Anyone hear Jay's Audio cdt2-mk3 vs mk2?


Look at all angles, why go for a CD transport that uses very hard to get Philips CDM4 laser that’s prices are going through the roof of now even second hand!!

I’d wait for Schiit Audio one that’s coming, it’s bound to have a laser you can get at the corner shop for $40 new.

Cheers George
I wasn't sure you knew, but it was also meant for others as well.

Cheers George
And maybe prices on the CDM4 have gone up so because Denafrips supposedly bought up a NOS stock of over 3000 units for future replacements in their transport —that actually hasn’t been available for many months now, just after it’s release. 

I decided to purchase a new MK3 for my main system and moved the MK2 to my secondary system as I was already searching for transport and the timing was perfect...

If you are on the fence on whether to upgrade your MK2 to the MK3; I can tell you without hesitation the difference is quite startling and this is just with 2 hours use and 400 hours are required to fully burn-in the unit.

So what are the differences between the two versions? Soundstage width/depth/layering drastically improved and images are locked in with pin-point precision. Resolution is also improved with delicate nuances and ambiance retrieval are easily discernable...

These upgrade are quite impressive but the musicality, the flow of the music has taken on an unbelievable and immersive listening experience and my speakers have totally disappeared! This upgrade has literally placed the performers in your listening space in a 3D perspective.

My older CDs still sounds good but the revised MK3 reveals the flaws in the recordings...

Can't wait to hear what it will sound like after complete burn-in.

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@wig any updates after the burn in. I am thinking about updating my mk2? Thanks
@ googlemate1

I sold my MK3 a few days before my Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T arrived and have been spinning discs on my MK2 and its without question that the MK3 is an improvement over the MK2, especially in the sound staging and imaging department where the sound is pulled inward from the boundary of the loudspeakers and the sound stage is much deeper.

The Pro-Ject Box CD RS2T is in a much higher league...

A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport | Audiogon Discussion Forum
@wig thanks for the reply. I will order the mk3 upgrade kit to see how it goes. You have changed so quickly and it is hard to catch up with you. LOL.
According to the Audiphiliac it is worth the $800

then it must be true!  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Had the updated kit installed and running the transport for 120 hours. It is the best $800 I have spent and the performance is improved a lot.
One thing I don't agree with audiophiliac is I love it's oversampling function which is very smooth and removing harshness. The sound is bigger and more detailed as well.
One more thing that audiophiliac didn't mention was the mk3's display dim function which I also love the best. The background noise is gone when I dim the display. 
Absolutely love the upgrade.
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Just notice the little humming sound from the transformers likely. Did not pay attention to it before. Anyway i believe 3000 price tag should have done its justice. Not many things comes close to this transport around this price range, right?
Hey googlemate,

Scores of individuals, including my self, who owned either the Jay's Audio MK-II or the upgraded MK-III version, have discovered that  Pro-Ject's new transport is superior across the board in it's performance. It retails for $3,000,but to get its ultimate performance you spend another $560 for an upgraded Linear Tube Audio power supply. For all the details take a look on the thread, here on AudioGon.
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@dwmb, like amorstereo and wig suggested above the Pro-Ject is a better transport. You can try it which is a few hundred more. You can let me know how you come up with.
@amorstereo, thanks for the suggestion. I have been searching a good transport for a long time. Now I am able to sit and enjoy my music for hours without fatigues. I think there must be something better out there. I might look to change it if I become unsatisfied in someway. But now I am happy and music is the main thing.
@ googlemate

In regards to your transformer buzz, make sure the transport is plugged directly into the wall as these transports has a lot of filtering built in and if your conditioner has filtering, it shows up in a big way with the Jay's.

@wig thanks,

I use an Isotech power conditioner which may have filters. Maybe this is why the transport has a low level of humming. But it is not too big a deal to me especially when I can get a dark background in listening my music by dimming the display.
Hey Wig. Thanks for the many public and private tips.  You were correct that the bone CD clamp would be a great addition to my MKII.  I can’t wait to use it on a MKIII.  
A few questions: Did you or a technician do the changeout work to upgrade your MKII to the MKIII?  How many hours of labor are involved?
I currently own a MKII and I’m deliberating whether to buy a new MKIII  and sell my MKII, or do the upgrade.

Thanks again,
@ toolbox149

The CD clamp is even more noticeable on the MKIII as that player is more resolving. I bought the new MKIII and used the MKII in my secondary system but the upgrade shouldn't take more than an hour and really simple to complete.

Watch the videos a few times and that will be a big help to you.

CDM4-Replacement | Jays Audio (

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Has anyone tried the new CEC transport that is advertised here for around  $2500USD brand new?  

Teajay and a few other Audiogoners have owned the much pricier CEC belt-driven CD transports and they said the Jay’s Transport was better sounding...

The Project CD Box RS2 Transport is exemplary...

I have my Mk3 running for 400 hrs and believed it is fully burn in now. It is so good and makes my CD listening a whole different experience and I have to listen to my whole CD collection to redefine them. The oversampling mode is working on most of my CDs but some CDs are better without it. I don't know why. It is so much fun to listen CDs now. I was thinking to replace my Hugo 2 DAC and now I seem to happy with the DAC.
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Does the CD transport come with a clamp? Any need for a clamp? Looking forward to your feedback after your using it.
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The QStab is definitely noticeable and you will hear the body of instruments, decay more clearly and the sound stage will be raised up a bit with more depth and width...

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Wig, are you using the Qstab on your Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T?   I found the magnet to be alarmingly strong such that it moves the internal chassis.  Any thoughts/solutions?
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I also bought the Qstab for my MK2 and I fully concur with dwmb’s  an wig’s impression of the benefits, with one addition.  During the past 10 years I have really become more attracted to vocals.  To reproduce vocals without an unwanted “raspy” quality sneaking in (especially in massed vocals) can be very difficult for CDs to accomplish.  The Qstab actually helps clear up the raspy quality of vocals by adding clarity, detail and more pinpoint spacing to the vocals.  Instead of a raspy, distorted quality, you can hear the individual vibratos of each voice.  Perceived distortion disappears in favor of natural sounding realism.
Granted, it takes more than a little Qstab to fully realize this improvement, but the Qstab on top of the Jays actually helped smooth the sound of single and massed vocals by adding that last little touch of clarity, separation and correct timber to my system.
Oh.  One last benefit.  It’s one of the few things in audio that doesn’t require burn-in time.  You can totally enjoy it - right out of the box!

on another note
I finally decided to buy the upgrade kit for my MK2.  I was considering buying a new CDT2-MK3 or the new Project transport, but I have read complaints about mechanical noises or transformer humming coming from each of those units.  Since my MK2 has been performing flawlessly and quietly (knock on wood) I figure I’ll stick with that and just improve it to the MK3.  Also, the Project doesn’t fit well in my audio rack. 
Opposing viewpoints are welcome.
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@mboldda1 I recently did the upgrade by myself and it is not hard and takes about an hour. I am not technology savvy and I don't need a video or any instruction for the installation. It was quite straightforward. 

I have received Qstab cd clamp and am very happy. Cd is spinning a bit quicker, image is sharper, separation is better and sound is tighter. I won't go back.
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I just ordered the upgrade to MK3. While I’m doing that I have a couple of questions.
1). Has anybody attached EMF shielding on the back of the display panel? This is a common tweek many people do to their PS Audio Directstream DACs.
2). Has anybody installed the upgraded suspension system  (Qsus) for their Jays CDT2 MK2/3 the is built by HEADQUATERS Audio? (The same guy who makes the Qstab). If so, how difficult is it to install?

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