Best integrated from this list...

Below is a list of what I am considering. My source is a Naim CD3.5 and speakers are Vandersteen 2c. Cabling is DH Labs Q-10 speaker and Air Matrix interconnects. My system is an a second bedroom that is 12x14, with a non-slopped 5x5 dormer section. The Vandys sound great in that room and I have them placed according to the owner's manual. The Vandys have a more laid back sound and the CD3.5 blends well with them as it is on the fuller side, yet still has deep, punchy bass and crisp airy highs. I guess to keep the synergy, I'm looking for an integrated on the neutral side--especially in the mids. A swing either way will throw-off the balance I assume. I definitely want an integrated with extended bass response and detail, yet still have punch/slam. Considering the room size, I can operate anything within the 50-100wpc range. Another option is to go separates. A local audio buddy of mine has a McIntosh MC-502 for sale that I could run the CD3.5 direct as it has L & R volume controls on the front. This would only be until I could get a preamp.

1. Creek "Classic" 5350SE
2. Classe CAP-101
3. Musical Fidelity M3si
4. Arcam A19, A85, or equivalent/better.
5. Simaudio Moon i1/250i
6. McIntosh MC-502 (CD3.5 direct until preamp)
7. Other possibilities???
My Belles Aria recommendation comes without dealer or manufacturer affiliation.  It is solely based upon listening within my Harbeth system.  I've owned LFD and Lavardin (both exceptionally good) and have found that the Belles holds its own against them and provides better value.

4425's suggestion was good to me: Naim has made a lot of Naits (Naim Integrateds) and in your case I would suggest two very different solutions: a Nait3 – could take some time to find one on the 2nd hand market, but complements your CD3.5 perfectly, is a lively and serious little amp that drives anything, just leaning on the 'cheerful' side; or a SuperNait, first generation: it is solid and authoritative, can be found for very reasonable sums and has a more than decent DAC on board, that might come in handy sometimes.
As an alternative, a Nait XS, a little more mannered and shy in the bass but with a great capacity of looking into the inner details of music.

I have been a Naim user for decades so sorry for my monochromatic replies...

patrickdowns2audioconnection "The Belles Aria offers a superb match with Vandies"

I am curious why Belles seems to be a well-kept secret. They have few dealers, and don't get reviewed much. The reviews I have read are excellent. It's curious.

And the Specs. of the amplifier are well kept secret.
Would you buy an Amp. based on reviews from the people who are affiliate with the dealer and the manufacturer.

You should add the LineMagnetic508IA to your list. Mine seems to sound better every time I light it up..
LFD LE of almost any vintage (LE V+ is the current version).  Just amazing.  Super stripped down and frill-free, all the effort went into the sound.  It will mate super well with the Vandersteen2c's.  Only 2 distributors in the US, they are easy to find.
Parasound Halo Integrated - 160 watts, phono stage, sub adjustment control on the front.  BIG bang for the buck.  Great reviews!  I didn't research the price on your other choices but the Parasound is $2500 new and probably underpriced.

I haven't bought one...yet.
Change of plan... 

Looking for suggestions now for power amp that will mate well together with Vandersteen 2c's and Theta Miles CD player. No preamp; I'm using the Miles in direct via it's analog volume. I'm planning on checking out a audio friend's McIntosh MC502 as he is local and I can get a firsthand audition with the Miles. 

A. used current Krell integrated. The sound is superlative.
B. Naim doesn't have an integrated that fits your bill?

Post removed 
I can't see any Adcom gear especially what was mentioned having a huge, wide soundstage. If that was the case it would be mentioned more in the forums and would be the flavor of the week.
So you don't know anything about the gear other than you haven't seen it mentioned much in this forum, thus the guy who suggested it is just plain wrong? LOL, okay. There is plenty of discussion in this forum and others on this particular Adcom gear.
A couple months ago i purchased a used Classe CAP-150 from my local hifi shop, i replaced an old Rotel 985BX integrated, i know it was to sound better but it totally blew me away. Wide and deep sound stage, plenty of power and amazing build quality. After literally over 100 hours of listening, I would highly recommend them, especially because you can find one for ~$1K
<Krell dealer disclaimer>
The Krell Vanguard Integrated is a detailed, open, with a big soundstage and great balance.  It drives anything too.  It's the best sounding integrated Krell has ever built.  Good luck with your search.  :-)  
I had a MF M6si for a couple years and thought it was excellent.....I imagine the M3si would be the same.  Among the other suggestions made here I think it would be hard to go wrong with Ayre.
"ADCOM GFA 555 (any generation $300-$350 used) and the ADCOM GFP 565 preamp ($300 or so used) these two pieces sold for $1000 amp/$800 preamp. This would be special with those speakers and would save you some $$ too. The preamp has a good MM phono section too. Together with those speakers the sound will be tight, bass will be deep and controlled with a huge wide soundstage with great extended highs and beautiful
midrange that will move you"

I can't see any Adcom gear especially what was mentioned having a huge, wide soundstage. If that was the case it would be mentioned more in the forums and would be the flavor of the week.

audioconnection "The Belles Aria offers a superb match with Vandies"

I am curious why Belles seems to be a well-kept secret. They have few dealers, and don't get reviewed much. The reviews I have read are excellent. It's curious.

I tried the Creek Classic 5350SE. It was pretty nice; but when I compared it with the Belles Aria, the Aria bested it. It also is a natural match for the Vandies.
I just heard a Primare I32. Awesome. Eerily realistic. No flaws that I can hear. You may be able to get a deal as I've heard they are coming out with a new model soon. The I32 has a reputation of mating well with almost any speaker.
I have a similar sized room and use a Vincent SV237 hybrid integrated and the sound is smooth clean bright and boisterous.  My speakers are ML ethos.  I had in my decision a Musical Fidelity M5si...but went for the tubes
I look forward to reading the responses, jsbach1685. I have Vandy 2CEs (old, want new Signatures) and my listening room is about the size of yours. It's our new house, and I was worried they would overwhelm the room but they sound great! I am running a McCormack DNA-1 amp (170 wpc, iirc) and a passive line stage. I have thought about going integrated, and with more gain I don't need all the power the McCormack has. 
I have Vandies 2C powered with Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 100 watts and it has KT120 power tubes The combo has a great sound stage more holographic then a solid state integrated I tried the Ayre AX7 a more detailed sound but a flatter sound stage not enough power at 45watts for the 2Cs
You can check out my system on this site
Audio Connection carries Rogue Audio too
The Belles Aria offers a superb match with Vandies
and will also work well with the Naim CD player
 Best JohnnyR
 Vandy / Belles dealer.
 review below
JSbach1685, The McIntosh will be warm and cushy probably not a great paring with your speakers. Too much warmth I think. Seriously, if you could find a ADCOM GFA 555 (any generation $300-$350 used) and the ADCOM GFP 565 preamp ($300 or so used) these two pieces sold for $1000 amp/$800 preamp. This would be special with those speakers and would save you some $$ too. The preamp has a good MM phono section too. Together with those speakers the sound will be tight, bass will be deep and controlled with a huge wide soundstage with great extended highs and beautiful midrange that will move you! Good Luck.

 Also, while the GFA555 puts out 200w per channel 8ohms Its this extra headroom that will really make those speakers come to wont overdrive them as long as your aware of your volume control, they will just sound a heck of a lot better :-)

Matt M
Ayre is great match with Vandies.  I'm running the V5xe with 3A Signatures.  The 2s need less power, so you will do file with Ayre's entry level integrated (65w/channel or so).