Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"

Midnight 3/27/2020 release.

Did you go to the Bob Dylan School of Poetry?


Sure, but I think you're over dramatizing it to say the least.

"When JFK was murdered, the future of millions of people was murdered; I dare say, the future of generations of people was murdered, and the killer knew that."

It's pretty well documented that the Kennedy's were aware of the various hidden dangers they were confronting with their brave approach to political life.

JFK even joked about it.

Their murders effectively served as a warning for any future presidential do-gooders not to rock the boat too much.

And so far no one has.

The difference between being unemployed and considering a liquor store holdup one day, and having a job at a manufacturing plant the next day is more dramatic than anyone can imagine.
I was born a year after the Kennedy assassination, and my parents at the time were so traumatized by the event (and the social/political upheaval that followed) that they had considered leaving the US to go back and live in Europe (my mother was Danish; my father is a US WWII vet).  They felt that their whole belief system had been subverted by what his murder/death personified.  The nation became quite divided (and still is), and social/economic inequalities became exacerbated as this country plunged itself down the path of neoliberalism.  I find the song to be quite haunting.  The lyrics for me cut like a knife - they are direct and unambiguous.  Death is unambiguous.  As to why Dylan chose to release this song right now I can only speculate.  On the surface the Kennedy assassination obviously impacted him (as the whole nation).  Covid-19 also conjures up fears of death.  As this country continually fails to have a meaningful discussion on the role government (I blame the tribalism that all political parties seem to embrace) we witness a staggeringly impotent response to this crisis.  To properly protect ourselves and appropriately respond to such crises, we have to be unified as a nation (it is in everyone’s best interest) otherwise the social/economic inequities will continue to surge and many more people will die than is necessary - Murder Most Foul.
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This just in,

The daughter and grandson of former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend are missing and presumed dead after a canoeing accident, the family confirmed. Townsend confirmed late Friday the search had transitioned to a recovery operation.

Townsend is the eldest daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 while running for president, and the niece of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated five years earlier in Dallas.

MORE: From campaign to tragedy: A look at Robert Kennedy’s final days

Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean, Townsend’s daughter, and her 8-year-old son, Gideon, got into a canoe Thursday in the water of Chesapeake Bay off their home in Shady Side, Maryland, "to retrieve a ball and were unable to paddle back to shore," according to Maryland Natural Resources Police.

JFK did more for African Americans than Abraham Lincoln  ... Unfortunately, those who reach a certain economic status become conditional "white people", who have no interest in the African Americans in the multitudes who have been left behind.
What a load of ugly racist nonsense. Perhaps you've been confined inside your ivory tower for too long.
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Famous rich black people who are in essence "conditional White" people is irrelevant as far as I’m concerned.
You keep bringing this up, so you must think it’s relevant, or perhaps you just feel better repeating this canard.
They can be White on the condition they stand at the right time, sing at the right time, and never protest any inequality regarding Black People.
Ugly, racist, ivory tower ignorant nonsense. That’s just what this is. It’s time for you to get out in the real world, "orpheus10." You've got a problem.

Cleeds, you past up the meat of the subject, which was the 100 years of lynching and DISCRIMINATION being the law of the land; I wonder why?
Calm down, the vein on your forehead is bulging. We all know that discrimination based on anything is rampant worldwide, and only the continued maturation of humankind will make that better, but it is happening. Meanwhile, I think you have grossly exaggerated in your mind the importance of JFK in American history. 
Surely his assassination was a big hurt for everyone; I was there too and I was shocked and hurt and everything felt different for a long time, but I think we have to be careful that we don't canonize anyone. (except our mothers of course)       

I didn't want to comment on the missing Kennedy Family members on Chesapeake Bay, but I suppose I have to. Everyone knows how much I love the Kennedy Family, and how I sympathize with their tragedies. I don't know much about Chesapeake Bay, but I know about canoes, I turned over in one and got wet; we had a big laugh.

I wish someone would fill me in on the details of why a canoe was even on Chesapeake Bay (I don't understand that) from what I know about the Bay. They say the wind blew them out to sea. Every time I saw pictures of Chesapeake Bay, there were yachts on the Bay; where were the yachts to save them?

I've seen comments on this, and I want to bash the people who made those comments, but I have the same questions in mind; however, that was a horrible tragedy and the Kennedy's lost loved ones; I weep for them as I would my own loved ones.

It seemed that almost the day after JFK was assassinated, his programs fell apart; but not like you might think; they were put under new management and became vehicles for theft. The new management was in business to loot the government.

I don't think LBJ was aware of that, he didn't seem to be that kind of person, but anytime there are large amounts of money involved it requires close supervision.

No one can overestimate the importance of JFK in regard to the "New Frontier", and his killers knew that.
An invention of your imagination. You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Sometimes when bad things happen, people invent elaborate, if imaginary schemes to explain them, and it seems that you have done that in this case. 

Roxy, you have not made one single solitary post that indicates you know anything about the subject, all your posts have been directed at me.

Since that's the conclusion of what happened, it really doesn't matter, "The End".
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No thread other than this thread could be more appropriate for that link, but don't worry, it will be removed.
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Dyan has never been an interest for me, gonna take a pass on mmf and him this lifetime. 

In spite of being a big fan, I’ve seen Bob live only twice. The first time (in the very early 90’s at The Hollywood Bowl), one of the worst shows I’ve ever been to in my life. Absolutely dreadful, both he and his lame 3-piece band. The Second (very early 2000’s at The Pantages Theater on Hollywood Blvd., a grand old Art Deco room), one of the best. He’s like that.

At the Pantages, Dylan was on fire, smiling, looking at audience members, taking guitar solos (!). He had a great band, and the audience loved him. Poor Beck, he had to open for Bob, and got a polite response. I was not impressed, but I’m like that.

Bob Dylan could only wish that he had the ear for melody and arrangements that Beck has. I don't think that there are many artist that would relish having Beck open for them.
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It's impossible for the MOWRON who keeps deleting my posts to conceive of what a different country this would be had JFK lived, but it's for sure his assassins understand that.
I hope that MOWRON was a deliberate misspelling. If not, you're even goofier than I thought.

Roxy, only a MOWRON would respond to a comment like that, so I suppose that makes me a MOWRON.
A suggestion orpheus10. Don't pain yourself with thoughts of what could have been, look at all of the good that in the now.

Roxy, I don't wont yours or anybody else's "rose colored glasses", I see what is now and I see it quite clearly, that's why some "MOWRON" keeps removing my posts; but that won't change a thing.