Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?

I was too busy listening to MUSIC on my analogue rig.  Sigh.  What am I missing?
You missed a lot of real ugly noise. Most of the music honored (not all, but most) was garbage. I don't count rap and hip hop as music. It is noise.
Roberjerman, you are too old if you’ve not heard of Bruno Mars. The guy is a wonderful, joyful, soulful singer/songwriter/dancer. Definitely the new “king of pop” very reminiscent of Micheal Jackson. Have you heard of him, or do I have to go back to Elvis? Does that mean I listen to him all the time or buy his albums? No, but you can’t help dancing whenever his music starts. Not that I could see many old farts from this forum doing anything but waiting for their tubes to warm up before playing some Mozart.

I second the thumbs up for the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra. The Concertmaster, Steven Copes is a regular performer/teacher here in Colorado Springs at our Colorado College Summer Music Festival.

Steven is the complete package, sound/feeling/technique and is the master of a wide repertoire. We have had the pleasure of meeting Steven and hearing him in a nice sounding hall for several summers now...His playing continues to evolve and becomes more moving each year....unreal talent.

The NY Times called SPCO" the best ensemble of it’s kind in the USA" .
Steve is a great musician, there are also at least 5 other string players that, at least in sound, are every bit as good .
The Principal Viola player is out of this world , a Korean tiger.
After the great Gil Slaham finished the Mendelssohn few years ago he pivoted like a top.  ran to her and shook both her hands like a pump .

No joke, The Ordway Hall in St. Paul has best acoustics in USA .
Are you ready for K-Pop? You’re gonna luv it! And The Spice Girls are reuniting. Oh, my!
This year I turned the TV volume off and put the Tidal 1968 playlist on and enjoyed the pictures while reading Stereophile. Works out well--
Wow, we are a generous bunch.  Bruno Mars is pure fun - perfect for night club, auditorium or Super Bowl.  Great music?  No.  Fodder for an audiophile listening session?  Probably not.  But a lot of fun.  If anything, hip hop, which is where some of the most creativity in modern music has been coming from for years was clearly under appreciated by the industry at the awards.

I suppose most of those posting here were not big Buffalo Springfield/Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Byrds, Bob Dylan or John Lennon fans in the 1960s?  Band of Gypsys Machine Gun anyone?   For those of you who missed this year’s Grammys and who may still have an ear for current music trends and events, Kendrick Lamar’s performance to kick it off was attention getting and thought provoking.

For those of you who lament missed opportunities and “what were they thinking” grammy choices, read this.  Given most of the commentary above, I somehow think this review should have gone back much further:
pumper24: I was joking! I know who Bruno Mars is and if I were a teenager I'd be listening to him (and Kendrick Lamar)! My musical tastes tend to the extreme's - The Fall (Hex Induction Hour), Can (Soon Over Babalooma), Peter Brotzman (Machine gun) ...
Charles1 ...

After reading your comments in this thread, I like you more than ever. Just wanted you to know that. :-)

I just played back the Grammy's broadcast that I recorded. I usually take several songs from each years Grammys and compile them onto my hard drive.
This year however, the only song worth recording was the Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" rendition.

Pretty sad state for music these days.

Maybe music will improve the day computer algorithms are better able to translate the way music moves us humans emotionally and intellectually instead of just physically.

Everything is over produced and everyone is a crooner or a rapper with little talent. 
It’s already robotic music...IMHO

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