Bob Dylan sells his complete songwriting catalog!

I agree with mapman, Dylan deserves it for a lifetime of great thought-provoking music. I doubt that he needs the money. He already has plenty of mine.

middlemass -- Bud Dolan.  Wasn't he mentioned on the back cover of the Airplane's Volunteers elpee?
The Bard of Hibbing is now officially the richest folk singer (don't call it rock-n-roll) in the world! 
Managing Zappa’s musical legacy caused a lot of bad feelings between his kids. Bob is being smart by avoiding that sort of problem.

Universal will probably mishandle the music trying to squeeze every penny they can out of it, but what else is new?
I am a little disappointed, do ya think he needed the money? Just sayin. Enjoy the music
Can't blame him for selling at his age, he can enjoy the money and hopefully give some to charities and do some good right about now. The only sad part is they'll be used for commercials for Viagra (I shall be Released? The Man in Me?) or dusting your furniture (Pledging My Time?) using his songs. They wanted to use the Man in Black's "Ring of Fire" for a hemorrhoid commercial a few years back. Sad but that's what happens.

Contest here - pick a product and pick a Dylan song that would be a good match. How about Lay Lady Lay and Mattress Discounters? 

Your turn.....
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