Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!

I have used small ceramic insulator cones underneath my phono stage for quite some time.
Previous phono was a Gold note ph10 and it did not make ANY audible difference I could detect which way up the cones were so I had left them cone upwards.

When I changed my phono to a Manley Chinook I just left the cones same way.
This afternoon I decided to flip them over so cone down just to see.

I honestly could not and cannot believe the difference!
I may have lost a smidge of low bass but everywhere else is improved in spades.
Much more detail, resolution, air, imaging, dynamics.
Just completely shocking how much better a small change has made.

But I am perplexed why such a huge change on the Chinook where I noted nothing on the ph10?

Any theories here?
Jeez guys
How on earth did my thread about ceramic cones under my phono stage morph into the Geoff and Sleepy show?
Wake up, Uber! I didn’t do nothin’. I stayed on topic and refrained from name calling. I’m only trying to help. 🤗 Deep six my stalker if you want to do something positive. Duh!
I was and still am impressed that it has at least stayed on the topic of isolation of any kind.
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The OP of MY THREAD GK  was to answer the question contained within.
That has been addressed to my satisfaction and so no I do not really have any further information to add to this thread in the direction that you and others have now taken it.

I have zero vibration problems with my TT on my rack ( that I am aware of)

Now if you desire to carry on within this thread that is fine as long as it stays vaguely on topic but do NOT make stupid statements about myself and my posts, got it buddy!

No offense.....
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The original purpose of spikes was to firmly engage the surface whatever was sitting on. I use three on my subwoofers to firmly engage the floor so they don't walk across the room (minimize vibration). Then like everything in audio the marketing generates a bunch of mythology which then gets a life of it's own. If you think something is going to sound better it will.
If you stuff cotton in both nostrils you will dampen airflow to your Eustachian tubes and decrease tympanic membrane resonance. This increases the sound stage depth and improves pace and timing. Hold on, I've gotta go buy some cotton stock:)
Oh, lewm you are so diplomatic. It is more fun to throw a bomb. Now I've got to run fast:)))
My 2 cents. I felt like this thread would be helpful to some. Now it has become a joke factory of sorts. Very sad.

It's been helpful for me and yes, it has devolved.  I'm still interested in hearing GK's thoughts on rack isolation.  I know he thought I was being sarcastic or something but I wasn't.

Appreciate your response buddy. I too would like to hear from others more knowledgeable than myself address the issue rather than drag the subject down the drain.
I guess nobody wants to win a prize. And the answer is ....

Super Stiff Springs! But the trick is to use two 2x4s, each about 24 inches long. A Super Stiff Spring goes under both ends of both 2x4s that are placed front to back on each side of the rack. This allow you to place the Super Stiff Springs in a very wide pattern, a requirement for stability when isolating a heavy object with high center of gravity. Voila! 🤗 For greater stability place heaviest components on lowest shelves of rack.
Oh, no! You’re right! Somebody needs to PM me the prize he wants - Morphic Message Labels, Flying Saucers for Windows or Flying Saucers for Unused Wall Outlets.
Why put your offer on someone else to notify, then somehow determine what device they have no idea as to what they would want?

You made the offer, you should take care of it!

Claim your prize and let us all know how it benefits your system.
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I have to plead ignorance here. If someone had told me that sort of thing is frowned upon.....😀
Actually there is an opening for a new title GK;

The Clown Prince : Joker2

You wear it well, Rod says.

Why would I want to take away your title? Besides, I already have one, remember? King.
My apologies to all here for lowering myself to Katie's level, had to do a good limbo to get there I admit.

So if anybody has anything on topic and useful to add now would be a good time.

While GK is packing up bdp24 prize we might regain some semblance of order.

Carry on.
FWIW, under my phono stage (a Herron VTPH-2) I use and have been pleased with an Adona Multi-Element Platform, with attached cones that point downward.  I installed it at the same time as the phono stage, though, so I can't comment on how much of a difference it is making, or on how it may compare to something else.  In the 12 x 18 inch size I required it cost about $260 plus shipping.

The craftsmanship that went into it, btw, in the cherry trimmed configuration I ordered, is something to behold.  My wife, who is something of an artist among other things, commented that it is truly an "objet d'art."

-- Al

The last thing I won was a full-expense paid trip for two to Austin, after my ticket stub at a Junior Brown show at The Lava Lounge in L.A. was pulled out of the lottery hat. Air fare, two nights at the historic Driskill Hotel in Downtown Austin (there’s a tribute to Asleep At The Wheel in the lobby), a rental car, and per diem for food & drink. Also in line at the show was Stephen Stills, who did a double-take when he saw me (at the time I looked an awful lot like Buffalo Springfield-era Neil Young. I occasionally got asked for his autograph ;-).

Anyway, I’ve been intending to try the Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter, but as it wasn’t one of the offered choices, I’ll try the Flying Saucers For Windows. Geoff, send ’em to the same place you sent me both your Spring models. By the way, fellers, you really should try the MD Springs yourself. The Best Buy in Hi-Fi isolation!

Actually I do have to say the NDM does indeed work pretty well in the 3 players I have installed it in so I think you are getting a great deal there @bdp24 .

Nicely played GK.....

On a deadly serious note just where would the MD Springs reap the biggest benefit?
Under individual components, speakers or the complete rack assembly?
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That’s weird, I just had my long explanation of MD springs deleted. What’s up with that? 
That is weird.
I had read it and saw nothing in it at all to warrant removal.
Wonder if Agon still having random post removal issues?
Anyways GK, based on memory of your unexplained removed post.
I truly like the idea of losing the rack entirely and if had say just one source would seriously consider it.
But with all my gear there would be no floor left in my room!
And then the rats nest of cables would be on show for the world to see and cats to chew!

So isolation under components in the rack is the best I can shoot for.
Yes I can see the potential pitfalls of putting the complete rack on springs, especially mine which is a 5 shelf high unit, teeter, totter whoops!
Food for thought indeed.
Plus @uberwaltz, even if a rack is isolated from the floor, the rack itself (and it's shelves) may be a source of vibration, feeding into a turntable, digital player, and/or tubes. Isolating each component is still a good idea.
Cones can be unstable for certain things like very tall heavy speakers. I once grabbed a 7 ft. tall narrow Golden Sound speaker just before it went crashing through the window at CES in 2005 after someone accidentally nudged it whilst it was on cones. The solution is to place a 18x18 inch board under the speakers and the cones under the board, thus stabilizing the set up.
Agreed Geoff
My speakers sit on exactly that, 18x18x2 maple wood boards with three cones under each one.
Sure if you really tried you could still knock them over but I try not to play rugby in my music room any more......
Recording engineer Barry Diament has each of his 6' tall Magnepan 3.7i's on a 24" x 24" pieces of plywood, under which he put a set of three roller bearings.
Only have baby Maggie's here ,my room really will not take much larger versions I feel.
And right now I have no need or even desire to find out.

Did I just say that?
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Thanks for posting Elizabeth.
I find that very intriguing.
I presume by the pen blanks that would be something you obtain from a hobby shop?
Sounds like a cheap fun way of making some tuning adjustments with not a lot of cash outlay.
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