They are getting louder as they break in. I think the spider has to break in mechanically, so it can allow the cone to move freely. As the spider is quite strong (not the usual soft material), this break in is expected, and should be pronounced. In the first hour louder passages were compressed and got a little confused, but this is disappearing with break in, and they can play louder and louder. Mind it, I'm still under 10hrs of break in...
*Softer / mid volume parts are all beautiful, exquisite 3D rendering. Precise, holographic, yet NOT FORCED nor FAKE. With most hi-rez multi-way speakers I get the impression that something's not right with their hi-rez rendering. Here, I'm not getting that feeling, the presented space is natural and comfortable.
*The sound is very much energized, with excellent, very precise HF reproduction. Yet, it's not fatiguing! HF and air without distortion, which is a feat I heard only from the best compression drivers.
*Whizzer cone: whizzer cone artifacts typical to FR drivers are missing. No "Lowther shout" whatsoever.
*I was worried about the magnet material being Neo / ferrite and not Alnico. My worries are gone, the motor was implemented superbly. The tone is the opposite of Alnico drivers, but that's something I welcome. (I have a bunch of Alnicos, varietas delectat, I was actually looking for the complementary flavor!)
These are my initial impressions...

@mikeg Mike, in addition to simple preference, perhaps the industry association for shows, etc. may have been a factor. Tektron Audio and Cube Audio in Europe. Refined Audio being a Pass Labs dealer factors for the US shows.

If Grzegorz has reasons for not recommending a 300B or for putting it lower on Cube’s recommended list...I’d love to know the reasons.

Here is a screenshot of the recommended amplifiers (I believe this was the list when the V1 was in existence) from Cube Audio.

A number of 300B amps are in the "Amplifiers that work well with Cube Audio speakers" list.

[Note: I was not able to re-format the font size, etc. below] In other words, I'm not shouting!!! 😊


Amplifiers that are working very well with all Cube Audio speakers

Up to 4’000 Euro

  • First Watt SIT-3

  • Feliks 300b Arioso

  • Fezz Audio Lybra 300B

  • Fezz Audio Mira Ceti 300B

  • Music book 250 Power

  • Naim Audio XS2

  • Naim Audio Uniti Atom

  • Sun Audio 2A3

  • Quad Artera Pre + Power

  • Tsakiridis AEOLOS PLUS EL34

  • Tsakiridis Hermes EL84

  • Tsakiridis ORPHEUS 211

4’000 - 10’000 Euro

  • Aesthetix Mimas

  • Bakoon amp13r

  • FANTINI 2 GM-70

  • First Watt SIT-1

  • Manley Stingray II

  • Quad II Classic

  • Sun Audio 300B

  • Tektron TK211SI REF

  • Tektron TK2A3/300BPSE-I-REF

  • Tektron TK300BS-I-ECY

  • Verdier 300B

  • Viva Solistino integrated

Over 10’000 Euro

  • Absolare Intergrated SE

  • Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse + Quad II80 Monos

  • Aesthetix Janus Eclipse Pre + Line Magnetic 503 Monos

  • Aries Cerat GENUS integrated

  • Aries Cerat Incito-S + Concero 25Aries Cerat GENUS integrated

  • EAR 509

  • Grandinote Genesi + Demone

  • Grandinote Shinai integrated

  • Shindo Cortese 300B

  • Wyred4Sound Pre + Quad II 80 Monos

  • Tektron TK211MPSE REF Mono Pair

Seems like considerable conjecture in all honesty. I can’t think of any logical reason why a 300b amplifier would not be a fine choice. Certainly no technical reason. I’d love a comment directly from Cube Audio on this topic. I would be very surprised if they said there is some reason to avoid the 300b. Again, to me it appears to be a terrific pairing.


Here's some food for thought:  I think this a question for Cube Audio with respect to the V1 and they will see it as a mute point.  Why did Cube Audio have a list of compatible amplifiers when they offered the V1s?  You don't see a recommended list for the V2s. Why did the Mono & Stereo Review state: "For tube amplifiers, Cube Audio recommends such designs based on 2A3, Px4, 45 tubes" and not 2A3, Px4, 45, and 300B tubes.  Have you ever seen Cube or Refined Audio specifically demo with 300B based amps? I remember addressing this exact question at some point in my search.  


In all candor I don’t believe there is a backing up statement. Certainly due to personal taste preference one might prefer a 45 /2A3, nothing unusual there. By the same token other listeners may prefer the 300b. Normal variance depending on numerous audio system factors.


@charles1dad ditto. I was under the same impression. Inquiring minds want to know what backs up that statement.

@mikeg  Mike, my memory might be failing on this but I don't remember Cube "not liking V1s paired with 300B amps."  What I do remember is a preference by Cube Audio for 45 and 2A3 amps. If you have more information on this from Cube, please share.

Based on my experience with the V1, the ~8 watts of output, typical of 300Bs, is (per my estimation) the bullseye for 'ideal' SET power to drive the V1s. 

I'd expect a high quality design / execution of a 300B amp to be linear and neutral and be an effective pairing for the V1s. Chosen 'voicing' of the specific design, per the owner's preference, is an obvious factor.


If you remember, Cube Audio didn't like the pairing of the V1s with 300B based amps

If you remember, Cube Audio didn’t like the pairing of the V1s with 300B based amps

I was under the impression that Cube Audio specifically had lower power, high output impedance amplifiers in mind to pair with the Nenuphar characteristics. 300b/2A3/PX 25 etc were the intended targets. Thus the very damped driver via very powerful magnets/motor. Exactly why an amplifier with high damping factor is not seen as advantageous. A good quality 300b SET would seem an excellent Nenuphar partner.


@david_ten What I mean related to the Ayon SETs is that the V2s would pair better than the V1s.  If you remember, Cube Audio didn't like the pairing of the V1s with 300B based amps which I think is closer to the SET tube used by Ayon Audio. The V2s pair extremely well with the FW SIT-1.  As it has been stated by others, the V2s will pair with more amps and that is another reason Cube Audio went in that direction.

@mikeg   Thanks, Mike.  Also, great to hear that your Ayon SET may be the preferred pairing.

@david_ten The V2s disappear better on all recordings than the V1s.  The extended bass and high frequencies result in better soundstaging and center fill.  It might be that I needed to move the V1s closer together than the V2s.

I haven't validated yet but I also think my Ayon Audio Odin SET tube based amp will better mate or bed in with the V2s.  

Posting this for those who may be interested in utilizing Cube Audio drivers in a DIY setting. 

@realworldaudio  sometimes posts within the general forum. I find what he shares thoughtful and helpful.  He recently installed the Fc8 driver in his Voigt Pipe cabinets. He has a YouTube channel and this video covers his Fc8 driver impressions, immediately after the install.


Cube Audio Fc8 driver in Voigt Pipe speaker cabinets

@mikeg Mike, good to know that the V2 driver is requiring less gain as break-in progresses.

I’m confused about your findings on the ’center fill’ / ’localization' to the individual speaker’. I don’t experience this in my system. Is there an explanation for why this may be happening with the V1s in your system? Thanks.

Congratulations on ’loving’ your V2s and the upsides they have resulted in.

Moving from the V1 to the V2 eliminates (Or diminishes) the need for subwoofers? Quite an observation and outcome. I still believe that a lot of the V1-V2 differences are driven by specific system make-up and subsequent synergy results. It just seems that existing source, amplification, cabling etc can tilt driver preference in either direction. Then of course there is the large Spector of individual listener bias and taste. I still contend that both are superb options. 

I’m at the 75 hour mark on the break in. The V2s definitely take longer to break on and that was confirmed by Jon Ver Halen. The V2s are opening up more and the need for more gain has dropped some. I never run out of gain on the V2s while using the FW SIT-1 which I was concerned about prior to the upgrade.

I think eliminating the Roon DSP 1.4dB of bass at 100 Hz and down (shelf) which I needed on the V1s is huge advantage for the V2s. V1 and V2 are both good but having more body and meat on the bone on the V2s eliminates the need for adding one or two subwoofers (in my case 2) because I can’t locate a single subwoofer centrally. So in a sense for my system, the $1500 V2 upgrade cost is well worth it considering 2 REL subwoofers, interconnects, and power cables would cost $7600. I also think the V1s with their added presence are a little of too much of a good thing. I mainly listen to jazz and I can say that I never have ear fatigue with the V2s. The V2s seem to match better to my all silver based cables which is a big plus also.

I tried my best to maintain the speaker position and toe in when I swapped in the V2s. On some recordings with the V1s, there was a less center fill and sometimes instruments were localized to the individual speaker. I never experienced with the V2s. The vocals are also more pinpoint on the V2s.  One might say the V2s soundstage better. The magic of the V1s is clearly carried over to the V2s but he V2s extract every last bit of musical energy and impact on the recording.  This is just my opinion. I also think reviewing a full range speaker such as the Nenuphar with a subwoofer doesn’t give the whole story on the performance of the speaker.

Completely unaffiliated, but I saw a Bakoon 13R up on USAM... thought I'd draw attention here since a number of people were talking about using a Bakoon with their Nenuphars.

@mikeg   Mike, congratulations on moving to the V2 Nenuphars and thanks for sharing your early findings.

Since I have the V1s and am using a 3 watt amp, the additional gain needed for the V2s is both noted and significant for my situation. 

Looking forward to your detailed impressions after the 100 hour mark.

Installed the V2 drivers on Friday. I had +1.4dB of Roon DSP at 100Hz set on the V1s. I eliminated the Roon DSP before hearing the V2 drivers for the first time. The V2s definitely require a break-in period. I am hearing some of the differences as demonstrated in the Cube Audio in the V1 vs V2 youtube video. I do prefer the V2 over the V1 drivers and will go into more detail after 100 hours of burn-in. Refer to my recent review of the Farad Super 3 power supply on for my complete system configuration. The V2s require more gain from my Ayon Audio S-5 preamp to power the First Watt SIT-1. My preamp volume runs from -60 to 0. I typically play music between -47 and -35 (-30 is half volume) with the V1 drivers and now I play music in the range of -39 to -32 with the V2 drivers. The V2s start to open up after about 20 hours of playing.  I think it's a big plus that I have been able to eliminate the Roon DSP 100Hz bass boost with the V2s and I anticipate being able to move the Nenuphars further away from the front wall which are currently 11" as measured from the rear of the speaker cabinet.