Best streamers WITHOUT a DAC

A year or so I jumped into the streaming world with the Bluesound ecosystem.  Overall I'm very happy with it.  Still, I think I can do better than the Node 2i on my "reference" system, basically a vintage high end setup (Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 Mk III, Krell KBL,  ML no. 332, factory rebuilt Maggie MG 3a's).  I've compared the 2i's internal DAC with the SFD-2s and it isn't even close.  Not surprising, as the SFD-2 Mk III is certainly one of the best DACs ever made despite its age.  So, can anybody suggest a suitable DACless streamer?  Comments appreciated, thanks.

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Oh yeah, forgot! Needs to be something with S/PDIF or AES/EBU digital outputs. No USB. Thanks!

Bryston BDP-3 has both of those outputs. No MQA and restricted to services TIDAL, QOBUZ and local files on attached storage.


I use EMM Labs NS1 and Toslink output with DH Labs glass master cable but it also has AES/EBU and EMM specific ST fibre. Roon endpoint and UPNP/DLNA control with mcontrolHD app.

@rsf507 i will use Roon as an example because it is so common.  The Bricasti M5 is a Roon Endpoint but does not run Roon Server.  You can run room server on a ton of devices but a PC or Mac Mini can perform poorly and mitigate the benefit you are getting from the Bricasti.  Mac Mini’s in particular are awful IMO and any dedicated server; small green, Roon Nucleus, etc… will outperform it.  

the OP mentions they are looking for flexibility and reference quality which is why I suggested Anyipodes.  For Roon in particular, an M5 and a Roon Nucleus.  

to run Roon with Lumin you would need a separate server as well but since it has its own streaming software option, you can avoid the separate server.  Not my preference but it is an option as I personally see a lot of value in a service based on my experience. 

@verdantaudio wouldn't the OP just need the Bricasti M5 for what he is asking about? Why the Antipodes S40? Just curious.

Aurender N-100C has a S/PIDF connection,  I use the USB version and enjoy it. Good luck with search. 

You haven’t specified a budget but the Antipodes K50 would meet all your needs and deliver reference level performance.  It is $15k but one of the great servers in the world.  

A hybrid, 2 Box approach could be interesting.  Something like an Antipodes S40 with a Bricasti M5 would be half the price and is a pretty incredible solution.  $7400 combined and again, would do everything you are asking for.  

the Lumin U1 is a little older at this point but still offers great support for current platforms.  It is a streamer only at $6k

the U1 Mini is a smaller, more streamlined version at $2100.  All of these are a step up from a Node.

I am an Antipodes and Bricasti dealer.  I am considering Lumin at this time but am not a retailer at this time. 


Oh yeah, forgot!  Needs to be something with S/PDIF or AES/EBU digital outputs.  No USB.  Thanks!

Thanks, will look at that. Price range kind of open, would need to look at some alternatives.  As for features...

- decent OS with Android phone and Windows control

- support for Tidal, Qobuz, other  hi-rez streaming services, presumably similar to BlueOS, Sonos etc.  MQA too (why not?)

- Ethernet/wired network

- Support for Plex, Roon, JRiver or other network streaming apps &/or its own native network streaming app (I've got a 1Tb library)


Both BlueSound and Sonos do all that stuff and presumably other, mixers streamers do as well.  Don't need anything more exotic than that featurewise.  Fwiw I've had a hard time even finding comparisons of streamer comparisons where the digital output is feed through a reference DAC. 


Melco N100 works for me.  Can you suggest the price range and other required features?