Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
Another CD I found in 2011 is "The Green Children". Not my style but I like it anyway! 8^) I believe they only have one CD out but many downloads are available.
If you like jazz guitar, another CD I found and really liked in 2011 was Jonathan Kreisbergs "Shadowless". Very nice IMO.
Rja - Thanks for starting this wonderful thread. Thanks to many (Richard Stacy) for the great suggestions. Just listened/watched the You Tube video of Deep Dark Woods doing Ballad of Frank Dupree. Love their sound and feel. Love those hollow bodies and that Hammond. Great stuff.
I wore that Horrors album out...good stuff. More of a Psychedelic Furs sound than what I'm used to from them.
Really like the new Horrors Skying and Jonathan Wilson's Gentile Spirit albums. Nice retro sounds. The Horrors sound like classic Simple Minds and Wilson recalls the CA singer songwriter period.
Just ordered Broken Bells, another titled "Please, Please, Please", a tribute to The Smiths, and Heritage Blues Orchestra's "& Still I Rise"
Todd, Broken Bells actually got me out of my Bon Iver loop, which I was afflicted with since last summer. Two great artists, all the same.
Agree Adamaley, Broken Bells is one of my all time favorite
albums! I listened to this album for months straight in my car. Now, I am hooked on all Bon Iver
I enjoyed Danger Mouse's Rome a lot, but have not been able to pry his collaboration with The Shins' lead singer, self-titled Broken Bells, out of any musical source of mine. I recommend you fine gentlemen all check it out.
Speaking of music, a few good ones.

Bach Concertos - Julia Fischer / ASMF

Labi Siffre - So Strong

Cannonball Adderley Sextet - Dizzy's Business
While we haven't agreed on much, we certainly agree on this. The music forum isn't even a music forum, I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.
"Rok2id, even a stopped clock is right sometime."

And some clocks are right all the time.
I would add Christina Perri's debut album Lovestrong to this list. Highly recommended.
Road Atlas, a compilation of B-sides that they issued with each tour. "Griptape" is a new favorite.
There were only 550 copies of the Calexico 'Road Atlas' vinyl set released in the US and they sold out quickly. On Ebay for ungodly prices. I haven't opened mine yet...

I agree about the Atlas Sound 'Parallax' LP. Sort of a continuation of Deerhunter's equally excellent 'Halcyon Digest'. Very well recorded vinyl with huge soundstage.
I haven't been able to locate the new Calexico locally on vinyl(my preferred medium), but hopefully will do so.

One of the best late arrivals in 2011 was Atlas Sound/Parallax. This is a Bradford Cox(Deerhunter) side project. It has the exotic shifting timbres of Deerhunter but better songcraft, a fascination with Fender single-coil sound like Tom Verlaine, and a stubborn individualism like Frank Black.
Ok...I looked around and can't find a new Calexico? Were you referring to the anthology box set?
I think I also need to order that new Calexico as well. I have a lot of their stuff. Such a distinctive style, and everyone who hears them at my house likes them. Some tracks off the Black Light album are great test tracks for equipment for me.
I heard a lot of good ones in 2011. One that stands out (from late 2010 actually)was "Brain Wilson Re-imagines Gershwin". It is pretty successful as a modern interpretation of Gershwin with Wilson's unique flair applied. Sounds great and an easy and very pleasant listen. Good vibrations indeed!
Bongo...did not know those AZ boy's had a new record. I'm straight off to buy it, thanks for the post. Not a minute of Calexico music that I have not enjoyed and I think I have all of their albums. Supremely talented guys and one of my all time favorite drummers.
I am really loving the new Calexico album, nice So Cal folk of Jonathan Wilson, and the PJ Harvey album. For vocals, hard not to love Florence + the machines.
Sorry for the delay. My wife fell Monday and I haven't been home.

In no particular order:

1) American Aquarium - The Bible and the Bottle

2) Feist - Metals

3) James Blake - James Blake

4) Danger Mouse - Rome

5) John Hiatt - Dirty Jeans & Mudslide Hymns

6) Hank 3 - Ghost to a Ghost

7) The Civil Wars - Barton Hollow

8) Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

9) Bon Iver - Bon Iver

10) The Deep Dark Woods - The Place I left Behind

I have not yet listened to the following:

Keb Mo - The Reflection
Levon Helm - Ramble at the Ryan
Holly Golightly and the Brokeoffs - No Help Coming
Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Don't Explain
John Vanderslice - White Wilderness
Laurie Anderson - Bright Red (1994)

I have really enjoyed just relaxing and listening the few hours I have had since I retired last Feb. after my wife fell and broke a hip and the the other hip in May.

You guys have helped me keep a little sanity. Music and faith have kept me from losing it.
I continue reviewing the 38 cds purchased since this thread began. By year end, I have listened to a whole new world of music, some enthralling and some so-so.

Rome is the last great cd I listened to.

I currently am playing the OST of The TATOO Lady(?) received this week and am totally taken aback that there are three discs in a beautiful package with absolutely no list of the tracks anywhere. There appears to be text on each of the discs but cannot be read since it would take a NASA telescope to read it. No insert, no words on the case, nothing.
I think that their first album "Between last night and us" is definitely well worth getting if you like their style.

Amounts to about $25 shipped. I noticed they have a newer one so I think I may have to order one too....ugh.
Obrown...I paid around 20 for it. Give me a few and I will see if I can dig up where. Thats ridiculous.
I have purchased many of the cds mentioned on this thread and enjoyed a new musical horizon.

However, when I looked at the Audreys on Amazon I chose not to pay $45 and will not for any single cd.
Yes Richard, very nice .... the music also. Thanks for the link. That album is a great recording. I discovered them a few years ago and heard them again recently on Radio Paradise like you, and bought a few more.
That Bill Callahan was pretty wonderful. "Disturbing the Air," the latest from Azita Youssefi (on Drag City) also knocked me out. But be careful, because Azita will take you on a lot of strange trips that might or might not include Bride of No No, and Scissor Girls.
Mike60...I have that along with another of the Audrey's albums. Very cool band. Apparently they are pretty popular in Australia but don't get much play in the US. I learned of them through Radio Paradise and ironically love the song Paradise City. Cool video here

Gotta add .... their singer is a sexy thing.
Richard Stacy, if you havent already, listen to The Audreys. Try their album 'When the Flood Comes'. Based on your posts I reckon you might like it. Could be wrong of course :)
I think some of these bands / groups, spend as much time picking a catchy name for the CD / LP and the cover photo, as they do on the music itself. Another reason CD sales are down.

Are you suggesting the title and marketing image a band chooses for an album are not important and or inconsequential?

... Or are you just saying there are a lot of mediocre bands?
Calexico's 2011 "Selections from a Road Atlas" is sounding very promising the from samples I heard.
I think some of these bands / groups, spend as much time picking a catchy name for the CD / LP and the cover photo, as they do on the music itself. Another reason CD sales are down.
It took me a few listens to get adjusted to the bands latest direction, but I've really warmed up to Incubus's album; "If not now, when?".
My best find in 2011 was to purchase the soundtrack CD from “The Prince & Me”. While flipping channels one night to put the finishing touches on irritating my wife, I heard Marc Cohn’s voice singing Tom Waits’ “I Hope That I Don’t Fall In Love With You”. I hit the website and much to my surprise found there was a soundtrack album to possible one of the dumbest movies ever made.

Marc Cohn… Tom Waits… absolute magic.
Beth Hart + Joe Bonamassa - Don't Explain
Eilen Jewell - Queen of the Minor Key
OBrown...never heard of Audra Mae, gotta check her out. Glad we have all spent your money:) !

Since you like James Blake, he has a new EP and it's very very good, particularly the title track "Love What Happened Here" [R&S Records]. He also released a deluxe edition of the self titled album, a 2 disc set that contains his Enough Thunder EP and a few other odds and ends. I don't know what this whole "deluxe edition" trend is but it gets confusing for us music nerds.
Audra Mae sang "Forever Young" on an episode of Sons of Anarchy which was not recorded on any of her cds. I have been looking for it ever since I heard it on the show. My first experience with her music.

Now, a compilation of songs from years 1-4 of the series is being released (Songs of Anarchy) and it is worth buying the cd for that track.

In an earlier post on this thread I mentioned being interested in some new music (I grew up with Holly, Redding, Joplin, Browne, and Zepplin music).

Well, I have ordered and received over forty of the titles mentioned on this thread along with some selections from Stereophile and Absolute Sound.

I have not played even half as yet but so far I have really enjoyed Civil Wars, Bon Iver, and James Blake.
and...while I'm on the subject of soundtracks, I should mention the hauntingly beautiful soundtrack from The Cave Of Forgotten Dreams (Ernst Reijseger). Gorgeous cello performance with choral and piano. Very highly recommended. I have not had a chance to see the film yet but understand it is magnificent.
The year ain't over yet!

If you have a chance, listen to the new soundtrack to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo from Trent Reznor & Attica Ross. It opens with Karen O joining them for a remake of Zepplins The Immigrant song and it's wicked. Many of you will say this is sacrilege but fella's...blows the original away. Serious intensity....I recommend turning it up as loud as you are physically able. It's not a real indicator of whats to come as the record is mostly drone/ambient stuff but so so well done. This is a good one people.

I really enjoyed The Social Network OST, a very good record, but they obviously learned something from doing it and this is taken to a new level.