Boulder monoblock 2150

Looking at the new Stereophile Magazine. Has anyone noticed the "32 Amp IEC Cord" on the back of the amplifier?  


Dave I wasn't speaking of the rich, but the 1% who run this country because that's who the politicians work for, both Democrat and Republican. There is absolutely nothing imaginary about that.

Although I fully realize this is not the place for such a conversation, I occasionally test to see if audiophiles know about anything other than "audiophileia", but I am always disappointed; meaning, this should be the last time.

If I'm not mistaken, "everybody" is supposed to run a Democracy, but that requires a well informed populace, since it's apparent that "audiophiles" as a group are well educated, it would seem they would also be well informed, "my bad".

Peace be with you.
It is not the spending behavior of the nouveau riche that is deeply troubling so much as the fervent ire created within others due to imaginary machinations.


     I currently have many areas of concern about the world and some of the individuals in it.  How wisely or foolishly the wealthy ones spend there money is, fortunately, not one of them.

     Being against the  the wealthy spending their money foolishly reminds me of being anti-war or anti-iceberg.  Certain things are going to occur whether or not it's any of our business and whether we approve or not.

     Personally, I refuse to spend any mental energy on issues I have no control over, especially those issues that have no affect on my life.

    Semi-deep thoughts from Tim and his 'Duh! Files'.


Post removed 
It is sad to see. But, I see the same thing in my field. 

People with so much to spend, but absolutely no idea of what to buy. -And then buy the most expensive/famous because it 'must be better'.
People with some money who think they know more than I do, and end up going with the 'cheaper route', getting burned and then whining that everyone is a cheat.

It's a funny thing about "Audiophiles", they are so obsessed over their hobby, that they are totally unaware of anything else going on. Before now, the wealthiest audiophiles seemed to be in the "upper middle class", Doctors, Lawyers... and other professional people; but now, we seem to have been invaded by people who are so rich, they have no idea how to spend all of that "excess" cash; hence, all of these unheard of high prices.

Now we seem to have an abundance of 20K tonearms, and 10K cartridges, plus speakers and amps costing over 100K. Personally, I don't believe their systems sound any better than a long time audiophile's rig who has spent a lifetime obtaining the knowledge required to have a good sounding rig, while those who purchase 10K cartridges, and 100K amps are only involved in the most expensive, not necessarily the best.

The rich have gotten richer, so rich they have no idea how to spend it, and the poor have gotten poorer; but most of us are "programmed" to never even think such thoughts.

The article states that the power cord is stock and an be used in a standard AC plug at the wall. However, Mr. Fremer did have Audioquest make a Hurricane power cord with the 32 amp IEC for comparison.  

I'm digging the binding posts also. They mimic my Levinson's, however mine and are red and black. Spades only, very very tight. 
Yes, the power requirements were interesting.  Then again, it is a 1000 watt amplifier that purports to operate in Class A.

More interesting to me were the comments Boulder made about feedback.....and I assume they were referring to global feedback.
What I noticed was the 2150's $99,000/pr price tag. I didn't read any further. This is getting ridiculous.
I think it's way past that point....

What I noticed was the 2150's $99,000/pr price tag. I didn't read any further. This is getting ridiculous.
I think it's way past that point....
What I noticed was the 2150's $99,000/pr price tag. I didn't read any further. This is getting ridiculous.

Can you afford them?
What I noticed was the 2150's $99,000/pr price tag. I didn't read any further. This is getting ridiculous.
I have the Boulder 2060 and I use a 20 amp 110v outlet. Are these 2150 requiring a 240v outlet standard? Or just the review samples? I believe standard 2150 is just like my 2060 and can utilize the usual 110v outlets but preferably a 20 amp dedicated one.

i believe it's just the review samples.

And btw, the 2060 sounds like a phenom.  I would assume the 2150 is better.  Though when I spoke to Boulder they recommended against the 2150 and just go with the 3060 instead for the same price.
It would be nice if there was a way you could use this amplifier to drive the kitchen appliances while listening to your favorite tunes. That would probably be the only way I might be able to convince my significant other that this is a great buy....


If only I had the means to obtain such luxury. But for now, I'm running class A/B Adaptive Biasing on my my Mark Levinson no. 334 dual mono. 


     You have 2 options:

1.  Build a powerplant in your backyard-your choice of the slightly dangerous nuclear or the always popular and neighbor friendly CO2 belching coal variety.

2.  Wise up and try out some class D mono-blocks.

I saw that too. It needs a 240v circuit..... I think you need to live within a 50 mile radius of a power station if you consider purchasing this puppy.