@milpai ,
I will be truly amazed when you can find 1, factual, independent report of Veronica Seider’s abilities. Something so truly amazing would be studied with published research. It would show how she is able to accomplish this, either by having a grossly curved lens, which could achieve high magnification, but would make every day life exceptionally difficult, or an extremely large central eye region, which would require about 10 other birth defects all at once to make this work. This is real life though, not X-men.
It is a tall tale, one that seems to grow, including claims such as "In a demonstration before a group of Stuttgart University professors, Veronica Seider cut out a piece of paper the exact size of her thumb nail, and wrote on it — neatly set out — 20 verses of a poem; without any magnifying glass."
I do not need to have been there to know this is a fake report. It would be impossible to put 20 verses of a poem on a thumbnail sized piece of paper for 2 reasons. The first, is the size of fibers in paper would make this impossible. The second is no device a human could hold with a working stylus small enough to accomplish the task.
I think there was a bit too much beer in the guinness article. It does not say they observed it does it? The picture often associated is of a German actress. Check enough sites and it appears there was no record of this student either.
The only parallel between Veronica and much of what is discussed in audio is that neither of them exist in anything but some writings on the internet.