I want to get back to playing and enjoying my 500+ cd's!  Been listening 95% of the time to a nice high end turntable $15k+ setup but would also like to have the option of listening to my cd collection to where it sounds at least competitive with my vinyl enjoyment.

I have no interest in streaming just playing cd's.   Does it make more sense to go with a cdp or transport and separate dac?

Budget $5 - $15k.  Thoughts
Even if your digital medium will primarily be your CD collection, you might consider ripping your CD’s to be accessed through a streaming device; this will give you future access to streaming services.

But, if you insist on a CD playing device, a separate DAC of high quality will still be usable should you go to streaming.  I like the Audio Note DACs—tubes give them the natural and enveloping sound often found from analogue sources.

The CD player I liked the most was the Naim CDP 555.  I had that player until I went with their top end streamer.  It is no longer made so it probably is in your price range (it requires the pricey 555 PS power supply, which is why the combination is quite expensive).  A current model CD player I like is the Lector (Italian, tube-based), another rich and warm sounding player.

Rather than answer "CDP vs DAC" with specific suggestions, I’ll give some general thoughts on the two categories.

first, you understand a CDP contains a DAC, right? So its rally just a packaging question - and comes down to what’s available int he market at various prices. Since few buy CDPs any more (the mass market has shifted to streaming entirely) DACs have more engineering behind them. Moreover, they have more "cachet" so more market emphasis. Score 1: DACs.

Second, a few years back as my transport died, i ripped a large portion of my CDs, FLAC and played them form my macbook pro bitperfect. Guess what? Better every time with the SAME DAC. I can speculate on why and believe much is lower jitter with a better re clocked USB vs SPDIF which often depends on clock from the transport. For the record i have a relatively high resolving system. I also, for various reasons, have 4 DACs to compare -- two that i have largely rebuilt so they barely reflect their original condition (most having to do with power and clock). All pretty darn analog-sounding minus the compression noise and groove wear (a problem with legacy records that i simply cant tolerate).

I’ll also caution you not to throw out the streaming option. Having 50,000 albums, all FLAC+ or HD, many remastered, is pretty darn nice. I switched over pretty fast - for depth of catalog, convenience, and yes, sound quality. I for the record use Tidal and am considering adding Qobuz.

Bottom line: i’ go DAC. As to which one, you have to listen. I too like some of the better R2R DACs but my #2 fav happens to have a 32 bit sigma-delta chip. The real sound is made outside the chip by power supplies, filters, clocks, and analog stages.
I’ll beak my rule and say, if i had a LOT of money i was willing to put into digital, I’d seriously look at the MSB R2R discrete DAC(s). Form a design perspective they appear to get everything right, except the price :-)


"The real sound is made outside the chip by power supplies, filters, clocks, and analog stages."  So true.
Physical media is not the answer if you rip your cds you can get far better sound particularly if you get a God server which sounds far superior  to any pc 

We are in love with the Aqua hifi dacs which are Discrete ladder dacs with a fpga front end
They are very analog like and are completely  modular and upgradable 

Dave and troy
Audio intellect  nj
432evo server Importers and aqua hifi dealers
You should try and get an optimised streaming device setup: it‘ll significantly outperform any CDP or server you might use. I have uploaded my CD collection to my InnuOS Zenith Mk3. After initial trials I never used it getting my playback via Qobus instead. The transfer of the CDs to the server disc was done on my modified Audioaero Capitole MkII, which to this day counts among the best CDPs.
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Georgehif, I've been waiting "hopefully for not too much longer the Shiit UrD transport to be released," but my expectations are this will be a very long one, indeed.

Since my old NAD CD player has been dead for weeks now, I may default to a Cambridge Audio model. I had been contemplating the much more costly Moon transport (supposedly, Simaudio has a 10 year stock of replacement drives and warranties mechanical parts for 3 years, whereas Cambridge is 1 year only with no assurances on mechanical parts after that), but cost is a consideration.
Not OP, but I'm also in the market for a CD transport and this thread has been very helpful. Currently leaning towards the PS Audio solution since it plays SACDs as well and can work with my Denafrips over I2S.
Another option I've been entertaining is going "cheap" and getting a used Sony ES SACD player from Japan.
I've already ripped all my CDs, but sometimes I'm looking at the wall of CDs and pick one out for fun and would rather just plop it in a player than get my phone out and scroll through to find that album to stream.

Georgehif, I've been waiting "hopefully for not too much longer the Shiit UrD transport to be released.
 I may default to a Cambridge Audio model.

If it's urgent, get the Cambridge CXC used, not a bad unit and no cheap computer slot loader, proper CD transport. You'll always get your money back on it.

Cheers George

Transport and separate DAC 1000%.  If the tech changes on DAC’s it is a simple upgrade most companies offer software upgrades. You can also taylor the sound you like through the DAC options that are out there (chip. R2R. Tube stage). Try to stay a step ahead and enjoy the music!
I am relatively new to having a CD Replay Chain Set Up in my system.
I chose not too many years ago to add a CDP and play a few CD's from the collection used in a Vehicle.
A friend who was working extensively with CDP's offered myself a loan of one of their CDP's, and it was remarkably improved over my owned CDP.

I went through a Period where I was looking to attempt to add streaming to the System to experience this as well, and become interested in DAC's along with the streaming.

A Standalone DAC with the CDP was looking interesting as it made the Streaming method look like it was being partially prepared for .

A chance offer materialised for a Bespoke Built DAC with a design that incorporated  R2R, Valve Regulated Power Supply and Valve Output Stage.
I took the offer and have not looked back, it was so impressive with a CDP, I went for a New CDT and chose the PS Audio PWMP.
I heard the pairing in a HiFi event, where prior to be giving the demonstration of the CDT with my DAC, Vinyl Systems when combined with the Amplification and Speakers that were in use, was close to
$200 000 in retail value. 
The Digital Set Up, when played in the System and when being compared to the very expensive Vinyl Set, was a revelation.
It was a no brainer to choose the CDT as the partnering device for the DAC.

I have been a 90%+ Vinyl Replay  until the CDT > DAC arrived.
Now I am approx' 60% Vinyl vs CD replays. 

I have a selection of TT's and Tone arms and a choice of  Phonostages.  The Digital has shown certain Vinyl Front End configurations a clean set of heels.

My main used TT and Tone arm > Cartridge > Phonostage are in front of the Digital.
During the A/B demonstrations of each, there are commonly a proportion of the Digital replay , that it is thought would be great if the Vinyl could match it.
What is guaranteed is that if a LP or CD from the same artist is allowed  to run on for an extended play time. The replay will not be wished for in the different media, either media is totally satisfying.

There was a few secondary costs incurred through going down the
CDT > DAC route.
One: being the CD Collection is now increased 30 fold. 
Two: Is More Controversial', It took quite a few demonstrations with different designs of RCA COAX Umbilical Cables to find the Interface that really brought the CDT > DAC marriage to a performance that was to my unique preference.
Very recently a chance materialised to try cable with a different Signal Wire incorporated into the Cables Design.
This cable has been so impressive, it has superseded my previous Cable choice that I was confident that would no be surpassed, when it come to my preferences. 

With a prudent search, I can discover a CD that will cost very little, in many cases, less that the derivative of the deterioration of the Cartridge Stylus.
Working on the Basis a Cartridge will offer a 1000's Hours of usage,
a £2000 Cartridge can be a £2 per hour to use ancillary.
Using a CD periodically in place of the Vinyl LP extends the period of ownership for the Cartridge, prior to it becoming candidate for overhaul or replacement.     

@pindac  Are you able to share with us which DAC you went with?  The R2R, Valve Regulated Power Supply and Valve Output Stage is very intriguing to me.

Also, which coax cable seem to be the best match for you?

Thanks much,
I can't supply a Brand Name for the DAC as it is bespoke produced design and imported to the UK from Bulgaria.
The Seller on ebay is I believe known as NVKaudio and the Seller Name is nightyJJ. 
I was given a description that my Product is a design from a period when two Design Engineers were working together, and the Seller is one of those engineers.
I have tube rolled this DAC and it is using early a Matched Pair of early 60's Siemens and Halske E88CC. 

Beyond the experience with it in a very expensive system, it has been demonstrated in other systems, where the system owners are very experienced in using Digital, and the responses from the listeners are very positive.
A group of listeners were making up a audience on the Tube Rolling session, that took place on a System that has a Digital Front End Only.  
I have been informed on this occasion that  I am very fortunate to have been offered the DAC. 

The Cable I am now using is a Mitsubishi D.U.C.C
A Cable can be a make or break addition.
My investigations into Modern Produced Wires and the taking the learning to the place where I am now experiencing the Wires has been quite revelatory.
My OCC Copper and Silver Wires are now Superseded, and the Modern Design Wires are in place at the  Cartridge Tag Wires, DIN - RCA Phono, SUT/Head Amp > Phonostage, CDT > DAC and Speaker Wires.
D.U.C.C is used on the CDT > DAC and SUT/Head Amp > Phonostage .
PC Triple C is used at the other Interfaces. 

My demonstration of these wires to others has already set of a interest and very recently I am seeing reports of a flurry of purchases that are set into motion, as a result of word of mouth reports following demonstrations I have carried out.  
I should have also pointed out that the New Used Power Cable on the CDT is a PC Triple C Nano Treated Cable.
It has had quite a impact on the CDT and the DAC, almost parity.
I keep it on the CDT, as I like to think the DAC receives all the benefits of the CDT and the COAX.
I am now looking to increase the quantity of these Power Cable Types used in the system.   

I had a Jolida JD100 for quite awhile -- I'm sure it was no competition for the Cayin!

Laser light scattering inside the disc screws with the ability to read the discs.  Machina Dynamica sells a mica looking material that you cut to fit your tray. AMAZING
I just ordered the Bryston BCD-3 CD Player a few days ago. The majority of my listening has been listening to  LPs. I like swapping cartridges (Lrya, Ortofon and Kiseki). I do have over 2000 CDs, and the many of the classical CDs are not available on vinyl.

Many years ago I set up a Mac Mini music server. I bought a Wavelength Crimson Dac, and it does sound very good. There’s nothing like triode tubes for an output stage. But I haven’t used this setup in a long time. I prefer playing physical media. 
Thank you for all that contributed to this thread.  I have decided to buy a nice DAC and dedicated transport.  I will be looking at Dac's in the $5k - $8k range.  So many choices!

bobheinatz OPThank you for all that contributed to this thread. I have decided to buy a nice DAC and dedicated transport. I will be looking at Dac’s in the $5k - $8k range.

For the DAC you can’t go past this then "at any price" for your 500+ CD’s , the "Holo May" R2R Multibit, Stereophile said it one of the best they’ve ever measured /heard. Then you’ve got $3k for a good transport, which is plenty.

Cheers George
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bobheinatz OPThinking of Jay’s transport.

Nice transport Bob, ( just don’t go slot loaders) but before buying check with the manufacture what the make and model no. laser is in it and then go "online" to see if they are still available easily and cheap.
(not from the transport manufacture themselves, they could just have heap of NOS that aren’t available anymore)
Nothing worse later on than being stuck with a good transport that needs a new laser you can get cheap/easy or even new from anywhere.

Cheers George
Thank you for all that contributed to this thread. I have decided to buy a nice DAC and dedicated transport. I will be looking at Dac’s in the $5k - $8k range. So many choices!

Good luck! Personally I’d look at either the PS Audio DS or one of Denafrips offerings. I have the weest model from Denafrips, the Ares II, and their Terminator regularly gets amazing reviews.

PS Audio is expecting to start selling the DS v2 late this year or early 2022...the current DS with the new firmware is an excellent machine...
With a budget of 5-15k you can’t do much better than the Hegel Mohican cdp at $5k. So many glowing reviews on line and youtube.