Cable Evolution

This thread I have not seen so far.
Share what cables you own along with their prices

Mine are:
HiDiamond $2000
High Fidelity cable $20000
This thread seems more like market research than sharing the pro's and con's of our respective cables and experience with them.
Roxy/Acman3/JMC/others....ROTFLMAO, well said! Price and performance have nothing to do with each other and I would guess the original poster has some agenda to boot.
07-25-15: Jmcgrogan2
Since price and performance are unrelated, what is the point?
As some of you may have seen, rather striking examples of low correlation between cable performance and cable price are the current threads in which some of our particularly experienced members, whose sonic perceptions have high credibility in my book, and some of whom have experience with multi-thousand dollar cables, are singing the virtues of certain specific Belden and vintage Western Electric cables whose costs are roughly in the same ballpark as Radio Shack cables.

In this thread I and others offered reasons why that is not surprising.

-- Al
Share what cables you own along with their prices

Why? Are we playing I'll show you mine if you show me yours?
Since price and performance are unrelated, what is the point?
I have about $25,000 into my speaker cables. I bought a spool of Monster's finest, and then went to Antarctica and hand cryoed them myself.
$50 ---- spool of Monster's finest
$3600 -- travel to Antarctica
$21350 - medical bills for frostbite
It would. Cryoed gelato turns into this stuff called ice cream. Its very rare and expensive. I can get you some, but it won't be cheap.
I have about $25,000 into my speaker cables. I bought a spool of Monster's finest, and then went to Antarctica and hand cryoed them myself. The results are stunning. I'm planning another trip to do my IC's.
I actually use the same cables for 20+ years....Yamamura cables.....had tried many, many, many and always got back to Yamamura...
The aggregate of cables I've had and now own pale in comparison.
Back to my gelato for sustenance.
In my case: $3.00 - $3000.00.

From Philmore to Bon Vivant cables in 40 years time. WOW! About 25 other types/brands between those years. LOL.
It's nice to see that after 14 hours there aren't any members itching to brag about what brand of cables they own or have owned, and how much they paid for them. What else would you like to long and thick they are?