Best CD sound from a DVD player

Hello, due to a lack of shelf space, I am interested in consolidating my system with a CD/DVD player. Ideally, the unit should have progressive scan, although an outboard device is an option. I'd like the unit to play CDRs with SACD being a bonus. I looked at the Marantz SA-12S1 SACD/CD/DVD player and wondered if it was as good as the SA-1? Has anyone made this comparison? Has anyone found a great sounding DVD player for cds?
The Muse Model 9 Signature is an excellent option. Progressive Scan is optional, but version 4 plays CDRs and MP3s, and sounds great on redbooks. Doesn't do SACD. They sell used for ridiculously cheap prices, IMO.
What's your price range??

Phillips has a player (model number 1000???) that plays CD/DVD/SACD, but I'm not sure about CD-R. It sells for a little less than $1000. Many people like the discontinued Sony 9000ES. It may not play CD-R (I've read both), but it is progressive scan DVD, SACD, and supposedly a good CD player too. It sells used for $700-ish. I'm sure the Marantz players are good. The Pioneer DV-05 or DV-09(discontinued and not progressive) and their replacements, the DV37 & DV38 are good CD players and great progressive DVD players. They don't have SACD, but they play all recordable media.
If the SA-12 is the one that i think it is, it recently underwent a massive price drop. I think it used to list for appr $2800 and now retails for something like $1000 - $1200. A local dealer was telling me about it. He told me that the unit worked very nicely as a cd player but that they were less impressed with it as a dvd player for video use. Don't know anything else about it other than that bit of info that was passed onto me. Sean
My price range is under $3000. What I'm hoping for is something in the league of the Sony XA777es with DVD capability. I heard Audio Aero is coming out with a multi-format player, are there other manufacturers releasing products similar to this? I'd be willing to pay more if I can justify the performance.
Sony is expected to come out with a new multichannel SACD/DVD player, more info at "" . It sounds lika a replacement for the 900 series rather than the 9000 series. Expexted price $1200.
The Muse 9 signature is great. I have one. CD sound is just a step below the great one box players like the Wadia's, ML 390, Electrocompanient etc...
Maybe we all should be looking at the Marantz DV8300 which is the latest "one box wonder". I know... its ugly but look anyway!!! This thing plays SACD, SACD MultiChannel, CD, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, MP3, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW and video CD. Damn!

With its component video/progressive scan and 12-bit video DAC, I presume its at least at par with the Sony DV-9000ES for video.

How's the audio???? I doubt much of the Marantz SA-1 technology flowed into this box - maybe the SA14?.. Also, its Marantz's first attempt at a DVD-A machine - so that is questionable - but at least you've got it.

This is certainly one machine which could benefit from modifications. Maybe if enough of us started knocking on Dan Wright's door - he'd round up Jena Crock and build a upgraded tube analog output, power supply, and parts upgrade for under 2K - which is about what it costs to do full upgrades to a XA777ES.

By the way.... anyone here ever listen to one of these things?
The Camelot Roundtable is supposed to be a very good CD player and about the best available DVD player. The MK 1 version can be found here used for around $2k. I just bought a used EAD TheaterVision P for about $1200 which is very good on both CD and DVD. No SACD on either though.
The proceed PMDT is fabluous but may be over your range. It is software upgradable. A lot depends on your surround processor. If your using player for this than other issues come into play. The pioneer 47/A has all the features for a good price. I have heard sony's comparable unit has a better processor for more money. If like most people today with multichannel systems you are doing outboard processing decide the level of money. The proceed is incredible. The pioneer great for less.
BWhite--Just bear in mind that the DV-8300 uses Crystal's second-best DAC chipset, not their best one. I have to admit, though, that I haven't heard the unit myself, nor have I seen any available reviews for it (I check online twice a day while I'm bored at work and thinking about music). And's ugly. If I ran the world, every single component on earth would be available in silver/aluminum finish. (I suppose I would call that place, "Great Britain.")
Thedautch - ya.. I think the DV8300 uses the CS4392 DAC vs. the CS4397 (SA-1). However, I do not know what DAC Marantz uses in the SA14 - it might be the CS4392.

The 8300 is definately a tier two product in the Marantz linup but then again, people have had good results modifying Sony's lower end SACD players and DVP9000ES units.

In this regard, Sony SCD-1, 777ES, and XA777ES absolutely kill the 9000ES but we don't read about many 9000ES owners complaining.

So - maybe the DV8300 is a good candidate for mod. While its SACD / CD performance might not be up to the level of the top tier SACD units, it has capabilities that these players can only dream about.
BWhite--I agree with your comments about modding the unit, and I look forward to the ability to purchase a DV-8300 for myself. (The next question would be which receiver to buy, since separates will be out of my league, but I'll need a level of fidelity high enough to take advantage of the 8300's hi-rez formats in the first place). All this inspite of the fact that I've seen the 8300's little brother, the Pioneer DV-47Ai, on sale for just $730. Tempting, but I think I'd rather have the 8300.
I would have to concur - the MVP851 is a superb CD player and DVD player as well. It has dual discrete pickups, separate DACs for Redbook CD, and DVD, and it also plays DVD-Audio discs including multi-channel titles. For $3500 it's really hard to argue with.
Goldmund was also supposed to release a multiformat player in late august. This has been a little bit postponed, and the new release date would be in November this year.

what I don't know is : will this multiformat player include 24/192 chips for dvd-audio ? will it also include a pure DSD chip (that means no conversion DSD > PCM) ? how will be the quality of video ?

according to what i've seen with their current cd-dvd player (the easy dvd), the CD quality is outstanding, warm, powerful, precise and natural (but you have to use an externel DAC, the easy dvd is only a drive). The video quality is processed using a Silicon Image chip, workin at 14bits/108mHz and is also outstanding. It contains three power supplies and eight regulations (I don't know if this is the exact term), meaning that they have one power supply per type of data processing, etc, etc....

its price in France is about 3.500 euros (but you have to add an external DAC), and the new multiformat player should be around 4.000 euros. This gives to this machine a lot of arguments to be a killer, especially knowing the reputation of Goldmund.
Hackmaster, I'm sure it was just an over sight, but I think it would be appropriate to mention again that you are a Mac dealer.
I'm surprised no mentioned the Arcam. I haven't heard it, but it did get some good press. Any opinions?