
Responses from dohanian

What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?
I read with interest all that is here. The hardest thing to parse is the psychological NEED to hear that it is "better" after spending $$$.I like DILL; the manufacturer's friend.... 
Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.
Just wondering; what do you R to R guys listen to, anyway? Must be pretty limited. 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Interesting topic. NO doubt this is two hobbies, music and gear. If it is a hobby can it ever be over? Would you want it to be over? I have other hobbies, scale R/C model airplane for example. We have a saying; "It's finished when you stop working... 
Klipsch!. The worst speaker company, EVER?
To understand why Klipsch speakers (whether K-horns or Heresy) are so polarizing it is important to recognize that most all speakers do SOMETHING well. I feel I can speak with authority about the Klipsch corner horns because I owned a pair for 8 y... 
Do you listen to equipment or music.
I have wrestled with and written about this dichotomy for years. I believe the "gear" side is the hobbyist side of the, er, hobby, and the listening is the music side. Each serves the other, but if it gets too far toward the gear side, (swapping o... 
Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???
I have some older Bel Canto units (before the Black series), pre and amp that have been superb. Super low noise, lots of oomph, sweet midrange on my Merlin VSM's, and I can leave them on all the time! 
How are you hearing no difference?
Not a bad metaphor, cbrents73. Just a side note to dig in a bit to the tubes/transistor point. You say one will be "more right." Each have qualities that are superior to the other. We know that traditionally transistor amps have killer, tight bass... 
How are you hearing no difference?
I need a psychologist to weigh in here. (I am not one). The central fallacy as I see it is; assuming one can hear a difference in presentation between two similar components, is one better? Chocolate and vanilla are both ice creams, both cold and ... 
Do speaker cables need a burn in period?
If you have to it really an issue??? Can't you just hook them up, use them, and see if anything changes over time??? 
Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?
I have a VAC Auricle preamp (w/phono stage). I called VAC, and Brent, their head tech said tube wear is less by leaving it on all the time. The VAC monoblocks are turned on only when in use. For solid state gear, including power amps, it is the on... 
What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(
Part of the problem is that today "if it doesn't travel, I ain't interested". I also have found it interesting that so many trends have been "re-discovered". Vinyl, integrated amps, magnetic tape; what's old is new again. This will no doubt happen... 
Well Tempered
I have an original aluminum, one lug arm tube somewhere. Do you want it? I upgraded years ago to the carbon two lug headshell.