Come Back Geoff Kait!

Has anyone heard from Geoff? 

I miss his humour and acerbic wit. 
I am sure I will decipher this one. Just give me a little more time.

It is about wine bottle breaking into many little pieces when being swung, I think. Definitely oblique. Not straight(forward) at all.
I saw where he's been posting over in AA, so either he was kicked off here, or just got tired of the same ole same ole
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*g* Mostly the latter, actually...shuffling through the flakes of dried thin skin that piles up 'round here....
As for the 'AA' hallucination of yours....go there often?

...speaking of razors...

I think this is a case of a talent not understanding his own talent while scholars being able to discuss it in depth with all the hidden meanings and intricacies that eluded the original talent.

Scholarly yours,


....I Could make an oblique ’crack’ about simplistic theories in regards to potently complex conundrums...

It is about wine bottle breaking into many little pieces when being swung, I think. Definitely oblique. Not straight(forward) at all.

Let me clarify what you really wrote...

A bottle of wine (a potent [12-15% alcohol] wine named Conundrum, complex because made of a few different wines), gets swung around. Swing is not a straight line, it goes in some sense obliquely. From low just behind and under your hip up towards the other side of your body in front of your shoulder and a little higher. Along the way, it hits an object, a piece of furniture or whatever else, and breaks. Cracks. Into a many little simple pieces that disperse and, along with dispersed drops of wine, reveal the complexity of what you initially had in your hand. As simple as that, but it is only a theory.

"If it can launch an ocean liner,
then any way you swing it works for me."

You may be on to something.

Conundrum has one sparkling wine packaged like a Champagne ("...this blend is produced in the true Méthode Champenoise...") which makes it suitable for ship christening. Now we cracked that part of the riddle, too.

By the way, to stay on the thread topic, the direction of the swing is very important.
" I saw where he's been posting over in AA, so either he was kicked off here, or just got tired of the same ole same ole "
  I had a very strong mental vision of what happened to GK. Determined in retrospect it was telepathic communication from the resident aliens in Wright Patterson AFB area 51. They told me he was using unauthorized alien juju on his telepathic tweak and his activated audio empowering Tourmaline was revealing technology humans were not advanced enough for. The aliens told him to knock it off and let things die down so he was forbidden to post on AG for an unspecified period of time.
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I want to thank The Moderators for the removal of my post.

Obviously the shock collar that's on my neck has been 'hacked'.

Darn if I know who (or what) was reprehensible for this outrage of decent society.

If I'm able to determine whodunnit, it will be dealt with.

(Oh, lines 2 through 4....If I'm threatening myself, does that count?  Just checking....)

(....while I may/may not have your inattention...does 'implied profanity' fall into the same 'nonoNo'?  Would a 'synth' word bring the same hammer down?  I've been silly me enough to think that the forum is populated by a mostly over-21 crowd....who, in the daily drives have likely subjected their dashboard to epithets that would melt the vinyl....

...oh, my grievious error....the .001% that can't cope with anything over

Does implication equal the intent?

Can oblique missives be considered as threats, or character assasinations, even in jest or parody?

Is 'dark humour' evil, even if obvious?

Ranting @ the wind....
" I saw where he's been posting over in AA, so either he was kicked off here...

Oooopsie, I should have not started with that wine talk.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” 

And within this progress lies the seeds for mankind’s extinction, because the unreasonable man - holding mankind in enthrallment if his progress - could not listen to the mandate of the world and her environment, a world that knows only one reason. 
Geoff Kait must certainly be an acquired taste, and having not reached even 500 comments, I’ve yet to acquire it. 
GK assured me Satellite engineers didn’t worry about RF in analog and digital circuits.... I am so glad he stayed away
from the actual work of orbiting useful hardware. On the physics of springs he was within bounds - forgive the pun.
hopefully the dude achieved peace :-)
Geoff Kait must certainly be an acquired taste, and having not reached even 500 comments, I’ve yet to acquire it.
I swear GK lived by his computer in order to respond to every new comment  (or any comment directed at him).  I think he must have had it programmed to wake him up at night so he could post some derogitorily witty barb.  Sorta wish the guy had had more to his life than Audiogon.

So don't fret about your post number...means you have a real life!
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Geoff Kait must certainly be an acquired taste
I you like this sort of voodoo snake oil BS
Then your as bent as he is/was.
Let sleeping dogs lie, these forums are better off without his BS. 

Cheers George