Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier

Any comments on the New Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier? I know its list price is $10,000. Does anyone have any impressions on this unit that was recently released?
LOL...hi Jafant. Hope you are well.  Yes the amp is incredible.  I'm about to post mine as I just got a pair of Vandersteen Mono blocks for the Quatro CT's....I'm sooo pumped, but will miss teh Ayre as it's been a beast.  I'll have to send back to Ayre to remove the built in crossover and they will make sure it's working perfectly.  It will be missed for sure.
They have some cool things guys.  I can't say anything as I'm not sure anymore what they will release, but they were working on some crazy cool stuff.  nycjlee, I am talking to a few folks about making me either a Lightspeed volume control as the crossover is built in and I only have a digital input, or a remote relay volume control with only TOTL parts and a great box that will be shielded and the boards would be mounted on vibration control etc...  I'm speaking with a builder about this now.  It's teh only way I can afford the amps. lol
now that Charlie is gone (RIP), but they have other great minds at Ayre and I know that they had a bunch of other projects that he was working on.
According to their newsletter, they will release something like 6 new products this year. I doubt they ever released that many even before Hansen's injury.
Ctsooner, which pre-amp are you auditioning the vandersteens mono with?   Must be exciting!

 I have the AX5/20 and I love it.  Sounds awesome paired with my Vandersteen Treo CTs. 
They have even made minor upgrades over time.  Just a great piece.  Ayre has a 7 year plus lifespan on their components.  They just make upgrades like cars that do mid life cycle refreshes.  Don't know how that will be handled now that Charlie is gone (RIP), but they have other great minds at Ayre and I know that they had a bunch of other projects that he was working on.  I know that after I got my amp back from the install of the crossover, they sounded even better.  Subtle, but real changes for sure.
Yes I still have the AX5/20 integrated. Loving it. I had the Vandersteen crossover built into it.  I'll probably get his new 15k mono's in teh house and make the switch if they really are as good as a friend has told me they are.  
I always demo before purchasing.  YEs, I'll have the VAndy amps in the house to audition.  

Very nice! greginnh

can you comment on some of the better aspects between Luxman, Accuphase and Ayre?  I have not had an opportunity to demo these brands.

Happy Listening!

@jafant I sold my Luxman last year.  I have my Accuphase E-600 in my office.  




did you sell the Accuphase and Luxman for the Ayre?

Happy Listening!

I love my AX-5 Twenty.  It’s still not fully broken in and continues to improve even with 150 hours of use.  
Make sure to get an in-home trial with the Vandy amps before you part with your AX-5! Pretty short list, IMO, of amps (including separates) better than the AX-5.
That it is.  Teh only reason I may be selling is to upgrade to the new Vandersteen mono blocks.  This is still, to my ears, the integrated to beat under 20k.  
Need to get that copy I guess. Yes that's the list price. Best integrated I've ever heard by far. Great value in my mind. :)
The price for the AX-5 Twenty has been increased to $12,950. There is a review of the AX-5 Twenty in the August 2015 issue of Stereophile Magazine.
Don, that's cool. For me the Hegel stuff can be a bit bright and forward compared to Sim, Ayre, Pass and a few others. The Hegel can do a lot of great things though. I have hear the 300 on Magico's and although not my cup of tea, they did a lot of really nice things.
I now have the AX7e for sale as I just got the AX5/20 and even the first time we turned it on, it was surreal. This new amp is the game changer. I think if folks go listen to it and can afford it, they will probably want one.
Ctsooner, I realize it's been a year. there was also an Esoteric CDP in the mix. I do now however find the Hegel no better than the AX5, but no worse for sur e
Yes, teh AX5 is high current and is over 100 watts into 8 and keeps doubling until 2ohms. It can drive nearly anything. I've heard it drive Vandy 5's perfectly. It's also one of those that sound louder than it is. I've head it in a large room and never stressed even at loud levels. Magico is much more efficient than the large VAndy's. I bet it would be magic.
Heading down to Audio Connection in NJ tomorrow. Can't wait to see John and his staff. Time to try out the AX5 with Vandy's. My Treo's are in and I am PUMPED to get them. Also going to buy AQ Castle Rocks for them as John loves them together and that's what I auditioned them with months ago. Hope I can do an A/B with the AX7e which is what I now have. If John sees this, I'm sure he can share his thoughts as he hears them on Vandys, Maggies, Proac and BMW's along with others that his customers have.
Yea, I've never liked Wilsons. Say too bright and no coherence. I'm just not into them either, but plenty seem to be. It reminds me of the Klipshorn in the 70's. Everyone thought they were the best you could possibly have. Like the Wilsons, they were dynamic and loud.
If it can make the Sasha sound good it must be amazing. I'll be on the hunt.
Don,, what else was in the system? I've heard the brand new H200 vs the AX-5 and it wasn't even close to any of us in the room. Even the guy who had the Hegel was bummed that he just got it (yes it was broken in). He brought it in to audition new speakers at a different dealer. It's funny how many 'other' products I've been able to hear while at a dealer that doesn't even sell said product, lol.

the Ayre just had much more space around the instruments. The bass seemed to go even lower and tighter/more accurate. It just seemed to everything a bit better. We listened to it on the larger Dynaudio (forget the model, but it retails for over 15k), the Paradigm signature 8, Wilson Sasha (both made the Sasha's much more enjoyable than any other time I've heard it) and some floorstanding Revels (again, didn't catch the model). I've also heard the 5 sound awesome on some Proac D2's at Audio Connection as John had it in the front of the store at the time. Again, just my ears, but side by side the Ayre was just more musical for me. I did love the Hegel though. Isn't the Ayre much more money?
I wish I had the cake for the Ax-5 but I don't find it any better than the Hegel H200 except for build quality. Seriously.

I currently have a killer all tube amp & preamp. I am always looking for ways to simplify my system while maintaining its sonic purity. I listen mostly to classical and jazz at moderate listening levels. My speakers are Intuitive Designs Summits and they come alive with quality power.
Hi Bob, AX-5 and Rowland Continuum S2 are both fine integrated amps. I heard them both at RMAF. Based on my listening experience, depending on your sonic goals, and your musical preferences, you are likely to develop a strong preference for one over the other.... What music do you enjoy most, and what sound parameters are you looking to optimize? What is the rest of your system?

Regards, Guido
The Ayre will give you the best of tube and SS. Just read the positive comments above. If your speaker can get better it will. I've heard so many products this year as I'm redoing my system. I left the tube world for good and bought the Ayre AX7e and even though folks feel it's thin, It really isn't. Only in comparison with the 10k AX5e ;).... I like Rowland stuff too, don't get me wrong. I just think the Ayre gets it right. I have heard the 5 at Audio Connection as Jonny has them on a few different speakers. I heard them on the Vandy 5s. I admit I liked the Ayre separates much better, but it wasn't so much better than I couldn't be very very happy with the 5 and save a ton of money, cables and pieces of gear. Yes, this can run anything within reason and just sound right.
I am looking at the AX-5 and the Rowland top integrated. Anyone compare the two?
I just picked up an AX-5 to replace my AX-7e. I have to say the difference between the two is shocking. I did not expect such a dramatic and noticeable difference. The sound is so much better, it's almost like I'm listening to different speakers... much bigger and fuller soundstage, deeper low end and the vocals are more present and clear.

The Ax7e sounds downright thin in comparison. I was planning on doing an A/B test when I received the new integrated but frankly, they sound so different - I decided there was no point. My better half agreed.

I'll admit that I'm partial to the Ayre sound. Even so, the Ax-5 exceeded my expectations. I'm very happy with the purchase and would highly recommend you listen to this integrated. It's special.
Most people who hear the Ayre AX-5 are going to be blown away unless their system is flawed to begin with. It's an amazing piece of gear and as I said to Mike Ayre, for what it is capable of delivering in listening enjoyment, Ayre has underpriced it. I've had mine for several months and it just keeps getting better.
Most people who hear the Ayre AX-5 are going to be blown away unless their system is flawed to begin with. It's an amazing piece of gear and as I said to Mike Ayre, for what it is capable of delivering in listening enjoyment, Ayre has underpriced it.
Great amp! During the last three years I have been listening to my Leema Tucana II, which is considered by many as sort of a benchmark IA in its price class (about 4.600 EUR). My speakers are Elac FS 609 X-Pi and sources are a top-spec LP-12 (Keel, Radikal/Dynamik PSU and Ekos SE) and Olive 4HD via Naim DAC with XPS-2 PSU.
I have had an early production AX-5 playing in this set at home for a full month. It blows away the Leema in almost every respect, which it ought to considering the price difference.. Main strengths are: low and high level dynamics seem really infinite, transparency, staging, extremely detailed but most of all: hugely natural, full bodied and flowing sound! Great bass range too. Needs loads of burn-in time; and this goes for each separate input, because each one has its own FET input stage. All in all: I love it!
Hey, KenKlein, are you by any chance the dude from CenTex who builds hardwood furniture and the occasional boat?
Thank you for your comments regarding the new ax-5!
Unfortunately, my local ayre dealer does not have a demo to listen to.

In my emails with Ayre, they mention that there are three service updates available for earlier production units including an improved heatsink. surprise !

What speakers were they using? I am hoping, and they say, that the ax5 has enough current to drive my new MG 1.7s.

Happy listening,
I heard an AX-5 again last week, this time in a system with the new DX-5 DSD. I listened to a couple of tracks off a *CD* of John Lennon's "Double Fantasy". WOW! That might have been the best system I've ever heard. The soundstage was cavernous, tons of air, crisp and well-defined bass. Incredible transparency and clarity. Just super engaging and musical. I haven't heard an MX-R/KX-R for a couple of years now but I'm thinking the AX-5 is better!

The only downside was that it runs hot. I couldn't keep my hand on the chassis vents for more a than a few seconds. Well, that and that I can't afford one yet . . .
I thought the AX-5 sounded thin with Harbeth C7es-3's. obviously not as thin as the AX7 but still too thin. The price is way too high. You could buy a Pass, Hegel, etc and save a bunch of money.
Silly to think about how much it should cost. Raw materials are one thing but when you consider the production facility and labor and marketing... trickle down technology and intellectual property rights? Plus Bolder ain't cheap and lift tickets keep going up. What are you comparing it to?

The Ayre gear I've owned over the years has been great. I sold off my AX7E because it was kind of thin with my Totem Forests and Verity Tamino speakers of a few years ago. I look forward to hearing the new more powerful and advanced integrated with my Verity Parsifal Encores. Like above though, I can't imagine selling the Luxman. Or the Parsifals.