Best Power Cord for a Classe CA 2300

....without getting into all of this and all of that about power cords......opinions on the best power cord for this amp ! Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you

classe' plays very well (no pun) w/ Transparent Audio cables/cords/conditioners. Happy Listening!
Hello J135 - thank you about the suggestion for the Classe mono-blocs but I am at a stage where I want to keep my system ( and life ) simple. I had the Classe CA 2200 and sold that and went up to the new CA 2300 back in May of this year. I had a Purist 20th Anniversary power cord on it and I liked it. My whole system is Purist Audio 20th Anniversary ( except for the speaker cables which is the Provectus ) I listened to the Shunyata Anaconda Zitron - nice cable and then went to the Purist Limited Edition power cord which seemed to fall in place sonically with the rest of the system. I still would like to hear a good Siltech ( as I have always liked their cables ) and also the 25th Anniversary Purist before I do anything narrowing things down
What happened to the "old" Audiogon, where moderators censored these boards to make sure everyone was fairly cordial? Audiogon is now giving Audioasylum and Head-Fi a run for the money...

In any case, my recommendation is to demo some power cords either from manufacturers who offer generous return privileges or from the Cable Company, where you will get charged a nominal fee (5% of the retail price) to try out as many of the well-known brands as you want until you find a good match. The salespeople also may have some words of wisdom about power cords others use with Classe amps, since they do keep a database of what components customers own and also have a pretty good idea of what cords are flying off the shelves and what cords are constantly being returned unloved.

I personally would audition power cords from Mojo Audio, Triode Wire Labs, and Fusion Audio. The Mojo Audio cords have great dynamics and frequency extension, the Triode Wire Labs cords impart a bit of mid-range warmth, and the Fusion Audio cords have warmth, good bass, and big sticker prices. In any case, all three companies will let you demo their cords for at least 30 days and accept returns with no questions asked. (Mojo offers a 45-day trial).
Lol, dang Elizabeth! So anyways, are all of your power cords Pangea? If so, which ones for what components? Quickly, what does your system comprise of? Sorry, I know it's off topic, but I'm just curious what you have. Also, I just recently purchased a classe ca-150 and am using a power punch cord on the ca-150 and another power punch cord on my pre-amp (classe ssp 25). Any thoughts on the power punch cords?
Wow!!!! Ok, I think I am going to order a Pangea AC 9
for my new Music Hall integrated. If Elizabeth is still happy with her's after all this time, I think it must be pretty damn good. If it's not, I'm coming after her!!! ;o)
I'm also looking at new power cords for my system.

Okay, so it's the Pangea power cords, thanks for the info, I think?
Simple question and a simple answer. If your budget allows Elrod is one to try on any amp.
'I am shocked by the rudeness demonstrated by some posters in this thread'

Me too!!
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And now the moralists start seeping from the woodwork. We all have different ways of expressing ourselves given any situation. To condem a poster for stating a passionate opinion because it isn't exactly "how" you wanted to hear it is arrogant. Any thread started is open to any opinion (and they are just opinions) presented in any manner. Many threads could be eliminated if the OP wasn't too lazy to make a couple of phone calls to dealers. Often, threads are simply a search for validation of a (pending) purchase. Get off your high horse of political/moral correctness. If you don't like what's on, change the channel. will see I was the origional poster with a simple question. I too have been on this site for almost 13 years now and feel responsible for the conduct and the unfortunate direction of this thread....I could have just let it go. However, as noted, it seems that everytime I post a thread, there is always that group who not only do they not answer the original poster's question, but feel compelled to use it as their own fourm for they have or want or what you should buy......I chalk it up to human nature and believe that's why Facebook was created. But there are others who come in on a regular basis and snipe the poster - add nothing to the thread and never add anything positive. I have also noticed that this is the same group who answers just about every thread in the same fashion.... I guess I got tired of seeing it again and these people's true colors came out yesterday.....I'm sure they are on to other threads by now. It's a hobby, I love music and Audiogon used to be fun and informative, and like eveything else it changes and you move on. I think I have found a couple of power cords for my amp to listen to.
Being a member and poster for years, I'll say that there are some forum members here who can be counted on to not care about being friendly, congenial or cordial. These members will often and very easily show you their bad side. Best to ignore them; but it's very hard to do. It's too bad since there ars so few of us that care about all this stuff. We are a tiny segment of the population.
I am shocked by the rudeness demonstrated by some posters in this thread. They cannot be proud of what they have written for all the world to read. Very poor form.

I echo the Elrod's. They seem to perform great on everything I've put them on.

Very balanced and dynamic.
Great extension top and bottom with plenty of attack.

Also very open soundstage and pinpoint focus on imaging.

I like there older Signature 2's and 3's. 2's for the sourse and 3's for the amp. Either can be had for around $500 used here on Agon.

Just my 2 cents worth.
......Maplegrovemusic, thank you as that's all I was looking for. ''Hey - try the new Elrods they are great on Classe gear, the new Shunyata cords also work well on the CA 2300''...that's all I was looking for and you see what ensued from there. What happened to this site ????
These questions of what is the best are not stupid . Someone who owns said amp and has tried different power cords can advise to what they heard . Some info is better than nothing . These people who have their system set and are never looking at changing anything are real audio pros . Maybe spend less time replying to questions you think are worthless and just go listen to some music.
'Sorry Rok2id, some people just really piss me off.
And it is a good catfight anyway hey?'

hahahahaha I was stunned! Don't be sorry. It was a great fight. Remind me to never piss you off! I still say you are the best contributor on Audiogon.
....Ms Eliabeth ...good for you, and happy listening. I did not start a fight as you call it with Mr. Tpreaves.....I will finish it though, he added nothing and again - all I was looking for was some suggstions.....this has escalated into character accusations from people I don't even care to know....I am a muscian for fun and have been playing for years ... have been in recording studios.... I have not claimed here or anywhere else to know everything about audio ....I do know some things ...and I do know what I am doing. All I wanted was a couple of ideas from people who own Classe .....and if I wanted Classe monoblocs I would bought Classe monoblocs...I rest my case again
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.....Mr Tpreaves, thank you for your compliment as I will accept your character praise. Shame on me for thinking any less of you even after your rant, as I see where you must be of some intelligence to realize that you are making a total fool of yourself. This case has closed - you lost again
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Tpreavs - you have shown your true colors my friend. Little man whose strength is only from behind a computer screen. Please go waste someone else's time with your useless answers...and members have wondered what has happened to this site ? is your proof, right here, when all I asked was for a suggestion on a power cord.....any time pal, any time
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....remind me not to buy any of your used Panega power cords for the fear of not knowing where they have been or what they were plugged into.
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Hello Tpreaves - say it then - you responded with an answer and I called you out on it - all I wanted was some suggestions and you did not answer my question. The '' rant '' was the typical canned response that served no purpose
09-19-12: Garebear
Tpreaves - did you even read my thread before you went off on your usual rant here on Audiogon ???? ....I said without getting into all of this and that about power cords....this isn't my first rodeo and blah, blah about being the best in one is not good in another, that's been well played out here on Audiogon...all I wanted was a couple of ideas....once again, you added nothing to the op thread. So, do YOU have any ideas on some good power cords for Classe amps ????...and I WILL take it from there.
Yes, I read your question. I said nothing at all about the this and that of power cords. What "rant" are you referring to? I do have some ideas, but they certainly aren't about power cords.
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If you are a big Classe amp fan, I would consider stepping up to the CA-M300 mono blocks, and a pair of more modest power cords, such as Tekline Reference or Audience. Pangea is great for the price too.
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......thanks Stan. I have been doing a little research on the Elrod Statement Gold, The Purist 25th Anniversary is also a consideration as the whole system is Purist 20th Anniversary but the 25th is beyond my bugdet like the Nordost Odlin. Looking at the Siltech's as well.....I have to say $4,000 to $5 would do it. My purpose was not to get everyone rattled with my request ...if you have any idea's let me know.
Funny, both being out-of-line and responding inappropriately, but still managing to shill (as usual) the Pangea powercord. Amazing.
'the Classe manual actually recommended an upgrade power cord'

I am stunned, and for once, speechless.
I think that unfortunately, original equipment power cords are often chosen by the accountants and not the engineers.
When I purchased a Classe Twenty Five amp in the 90's, the Classe manual actually recommended an upgrade power cord. I was shocked. But they were right. I have liked Tekline cords on Classe and other amps.
The one that came with the amp? Just saying. Classe outta know best for their equipment.
Post removed assume allot Ms. Elizabeth. It usually the ones that don't know are the ones that say. Tread lightly as your true colors are showing and you are obviously entering a battle of wits ill prepared for me
Thank you Ms. Elizabeth for your response and time in answering my question. I had noted that it was a mistake in putting a very general question out there on this forum, and that I should have known better. I also noted that I was just looking for a few ideas from other Audiogon members where I could do a little research and listening on my own to make an informed decision on what cable was best for my amp. It is sad to see where you felt a need to take this to a whole different level and receive some sort of perverse self satisfaction ( both literally and figuratively as do seem very frustrated ) with a statement like ; ''I feel like i just gave this dude an enema.. LOL '' ....when all I was looking for was some suggestions.'s just a hobby for me and a love for music. It would seem that you may have lost that perspective.