Ayre QX-5 vs Lumin vs dCS Bartok

Of these 3, which would you go with?  Building out a new system with Roon and one of these as the digital hub.  I like the Ayre AX-5, and am leaning towards the QX-5 as a matching component.  However, the others seem a step above, please share your thoughts.  Thanks.

To the QX5 Twenty fans do you prefer the sound with the word clock on or off .

I can only comment on the Bartok; I just auditioned with the Bartok driving a Gryphon Essence stereo into a pair of Rockports (not sure what model). The sound of the Bartok came through as very clinical and unengaging to my ears. I had money in hand to purchase the Bartok, but I could not justify the cost vs. performance. DCS has again increased the price of the Bartok substantially and yet has offered no upgrade in hardware or sound quality with this increase (software upgrades don't count since this is the price of admission for any company wanting to stay competitive). Because of the exorbitant cost of a Bartok, I would look into an Aries Cerat Helena DAC. She would "clean the clock" of a Bartok, no digital pun intended!!

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Recently, at my local high end audio shop, I got a chance to have an extensive audition of both the Ayre QX-5 Twenty and the DCS Bartok DACs, in the same room, and in then same great, ultra high end  system.  This audio shop is an authorized dealer for both brands.  And, I must tell you, as great as the Bartok was, the QX-5 Twenty was right there.  Overall, to my ears, the Bartok may have been just a smidge better, maybe.  But, for my money, it was a no brainer, I end up purchasing the Ayre QX-5 Twenty and I'm as happy as a clam.  There are many outstanding DACs on the market today, in various price ranges.  The mission is to find the one that you love best.                  

I use Roon via ethernet to my QX-5/20, with balanced analog to a KX-5/20 preamp and VX-5/20 amp. Of course the sound is great, but just clicking play on my computer and watching the AyreLink turn everything on is a fascinating convenience. A DX-5 DSD handles Blu-ray. I’m hooked on the Ayre sound, or perhaps the absence of it that results in transparency.

Thanks everyone.  Purchased the QX5/20 and have it on order.  No looking back, this should be great sound.
Funny thing is that I don't know anyone who have heard the QX5/20 not enjoy it and feel that it punches well beyond it's price range.  There is a reason that Ayre is taking it's time with a reference DAC.  
as above, if you are searching for a musically rich tone, look no further than the QX-5.
Happy Listening!
I"ve heard it in uber systems and it's a great DAC/digital front end.  I will scale with better equipment to a very high level.
I own the QX5/20 and have used it for a while as a Roon endpoint on my network with an i5 core in another room.  Very nice sound much like @rossb describes.  Recently added a Wolf Alpha 3SX server to my rack and connected it by USB through the Wolf’s reclocking USB output.  I did not know the Ayre QX5/20 could perform at this level...  very rich tone now as well as the previously noted air and detail.  Much more muscular in presentation. 
Surprised this thread didn't go further.  I own the AX5/20 (selling as I have the Vandersteen HP5 amps in bound).  I owned the QX5/20 and LOVED it for so many reasons.  Just a great digital hub that sounds great.  The Lumin is also a great DAC and I agree with the first posters answer in the differences. I personally like how 'fast' the Ayre gear is.  It is so revealing.  Whenever I change out and try something else, I realize that over the long haul, I love how detailed and still musical the Ayre gear is.  Personal choice and I'd be happy with either.  

I have auditioned the Bartok on many occasions and feel it also is a nice DAC and worth the price of admission.  I don't feel it's better than the QX5/20 though.  

I can put in a good word for the Ayre.  I owned the QX-5 Twenty for a while and really enjoyed it.  I found it to be one of those "just works" pieces that never gave me any trouble and always sounded great. I used the network input as a Roon endpoint, the balanced headphone outputs with my Focal Utopia, and the balanced preamp outputs with my Genelec 8030C monitors.
Put MSB Discrete DAC in your list. It has MSRP right under $10K. The second optional power supply is $1,500. The Renderer module about $1,500, and the ProUSB ProISL module combo about $2,000.
I have owned the Ayre QX5 and the Lumin X1, but have not heard the Bartok. I owned the AX5 Twenty when I had the QX5, but have now moved on to something else, although the AX5 Twenty is a great amp.
Both the QX5 and Lumin are great dac/streamers, and I doubt you would be unhappy with either. I preferred both to the Chord DAVE/M Scaler I owned previously.
The QX5 has a big, detailed, powerful and muscular sound. It can sound very slightly dry (as can the DAVE) and has a tonal balance just a shade lighter than neutral, but I think this is just consistent with the Ayre sound, since the AX5 has similar characteristics. It is very engaging and I often found listening to it that I had a real sense of the recording acoustic and the presence of the musicians.
But ultimately I preferred the Lumin X1. It has a bit less of the "master tape" realism but is tonally a bit warmer and more colourful, and has a more liquid, saturated sound.

It's really down to personal preference. If you like the Ayre "house sound" and prefer a big, airy soundstage rather than a warmer, slightly darker presentation, you may prefer the QX5. The QX5 is also a great match with the AX5. I preferred the tonally richer and more liquid sound of the Lumin, but sometimes still miss the QX5.