Are there passive attenuators that don't zero volume and only offer one input ?

I am not sure how many people would like those features, but its worth asking in case someone would try to sell such a thing.

Which is to say it is essential I should think  to be able to zero volume, and have more than one input, do you agree ? 
If you want to use LDR's , as I observe in other designs, they find it easy to both achieve silence at zero volume, and to also have as many inputs, as are required.  
The op wants a passive pre with one input, that doesn’t go to zero, all the ones mentioned above do zero the volume.
As far as I know only the Lightspeed at minimum volume still has a small amount of output, as Light Dependent Resistors (ldr) can’t attain absolute zero impedance.

Quite the opposite actually. Referring to my first post, it can be seen not being able to zero volume, or have more than one input, is not desirableat all.

Both are serious compromises, that designs must overcome.
That coloring/softening is why I didn’t care for the sound of the Acoustic Imagery JaySho (which is basically a Bent).  That sound can be a subtle effect but it is there.  I have 3 resistor passives here now, Goldpoint, Endler, and the Khozmo that I like best.  Takman REY shunts and Vishay "nude" Z-foil series resistors in the Khozmo.  The Endler sounds a little coarse or unrefined, the Goldpoint with SMD resistors is clean but maybe a touch thin, and the Khozmo doesn’t have much of its own sound at all.  It is definitely more neutral than the Shallco volume control using AN Tantalum resistors that I took out of the signal path of my preamp - which is now a buffer.  The Khozmo was very reasonably priced considering the features and the sound quality.
I personally never liked TVC units myself.

I agree, TVC passives are usually colored, softened in dynamics, also in the frequency extremes. I would say they might appeal to those that like laid back SET tube amps.

BTW: before anyone sez anything "snidely"
I’m NOT trying to sell the OP a Lightspeed Attenuator (I’m sure he can find a used one somewhere) As all my production has stopped, till this Covid mess sorts itself out, so OS shipping is back to being reliable, as the last one took 3mts to get to the customer.

Cheers George
I have heard George’s Lightspeed Attenuator, and I have to say, it is the most " invisible ", that I have heard ( or actually, not heard ). I require multiple inputs, and enjoy remote volume, which are reasons I do not use one. I personally never liked TVC units myself.
I don’t know either, maybe a safety factor against accidently leaving things running, works for me sometimes when I’ve had a few too many🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Cheers George
What is the benefit of a passive attenuator that "don't zero volume"?
Is there some sonic or operational benefit?  What am I missing?
Just curious.
Are there passive attenuators that don’t zero volume and only offer one input ?

The op wants a passive pre with one input, that doesn’t go to zero, all the ones mentioned above do zero the volume.
As far as I know only the Lightspeed at minimum volume still has a small amount of output, as Light Dependent Resistors (ldr) can’t attain absolute zero impedance.

Cheers George
Sure, Khozmo and Hattor. I just recently received a Khozmo dual mono passive attenuator with separate left/right channel volume adjustment, one input, two outputs (one for subs), all balanced XLR ins-outs, display, and remote control of all functions. I use it for remote volume adjustment in conjunction with a unity gain buffer. Discrete resistors with Takman REY metal film shunt resistors and a Vishay "nude" Z-foil series resistor.
This sounds like something I could use but it would need to have XLR ins/outs. My preamp has two "pre out" pairs: one RCA, one XLR. The XLR are 2-volts hotter than RCA so would be louder if trying to bi-amp. 
Are there passive attenuators that don't zero volume and only offer one input ?
You've just described the Lightspeed Attenuator to a tee.

Cheers George