Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?

I would like to think I am pretty much in audio nirvana right now but supremely well aware how quickly that can change to audio nervosa!

What do think?

Is it really possible to kick the addiction and be done and just sit back and enjoy the music?

Has anybody managed this trick of the mind?
I see no way for an OP that asks the burning question, Can the addiction of Audio Nervosa be cured., to spiral out of control. I’m at a loss for an explanation. Maybe Uber nose 🤥

Uber here’s an old army expression: never poop in your own mess kit.
@MG-Oh, jeez. You know, not every one lives, breathes and obsessed over all things audio every waking moment. Some of us actually have lives and interests outside the hobby. So terribly sorry that a little friendly socialising goes off topic now and again. If this offends your sensibilities or irks you to the point of throwing a wet blanket on your perception of what rigid standards this forum should adhere to, perhaps one should look for the exit door and return to his more controlling surroundings. In other words, if you don’t like the ’tune’, change the record.....
Whoa people
Anybody who watches my posts knows I am more than up for humour and somewhat snide and snarky posts a lot of the time, jeez louise!

But MG does have a valid point.

There is a big difference to a thread being derailed by excess troll activity and just some light hearted banter injection.

No I do not think this thread has reached troll activity levels yet but many potentially good threads have.

And GK I was being kind... no pooping in my thread please!

Sorry carp, they’re called audio forums :)

Nothing wrong with humor, I'm chuckling a little as I speak. It's just that many of the threads here get dumbed down so quickly it takes away from the readers wanting to actually be a part of serious listening practices and learning. You may not wish to go as far as the next guy, but shouldn't you give them the choice?


Sorry, Uber, I almost forgot you’re the star. 💃 Thanks for being kind. 🤗
I am aware of that, MG. My point is a little friendly banter mixed in with the topic is harmless and can be quite humorous and entertaining. A big difference from trolling and/or derailing a thread. And if it upsets certain people that much, perhaps it would be better for their wellbeing if they eliminated that aggravation from their lives....And yes, I agree with you that many threads have quickly devolved into sniping and trolling. And yes, I am not nearly as serious about wringing every single molecule of potential out of my system as some on here. But, I’ve learned to separate the wheat from the chaff and simply scroll past the nonsense. I’ve also learned a great deal on how to enhance my system’s sound through this forum, without-admittedly- having much in the way of returning the favor. More parasitic than symbiotic, I'm afraid....
Post removed 
Never enter a bazookoid fight with just a knife.

Old Uber saying....

Interesting topic. NO doubt this is two hobbies, music and gear. If it is a hobby can it ever be over? Would you want it to be over? I have other hobbies, scale R/C model airplane for example. We have a saying; "It's finished when you stop working on it". Is there anyone who does NOT use the same handful of excerpts to evaluate a new component? This is not the music hobby. With Tidal, Roon and Idagio we have countless new musics to explore, all with the best sound we can wring out of our system at the moment. 

Methinks you are correct and that has been said before in the thread.

I would like to think I am not at a stage with my gear that I can concentrate on the other side of the hobby which is just the music and enjoy.

However sites like this and Ebay do not help resist the temptation … lol.

Do items like new cartridges for existing turntables count as upgrades or can I just consider them "essential needs"!

I may be wrong but I remember Alfa Romeo Spiders having just that written on them (except the number for displacement, or Veloce on some iterations, maybe Graduate in the U.S.A. to capitalize on the movie, etc.). I think Alfa Romeo model was actually called Spider while some other brands had "model+ spider" (124 Spider, for example). Sort of, Alfa Romeo Spider pinpointing to just one model.

I just remembered how we ended up with this topic. It was because of the Queen song. Ok, not too far from audio.

Also, no matter what model the car, it must have had a stereo in it....the question is, did Roger Taylor feel the need to upgrade it? (Just trying to stay on topic, lest I offend any audio deities looking down upon me...)

I’d guess he did need to make it louder. Double the amount if it was convertible. I am not sure how it affected soundstage, though, but there was a fuse box in the front so miracles were just a pop of the cover away.
My system has been unchanged since late 2015. I am quite content and quite done. At this point the only changes I anticipate are a new phono cartridge one day (I’ve had my cartridge well over a decade) and repairs, when and if necessary. 
Quickly back to the Roger Taylor car song.
He actually wrote it and dedicated it to one of the bands roadies who drove a Triumph TR4, but the exhaust note was considered a little emancipated hence Rogers Alfa became the stand in.

Truth or urban legend... you decide!

Apparently Lucas ( Aka The Prince of Darkness to most British"sports car" owners) was looking the other way that day.....

Tbh although I lived in England for 40 years I never owned even one example of what were our idea of a "sports car".
I was lucky as Ford had just brought out the Capri and 3000GT was just the tool for an aspiring 18 year old on a perpetual hunt for...... use your imagination.

Unfortunately I found out the too hard way that their handling sadly lagged behind the performance as I reversed it into a lamppost at 70mph. Funny I could have sworn that post was in front of me when I entered the bend.....
In New England, we call him the man who invented dark. Now, can we PLEASE get back to the topic at hand?? All this friendly chitchat is going to cause all the serious audiophiles to quit the forum and it will be forced to shut down. Honestly!
"Now, can we PLEASE get back to the topic at hand?? All this friendly chitchat is going to cause all the serious audiophiles to quit the forum..."
Topic at hand is "serious audiophiles" quitting. Isn’t it?

As I was opening the page the right side was advertisement Long reach of uberwaltz who is getting cleaned of audiophilia.
"Where would GK go then?"
To Michael Green's Tuneland website (which is something different from computer game for children that Google prefers).
Yes, At the end of your life (say 67) when hopefully your kids are on their own and you did well financially and have money to blow you can set up your Ultimate Hi Fi. Then you can spend the rest of your money on records. Well, maybe the occasional cartridge and tube.
I do envy those nice normal people who find a good set-up and just enjoy their records for the next 10-20 years.
I've been able to squeeze two + years out of one very good rig.
Speakers have been the longest lasting components in my house at four years.
Good speakers are much harder to find (and carry and ship...)  than the electronics.
We're playing, that's what we do.
Our stereos are better than anything 99% of the people have.
The Allegory of the Track

For some years I was a Porsche Club track Driving Instructor. All kinds of cars and drivers come to the track. At first they know only what every Driver’s License holder knows: nothing. Absolutely nothing. Less than nothing even. A combination of BS and lies.

First thing they all do is head over to the fastest, lowest, wingiest looking car they can find to gape and gaw while trying not to drool all over their brand new Pilotti’s.

Then they all go out and, confronted with the reality of just how much total concentration and just how freaking hard it is to drive well, not to mention how expensive it is, they quit. Usually before they get very good at what should have been the reason for coming in the first place, driving.

Which is a shame.

A persistent few, the wise ones anyway, they notice a few things. Like there are some guys who day after day seem to really be having fun and even manage to steadily and regularly pass in spite of driving much older, cheaper, less crazy looking cars. Cars that don’t even need a trailer to get to the track. Cars they actually enjoy driving on everyday public roads.

Some even come to understand what the Instructor said about smoother being faster. The Zen-, or Yoda- if you prefer, like saying that to go fast don’t drive fast, drive well.

Other guys eventually notice how fast they are. Start asking questions. Which are always, How much horsepower? Or something like that. Never, Why’d you take that line? How do you look so smooth? Or anything like that.

And the skilled driver, because that’s what he is now, to his credit he does try to explain. But they have no patience. Off they run to gape and gaw at the Next Big Thing being rolled off a trailer.

So glad I do not fall into your category there, but I do fear that millions of drivers do.

Spent my formative years piloting motorcycles around some of the twistiest tracks in England, nothing quite like them anywhere here in the USA.
Google, Olivers Mount, Cadwell Park, Three Sisters etc.
You are absolutely correct, used to have a ball running around the inside or outside of uber expensive and new race replica bikes on a couple of different steeds I had just for the track, stripped down to the core to gain as much power to weight ratio as possible, one even ran total loss ignition, battery power only no generator.

Both looked like crap but were rock solid and as safe as any bike on a track could be, all money and time spent on brakes and tires.

Smooth was ALWAYS the key to going fast and trying to keep your cool, once you get excited and angry then you get ragged and lose time around the track

Or crash.... ouch!
I got that part right away......

But as you decided to embellish the lesson so did I.......
Once I retired at the end of 2011, giving me more time to actually play the full sized system instead of listening mostly through my Grados, I got restless and upgraded my cd player and speakers a year later to an Oppo 93 and a pair of Maggies. My wife was critical of the expense (which really wasn’t much considering I bought both used and got excellent deals from two kind folks) until she heard the results. We played music non stop for 15 hours the first day everything was hooked up and my only negative was thinking about how I should have done it sooner.

Would anything short of equipment failure bring me back to the marketplace as a potential buyer? Not yet... but never is a long time...
And your evidence that Spotify works 6-ft under or auditory functions persist post-death is where?
@unreceivedogma It is great that you are happy with your system! 

I think this is kind of a mood thing but some of us may  need to actively decide to be happy with what we got. And we may of couse change mood a couple of years later.

I do think you should try a newer cd though, a lot have happened on that front in 35 years.
Get the best audio and enjoy the best music. Hobbies portrays our soul so never let it go. Just have fund and enjoy what you've got, and improve what must be improved.
I did not anticipate that afterlife sound systems would be subject to peer review. 
I just came from underground. It was not that crowded. You should try some day.
Please refrain from turning this thread into another trainwreck!
The Management.........
By chance, I heard "Le Moribond" by Jacques Brel today and could not be done with it so continued with its copy "Seasons In The Sun" by Terry Jacks (lyrics significantly changed). It is a great song, I think. It is about being done in this hobby of life.

(there are subtitles in English, if anyone is interested in lyrics and is not adept at French, they may be worth thinking about)

Back to back, belly to belly
I don’t give a damn, I done dead already
Oho back to back, belly to belly
At the Zombie Jamboree

One female Zombie wouldn’t behave
See how she jumping out of the grave
In one hand a quarter rum
In the other hand she knocking Congo drum
Believe singer start to make his rhyme
The Zombies are racking their bones in thyme
One bystander had this to say
T was a pleasure to see the Zombies break away

Back to back, belly to belly
I don’t give a damn, I done dead already
Oho… 🧟‍♂️
Priests and cannibals, prehistoric animals
Everybody’s happy when the dead come home
Big black nemesis, parthenogenesis
No one moves a muscle when the dead come home...

Shriekback- Nemesis.
Probably the only song in history with the word parthenogenesis in it.
Well not much rhymes with nemesis of course so I can see it......😲😲

 Going Underground ... The Jam.

True classic