Best Tube amp match for Dunlavy SC 4A speakers?

I’m currently running the Audio Research VT 100 Mark 2 amp with my Dunlavy SC 4A speakers. A friend of mine let me borrow the AR Ref 75 with the KT 150 tubes. The definition is fantastic & it’s more powerful but I found the sound to be too bright. Can someone please recommend a tube amp that has the definition & power of the Ref 75 but not the harshness & match up well with the Dunlavy’s?  My preamp is Audio Research Ref 5 SE amp.

I always liked tubes on the Dunlavy's.  My dealer used both VTL and, later, VAC amps on them to good effect--had he carried ARC then I expect he would have used them as well.  I would think a VAC higher powered amp (Phi 200 or 300, for example) would work well with them.  But I agree with Ralph, you might want to try a different tap on the ARC first.
Years ago I ran my sc,4a, s with a pair of papsworth audio m200,s  , audrio research sp 8 , bright would never be a term that would come to mind.

Among the top-sounding systems I've heard was ARC VT-130/LS-2 separates driving Dunlavy SC-IVa speakers (CEC/Theta front end).
The VT-130 is/was a "plain Jane", all-tube, fully balanced design with sound to die for. These pop up for sale once-or-twice a year. The VT-130SE is a cooler-looking amp (meters). Can't vouch for sound.
John Dunlavy was not a proponent of tubes. With that said, I would suggest making sure that what ever amplifier you choose is comfortable onto 3 Ohms. Other than that, they provide for a fairly easy load. Sonically I would suggest avoiding anything with a soft or loose bass response.