Audioquest Fog Lifters

After trying out the idea with some homebrew cardboard cable risers, I got these to lift my power cables off the floor. I’m very happy with the results, I’d say they live up to their name. Anyone else using them?
I recently purchased the AQ Fog Lifters and installed them in my system replacing the wood lifters I had. I really like what I am hearing. I also took time to separate each component wires and also took care of how they don't touch each other. That additional cable dressing also helped a bit.
I like mine on the Siversmith Fideliums speaker wire. Ribbons so they don’t fit on typical elevators. Work perfect in this application. I hear an uptick in SQ. For less than 1% of system value I like them.
I bought the risers from Inakustik as they were less expensive. Do risers help? At this point I would say that they make me feel better and they look cool. Jury is still out on how much they improve the sound.
I bought several white, ceramic ramekins at BB&B for $1.99 a piece. Put them upside down and lay the cables on top. Works great, sounds great, and my wallet is happy, too.
I have them in two of my systems mainly on power cables and they do work as advertised. They respond to tweaking as well. I put some small tabs of f.oQ TA-102 tape on them under the support lifts for a small improvement is resolution.
Not tried these but am very happy with my 12 Cable Elevators. Just for the heck of it, I may try stacking them to see if the extra height makes a difference.
I have them and they work well. One nice thing is that they are higher than some of my other cable risers, so I can use them to separate (and cross) the power and signal cables more effectively. I had deferred putting my cables up on my collection of risers after the last move in the fall, for several months, only to once again, be shocked at the improvement in sound. It is like picking up the system and moving it from the living room (since most recordings had a similar sound and signature) and moving it to the original venue.

Personally, I found them very inexpensive compared to some of the other risers I use (various models from Shunyata Research), and will probably buy another box of them.
Not sure the WAF is there, though😉 “You can’t put all those spiders in MY living room!”
I agree that somebody who is handy shouldn’t have much trouble building their own. That’s not me, though. Making crude risers out of cardboard strips to test the idea was about the limit of my skills and patience.
They're very expensive for what they are, but if you don't want to bother making your own and the price doesn't bother you...