Audio desk pro vs. Clear audio double matrix

Hi all
I'm into upgrading my RCM from the good old okki nokki. My short list is the Audio desk pro and the Clear audio duble matrix. Did anyone compare the two or can comment on any of them ?
Thanks in advance.
I contemplated buying a KLaudio machine but ended up doing something else. I now use a iSonic ultrasonic tank that will spin 3 LPs at once for 10mins and then rinse off with distilled water using a Clearaudio professional Double Matrix Sonic. The results are more favourable than just air drying because air drying leaves micro deposits on the record grooves and surfaces. 
I'm not sure how relevant it is now since the original post was back in August, nevertheless, I offer the following:
I agree with " restock ". For years I had the VPI 17 which was a fine machine ,however back in the fall of 2015 I started to read up on the ultrasonic machines. Although they received rave reviews I had concerns about what they may do to the albums over time. Therefore, I purchased the Clearaudio Double Matrix Professional Sonic. It does a great job cleaning, has multiple modes should you desire, although I have not had the need to use them as the auto mode does the trick. Moreover, its built like a tank.
Since the original question is on the Clearaudio vs the Audiodesk/KL Audio, I  have owned both the Clearaudio and KL Audio for over a year and can share some experience:

The latest Sonic version of the Clearaudio Double Matrix is now fully automated and you can walk away while cleaning, just as for the KL Audio. The Double Matrix is quicker: about 2-3min vs. the 4min+3min cleaning and drying cycle on the KL Audio. 

The brush velvet on the Double Matrix requires replacement after about 150-200 LPs  (depending on how bad the LPs are) so running costs are bit higher than the KL Audio. However, I feel that with used LPs the Clearaudio with Audio Intelligent #6 does a slightly better job at cleaning used records.

If I would own one machine only it would be the Clearaudio. Both, the Clearaudio and KL audio are excellent and make cleaning records a breeze. I owned the VPI and Loricraft before and I would just wait playing newly bought records until I have a large batch or just run out of time altogether and just not get to cleaning records). The ease and time saving alone are well-worth it for me. I would rather listen to the music instead...

Ive had both the KL Audio and the Audio Deske, both are fine machines, the only thing I did not like about the Audio Deske is the "exit mark" the rollers leave where a tiny amount of "dirt" is left behind. The KL Audio does not suffer from this and is in my opinion the best RCM available today. 

I had the Audio Desk Pro and noticed the same issue - the Audio Desk rollers left marks in the lead-in groove causing sometime additional noise. The possible damage to the vinyl was cause enough to move away from the Audio Desk to the KL audio and is the main reason why I would NOT recommend the Audio Desk.

The KL audio does not have the roller issue and has the following advantages:
  1. It is easier to clean the tank. This is important to remove all deposits at the bottom of the tank. 
  2. There are no additional fluids, rollers, etc. required. Only plained distilled water.
  3. While there is no filter, it is much easier to just exchange the distilled water more often. I change water about every 25-50 cleaned records.
The  only downside is that the KL Audio does not work best with surface stains (e.g. finger prints), which is where the Audio Desk has an advantage due to the rollers.
TJ,  you should jump on it you will not be disappointed, Ive steered many a customer in this direction and all have been pleased.  Yes its a little more involved than the AD or the KL with the few extra steps - but at 10 % the cost it's a no brainer.  

Good Listening


I'm just patiently waiting to pounce on a used V2 AD. After giving the first version a try years ago, I've dreamed of owning one.

I play many treasured Verves and Blue note Jazz mono's, along with the requisite R&R. I do hear the value in one of these expensive machines, I just want one for a "working guy" price.

Good luck to you.

Tablejockey - sorry for starting this awful wallet openning thread.....
I'm with you. Up until now I used the non expensive okki nokki . My analog buddies told me I don't know what i'm missing here so i'm about to dip my leg in the ultrasonic water and probably invest in the audiodesk machine.

This thread is BAD. It's a trigger for the "open my wallet syndrome" I REALLY want to finally dump my 10 year old spin clean, but just can't convince myself to part with $3-4K. I shouldn't have such apprehension, considering I've acquired a level of gear to justify such an extravagant expense.

Starting  off  with exceptionally clean used records, my SC surprisingly, does an acceptable job. 

pbnaudio-that budget solution looks like the ticket for a cheapskate like myself.
I'm a little put off by the DIY protocol, but if indeed, it's gets the job done 90% compared to the AD/KL, I might be able to get over the perceived amount of extra steps required. 

My "buy now" finger is twitching.

Very happy so far with the Audio Desk Pro machine. I got in cheap on a used older machine (otherwise wouldn't have taken the plunge) but the water pump eventually failed. Upgraded to the "Pro" machine and I haven't had any issues. The ease of use with these machines helps them pay for themselves over time. If cleaning an LP isn't easy I will never get around to it.

Btw I don't have any issues with water or "exit marks" on the LP. Trick is to remove the LP after it's clean. Otherwise condensation from the rollers will get onto the record. Secondly, remove the LP as vertically straight as you can. and thirdly, the warmer the room the better the machine seems to operate. Right now, in summer, I routinely pull the records out in sparkling, dry condition. it's a wonder.

According to the distributor, the new Pro machines have solved the reliability problems that plagued the older version by using better parts. sounds plausible...

Ive had both the KL Audio and the Audio Deske, both are fine machines, the only thing I did not like about the Audio Deske is the "exit mark" the rollers leave where a tiny amount of "dirt" is left behind. The KL Audio does not suffer from this and is in my opinion the best RCM available today.

The one I recommend above the "Vinyl Stack Ultra Sonic Spin Kit" which together with a regular 6L Ultra sonic tub cost about $ 400 does an equally good job of cleaning the records to the KL Audio but of course lacks the forced drying. It cleans faster than both the AD and the KL as it does 3 records in 10 minutes (or whatever time you choose, I do 10 minutes) so with setup/teardown maybe 4 minutes per record.

I use distilled water and one gallon is the exact amount needed for a proper water level in the 6L tub. Depending on level of dirt on records, (I buy quite a few used records) one gallon will do about 10 sets, or about 30 records before change.  There is a benefit to using the open tub which is that you can actually wipe down the interior surfaces before pouring in a fresh gallon of distilled water,  which one cannot do on either the KL or the AD.

Good Listening

There is some concern about too much vibration breaking off vinyl.

All that I can say is that I hate  cleaning vinyl but that it is urgent. I own about 10,000 records and suspect I have not play ever, and perhaps, many  have never been cleaned.

I used to spend about a half hour cleaning each record, but with the Audio Deck other than the noise and putting the recording in and pressing the button to start the machine, there is no time devoted. Fortunately, I have a bathroom adjacent to my listening room where I could put the Audio Desk and use it while listening to music.
I use an AudioDesk System for cleaning and reagent grade water rinse with my former record cleaning machine, a VPI 17F.  Whether you use an AudioDesk which recommends its own cleaning agent or a KL Audio which merely uses distilled water, I think it best to rid the vinyl of ANY dried cleaning agent (AD) or dried water impurities (KL) with a post drying clean rinse. Some would say I'm nuts. 
I sold my 16.5 and bought the Audio Desk Pro and have been very pleased. I looked at the KL but opted Audio Desk based on a few reviews. However reviews have continued to reflect that either is a good choice. Also I like the dealer and there was no KL dealer close by.
i had looked at the Clearaudio RCM a few years back, don't know what model, but I just liked the ease of the ultrasonic system.
I own the KL AUDIO CLN P200 is by far the best i compared to VPI 17F and it is much better.In this case you get what you pay for it is also the easiest to use and gets the best results by far and is the best made.Good luck what ever you get though.
I have just replaced my ClearAudio Double Matrix Professional (the last model without the ultrasonic scrubbing) with the K L Audio LP 200 and am kicking myself for not having done this sooner. While the DM Pro is about as simple and foolproof as a wet cleaner comes it still demands oversight in use and I was forever having issues getting the discs dry and worrying about choice of cleaning solution

The KLA is foolproof in comparison, drop it in and go, although very noisy.

It's the results that matter however and with the ultrasonic it's like I'm hearing the discs for the first time. I posted in more detail in my system description but in a nutshell the ultrasonic cleaned records sound much more natural, relaxed and less hi fi

Others can debate the merits of the AudioDesk vs KLA but whichever way you go it has to be ultrasonic 
 You've gone this long, with a stunning system, without  an ultrasonic cleaner? Shame on you. 

I'm notifying  the analog police! Cruelty to vintage stampers.