Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
I use an Oppo BDP-95 which connects to my system via HDMI link. I use a Meridian HD621 / G68XXD DAC Processor with apodizing filters - great sound.
EE MiniMax Dac w\RCA Cleartop tube
Pioneer DV503 as a transport
This EE is astonishingly good!
PS Audio pwd just installed the mkII board. I now just look at my disk washer with greater disintrest. Albumn art on a 27" screen
Reference system (office/studio): McIntosh MCD 7005

Family system (home): Faroudja DV 1000, Sony PS2
For Vinyl sound from a digital rig, read about .dff playback on a Meitner, PBD, or Mytek DAC. This is .dff file playback from a computer, not SACD.

Supposed to be the best - closest to vinyl, but we need a lot of support in order to anything to move in this direction. Otherwise the format will not take off.

as I've already wrote in the TJ's thread "Reference DACS: An overall perspective" and in the TJ's review "Concert Fidelity DAC-040, I'm using the Métronome Technologie Kalista Référence as drive and the Concert Fidelity Tube DAC-040 as converter; in my opinion and for my personal experience this combo sounds even better than a high level analog front end system.

AMR CD-77.1 has replaced the beloved BAT player, which has now moved to my home office rig. For those who love LPs, the AMR is a must-hear in my opinion.
Actually I have two systems going with nearly 1,000 LP's, I also have a less sizeable CD colletion. My living room system has a Nottingham Analog Spacedec with a Meridian 508 CD player. My studio system has a REGA P25 player with an Arcam fmj36 CD player. (Although the Meridian is a much older player it still out performs the more recent Arcam)
EAR acute CD player with a tube output stage. Fairly? close to analogue, but not steering me away from my record collection. My analogue front end is considerably more evolved.
Vinyl is just a little better than my accuphase Dp-700,some times? but not worth the trouble,just happy with my sacd player
i was reading a review of the OPPO 95 recently in ENJOY THE I had to laugh as the reviewer and his panel don't like digital. They went so far as to say they couldn't listen to the 95 for any extended period of time and that the only digital approaching vinyl cost over $100K. My question why were they reviewing a digital player? How do I use a review where the reviewers say this about digital? What a pointless effort. I want to know how it compares to other digital units. Not a rant against digital.
I have a Naim UnitiQute and on the rare occasion I play a CD, I use an Arcam DV88 Plus (DVD player) as a transport. One of the reasons I got a UnitiQute instead of the NaimUniti is that I don't really need a CD player. I have ripped all my CDs to FLAC and stream when I want to hear them.
Theta digital ds pro prime ii dac and theta data basic transport. Awesome combo. Also adcom gcd-750 and Sony xa20es..
My transport is a TRIODE TRV-CD4SE tube CD player feeding thru the new REGA DAC. Still love the vinyl sound but this combo is very close.
Denon DCD 1650 VERY analog-like. Bought two months ago. A good buy. Unsure about servie though. Anyone have ideas about service.
Second the Rega Saturn. Gobs of crisp detail from stem to stern, but without the analytics, make for hours of fatigue-free musical delight.
Squeezebox Touch > VALAB "NOS USB Re-Clock". I swapped out the output caps and that helped quite a bit.
I am surprised no one has mentioned the CDP "The Last Record Player" by Einstein Audio !! It really is something worth an experience. It elevated the respect I had for this company to a new level. They do things at a different level IMO, at least when it comes to their source components. Now they have a new CDP called "The Source" .
I guess it's time for an update, after 4 years. Still using (and loving) the Raysonic CD128 but the Ack dAck is long gone. For the past year or so I've owned an Oppo BDP-83SE, primarily for SACDs. The Oppo also sounds very good on CDs for the price, but is no threat to the Raysonic in that regard.
I use a Modwright modified OPPO BDP 83SE and I am more than happy with the sound. Vinyl is different - better in some aspects - not in others (VPI Superscout with Shelter 90x).
Not very much difference using filters but subtle.
The upsampling is not my favorite choice prefering without.
I use Filter 2 mostly
Overall the Nad565 is a no nonsense,quality cd player that satisfies
I keep the player on no upsampling/filter 2
I notice filter 1 is more relaxed & 5 is between 1&5

Not especially fond of upsampling but it doesn't sound bad
Overall straight CD sounds excellent
Did you see some of the reviews online?
Also the player sounds very good with all types of music,getting to the heart.
Always making sense of the music
Do you find the selectable oversampling and filters on the 565bee to be useful? Do you notice much of a difference with different settings? Thanks!
Nad 565bee CD Player
Because it's not a Vinyl sound but quality digital.
I enjoy having the best of both
Currently I'm using my Oppo BDP-83 Bluray/multiplayer. Very nice machine given its modest price. The stereo output section has Cirrus Logic 4398 high end dacs.

I've also begun to import my vinyl into my Macbook using either Audacity or Garage Band. This is to then mix down to Redbook CD format to make CD's of my vinyl. The first few discs were via the Mac's built in A/D converter. But I'm now adding a Tascam outboard digital interface unit that should get me even better importing of vinyl to my Macbook. I'll import using 24 bits 88.2 or 96 and mix down to 16 bit Redbook to burn CDR's I may keep some favs in 24 bit mode on the hard drive and play back via the Tascam's 24/96 D/A converters.
MacBook Pro with a Weiss DAC1 mkII FW and Amarra. Lovely midrange and the best bass I've heard. Totally smooth high end too.
Naim CDS2/XPS power supply/Super Burndy. This player has none of the digital nasties, gives nice weight to the instruments, is full sounding as well as dynamic and plays effortlessly...meaning it doesn't seem strained or forced. It really gets the essence of the music, all of the little nuances and dynamic shadings exceedingly well. It allows you to forget about the medium and concentrate on the music.

My vinyl rig in a Linn LP12 with battery powersupply/ Naim ARO tonearm, Benz Wood MC cartridge.
LEVINSON 390S becaues it sounds wonderful.Vinyl rules sounds much better!!
I use a Conrad Johnson DAC-3 and Krell MD-2 Transport combination and love the sound. It is the closes to vinyl I have experienced in my setup so far. In fact it sounds so good,it showed me my turntable needed some tweaks. I picked up both pieces from from this community.

I am now convinced a separate DAC and transport will sound better than most integrated CDP(s).
Proceed CDD into a Monarcy Dip into a Monarcy NM24 with 1960's Siemen-Halske tubes.
Vinyl system: Nottingham 294 'table and arm w/Dynavector 17D3 through a Nova Phenomena phono preamp. Wonderful!!!

Digital: Musical Fidelity 308 cd player used as a deck into a Lavry Engineering DA10 dac. Very good. Plenty of body and presence. Comfortable listening over time.