Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"

Midnight 3/27/2020 release.


Showing 20 responses by orpheus10

Roxy, I don't wont yours or anybody else's "rose colored glasses", I see what is now and I see it quite clearly, that's why some "MOWRON" keeps removing my posts; but that won't change a thing.

Roxy, only a MOWRON would respond to a comment like that, so I suppose that makes me a MOWRON.

It's impossible for the MOWRON who keeps deleting my posts to conceive of what a different country this would be had JFK lived, but it's for sure his assassins understand that.

No thread other than this thread could be more appropriate for that link, but don't worry, it will be removed.

Roxy, you have not made one single solitary post that indicates you know anything about the subject, all your posts have been directed at me.

Since that's the conclusion of what happened, it really doesn't matter, "The End".

It seemed that almost the day after JFK was assassinated, his programs fell apart; but not like you might think; they were put under new management and became vehicles for theft. The new management was in business to loot the government.

I don't think LBJ was aware of that, he didn't seem to be that kind of person, but anytime there are large amounts of money involved it requires close supervision.

No one can overestimate the importance of JFK in regard to the "New Frontier", and his killers knew that.

I didn't want to comment on the missing Kennedy Family members on Chesapeake Bay, but I suppose I have to. Everyone knows how much I love the Kennedy Family, and how I sympathize with their tragedies. I don't know much about Chesapeake Bay, but I know about canoes, I turned over in one and got wet; we had a big laugh.

I wish someone would fill me in on the details of why a canoe was even on Chesapeake Bay (I don't understand that) from what I know about the Bay. They say the wind blew them out to sea. Every time I saw pictures of Chesapeake Bay, there were yachts on the Bay; where were the yachts to save them?

I've seen comments on this, and I want to bash the people who made those comments, but I have the same questions in mind; however, that was a horrible tragedy and the Kennedy's lost loved ones; I weep for them as I would my own loved ones.

Cleeds, you past up the meat of the subject, which was the 100 years of lynching and DISCRIMINATION being the law of the land; I wonder why?

The difference between being unemployed and considering a liquor store holdup one day, and having a job at a manufacturing plant the next day is more dramatic than anyone can imagine.

Roxy54, the President of The United States Of America "always" affects millions of people whether it be for good or bad.

How should the music to a "Murder Most Foul" sound? Should it be beautiful?

When JFK was murdered, the future of millions of people was murdered; I dare say, the future of generations of people was murdered, and the killer knew that.

What kind of song do you sing, and what kind of music do you compose for such a catastrophic event?

I consider Bob Dylan's "Murder Most Foul", a singular work of art that could be put on an exhibit at a museum.

I thank you for your welcome Reubent. When I think of those times I think of how much better off working class people would be, and in essence the entire country, had he lived.

If anyone is serious about wanting to know who assassinated JFK, they will have to study Bobby and MLK's assassinations. All three men were assassinated by faceless nuts. There were also "Buffers" between the faceless nuts and the real perpetrators. Remember "buffers";

I make no cause and effect link between organized crime and those assassinations, just threw in the "Buffer" thing as humor, and to indicate the fact that "buffers" were used, as is always the case when the criminally insane rich and powerful are involved.

When you give a man a fish, you feed him for one meal, when you teach a man how to fish, you feed him for life; JFK aspired to teach men how to fish.

With the aid of other experts, he set up schools, called "Government Programs" all over the country. I talked to people who were involved; students and teachers, I was the same age as some of the students (early twenties). For young ladies on welfare, it was compulsory; consequently, they didn't like it at first, but when they realized this was a real school, where they could learn how to become qualified secretaries and achieve a higher standard of living, they viewed things in a different light.

Young unemployed men were being taught various skills that would keep them out of the unemployment line.

JFK put dedicated experts in charge of these "Programs", people like himself who had a vision of a better country; one without high unemployment.

I've been told more than once that this forum is exclusively for audio, and that my posts deviate from that subject; consequently, anyone who wants to has my permission to delete this post.

Geoffkait, I thought long and hard about your question, and the answer is 100% moot. Not only did they assassinate JFK, but they assassinated his way of thinking, which was the objective. They assassinated our way of thinking; while they didn’t assassinate me, they assassinated my way of thinking.

JFK did the unthinkable, he took into consideration poor Black People. He was a rich White Man, and he took into consideration poor Black People, that was unthinkable.

For rich people to think of those who were less fortunate was unthinkable.

Today we live by the law of the jungle; it’s every man for himself, and every woman for herself.

Who was Jack Ruby? Whatever he was he was not patriotic. He did what he had to do when he killed Lee Harvey Oswald, and he knew why.

When an oligarch orders a hit, he's certain it will never come back to him.

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? Oswald was a nut, just the kind of person to get for this type of mission. He was solicited by Jack Ruby; when Ruby came up to him, he expressed recognition of Ruby. He had a look of total astonishment on his face after he was shot.

Why is discussion of this subject total taboo, that's the question everyone should ask.

I have always let it be known to all and any, that John F. Kennedy was my hero above all others. If he had lived, the standard of living and quality of life would be immeasurably higher for the working man.