Audio desk pro vs. Clear audio double matrix

Hi all
I'm into upgrading my RCM from the good old okki nokki. My short list is the Audio desk pro and the Clear audio duble matrix. Did anyone compare the two or can comment on any of them ?
Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by pbnaudio

Ive had both the KL Audio and the Audio Deske, both are fine machines, the only thing I did not like about the Audio Deske is the "exit mark" the rollers leave where a tiny amount of "dirt" is left behind. The KL Audio does not suffer from this and is in my opinion the best RCM available today.

The one I recommend above the "Vinyl Stack Ultra Sonic Spin Kit" which together with a regular 6L Ultra sonic tub cost about $ 400 does an equally good job of cleaning the records to the KL Audio but of course lacks the forced drying. It cleans faster than both the AD and the KL as it does 3 records in 10 minutes (or whatever time you choose, I do 10 minutes) so with setup/teardown maybe 4 minutes per record.

I use distilled water and one gallon is the exact amount needed for a proper water level in the 6L tub. Depending on level of dirt on records, (I buy quite a few used records) one gallon will do about 10 sets, or about 30 records before change.  There is a benefit to using the open tub which is that you can actually wipe down the interior surfaces before pouring in a fresh gallon of distilled water,  which one cannot do on either the KL or the AD.

Good Listening

TJ,  you should jump on it you will not be disappointed, Ive steered many a customer in this direction and all have been pleased.  Yes its a little more involved than the AD or the KL with the few extra steps - but at 10 % the cost it's a no brainer.  

Good Listening
