
Responses from zmanastronomy

JWAudio Cryo-Nova speaker cable. How does it rate?
@mountz, I have PMed you to find out and possibly fix the QC problem with your cables. As far as stepping on them...  
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 amplifier Recommendation
I don't know if it will better the sound or not by de-coupling from the concrete. But it will change the sound. I would buy the 6" ceramic tiles and buy some kind of foam or cut some thick carpet to put between the tile and the concrete. Just expe... 
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 amplifier Recommendation
I had the same problem with my 2.5's. I have carpet over wood suspended floors and had my speakers in a platform that was pierced through the carpet into the wooden floor. I'm a little hard headed and ignored a friend's advice of suspending the sp... 
Isoacoustics Gaia Speaker Footers
bdp24, a friend of mine was looking for a set of three and couldn't find any. He ended up buying two sets of four.  
morrow ma1 interconnect
Wow morrowaudio, I've had many customers replace there Morrow Audio IC's with my JW Audio IC's. Not your less expensive cables either. Funny how thing work.  
Oh brother, am I in desperate need of help! 8)
Sonus Faber Venere 2.5. Great speaker. 
I hate when this happens ......
douglas nailed it. What you hear at the showroom may not and probable wont sound the same once you get it in your system. IC's and speaker cables can make a huge difference in the existing system that you have. Power cables and conditioning can al... 
USB Disruptor Is the Real Deal
Any time you can separate the dirty power from the computer to the dac is a good move. Even the power running along side the signal wire in the USB will cloud the signal going to the dac.I've also tried the Jitterbug and though it does something..... 
Your not a serious audiophile I'd you have??????
You’re not a serious audiophile unless you can talk in-depth and with great detail about equipment you’ve never listened to. : ) 
Sonus Faber Finish Maintenace
I just use a soft dust brush to clean my speakers.I wouldn't recommend using any polish or wax on the speakers. If you need to get fingerprints off, some very mild soap and water with a soft cloth and then follow up with a damp soft cloth for rins... 
Cable congestion vs. "the ideal"...
The brand of cable has nothing to do with it. The fact that a simple separator made of wood will do the same thing for next to nothing. 
The Sad State of Movie Theater Sound Systems
My wife and I have decided to never go to the Movie Theater again. Between shi.... crappy sound and the rude kids with there freakin cell phones, her and I would rather watch and listen at home.I’ve never been one that has to see a movie as soon a... 
Cable congestion vs. "the ideal"...
At $95 a dozen ?   I can figure out how to make something to separate my cables.  
Forward or laid back
I love the near field listening of my set up. It's very intimate.  
Speaker choice : need help between Nola and Sonus Faber
I can't speak for the Nola Contender, but I own the Venere 2.5 and I am very happy with my choice. Very lively and clean. The reviewers although positive, don't do these speakers justice. They are beautiful to look at also.