Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"

Midnight 3/27/2020 release.


Showing 12 responses by roxy54

I listened to the whole  "song" last night. I'm not going to be extreme in my comments, because then they would just be dismissed completely, especially by this audience. 

To begin with, the music part of it, which not surprisingly for contemporary Dylan work was almost nonexistent; sort of a bland, tired background presence. 

As far as the lyrics are concerned, I listened carefully, and to my mind, they were neither great poetry nor brilliant observation; just pretty ordinary, like many people might write, and of course rambling all over the place with expected allusions and phrases conjuring up images of the period to those of us at that age who remember.

As usual with Mr. Dylan, I don't see the king's new clothes. What was really surprising to me were the comments beneath the video. I read several dozen of them, and not one of them was critical...and this is you tube! 

An aside; after I listened to it, I looked up "Bob Dylan 2019" on you tube out of curiosity, and found a 2019 live performance of "Simple Twist of Fate". I was truly shocked. There was an excited audience there who had actually paid for tickets to see this. I am certainly not a Dylan hater. Like many people, I thought his early work was often very observant and clever, even poetic, and even up to Blood on the Tracks there was interesting work, but I think that it may be true that poets do their best work when they're young. 
Thanks tostadosunidos, I will check that out. I'm glad that I didn't get flamed for an opposing opinion. Again, I'm far from black and white on the subject, I just don't hold him in blinded awe, and wonder what his every utterance might mean.
I understand that you respected the man, and you had your reasons, but I think you have gone over the edge with that last comment. 
Did you go to the Bob Dylan School of Poetry?


Sure, but I think you're over dramatizing it to say the least.
Calm down, the vein on your forehead is bulging. We all know that discrimination based on anything is rampant worldwide, and only the continued maturation of humankind will make that better, but it is happening. Meanwhile, I think you have grossly exaggerated in your mind the importance of JFK in American history. 
Surely his assassination was a big hurt for everyone; I was there too and I was shocked and hurt and everything felt different for a long time, but I think we have to be careful that we don't canonize anyone. (except our mothers of course)       
An invention of your imagination. You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Sometimes when bad things happen, people invent elaborate, if imaginary schemes to explain them, and it seems that you have done that in this case. 
Bob Dylan could only wish that he had the ear for melody and arrangements that Beck has. I don't think that there are many artist that would relish having Beck open for them.
I hope that MOWRON was a deliberate misspelling. If not, you're even goofier than I thought.
A suggestion orpheus10. Don't pain yourself with thoughts of what could have been, look at all of the good that in the now.