Anybody here buy a cartridge from 'highendbroker' ?

    If you have, how did it go from start to finish ?


Putting another members experience with a particular Cart' to one side.

The made known Warranty Period supplied did cause more than a Stir to the comments being made.

Hence the following earlier offer statement is a Caveat Emptor worthwhile adding to the inquiries to be made:

"  In relation to any Cartridge being Purchased in the USA. It is very important to have the Warranty Period offered on the Cart' made known and even better supplied in writing by the Vendor ". 

@mulveling Mike you`re a treasure trove of information !

Very helpful and thanks again.

@jsd52756  yes John 

Just to add 2juki on Ebay is definitely good people.  This is from personal experience not hearsay.


Steve @scm ,

Awesome, that Windfeld Ti is a great cart and I definitely think of (miss it) from time to time! Happy to hear it’s getting such great use and enjoyment.

I’m known to generally prefer warm, full bodied sound - hence my fondness for SUTs and Koetsus. I do have temporary "phases" where I seek more resolution / sparkle / speed - the Windfeld TI’s and upper-end Van den Huls serve that well.

My Frog Gold is an interesting one - better balanced and more well-tempered than the Crimson and Colibri models. The latter are pursuing maximum detail, dynamics, and speed full stop. The Colibri is additionally a bear to control sibilance on - the only cartridge I’ve EVER had a problem with this. IMO it’s inherent to the undamped open-air structural design of the motor and NOT the stylus profile or VTA, as is often cited (I’ve used 2 of them in my systems now). Crimson/Colibiri models benefit from a well damped, almost "dark" sounding arm like the VPI Fatboys and 3D to temper them. The VPI plinths themselves (Avenger, Aries 3, HR-X) are also of this "dark" sonic nature, and easily excitable at ~ 100Hz. The Frog was a bit dull and muted on such a VPI setup, but shone on a Clearaudio Innovation / FR64fx - where it rendered a great delicate airiness and wide-open spacious sound. Just a touch of extra warmth & weight in mids, and nicely balanced out with bass overall. I put it on level of Ortofon Cadenza Bronze: very nice sounding, pleasing cartridge that doesn’t go to crazy in pursuit of one trait or another. At full USA retail prices - no thanks. But at discount? Yes, nice cart. I’m still deciding what to do with my VdH’s and there’s a not insignificant change the Frog Gold is the one I keep. In fact, I’ll probably mount it on my FR64fx / SOTA Nova this weekend - sharing duties with that Cadenza Bronze and a newly received SPU Classic GM E II.

Hope that helps!

@mulveling  Thanks Mike, that`s the kind of feedback I`m looking for yes

I know you`ve had some nice cartridges, curious where the Frog Gold would sit if you were to rank it vs others you`ve had ? buddy is thoroughly happy with the Winfeld Ti he bought from you !



Yes, I bought a Frog Gold from him last year. Very good transaction - swift and efficient, nothing of particular note (good). Cartridge was perfect; brand new as advertised w/ the nice box. Straight cantilever, perfect L/R channel balance, etc. Nice cartridge.

If you’re in USA (like me) he offers good prices on this brand because you’re skipping over the NA distrib. I’ve still never encountered an issue that would require a warranty claim, and as the often-cited member issue with an MSL Platinum (Mijo’s) from MusicDirect shows, you might have a tough time getting resolution from the "correct" channels anyways (he had it resolved quickly from a 3rd party retipper).

You should also seek out Harry Weidema ("Dr. Needle" - NOT Needledoctor!) if you’re looking for a VdH cart.

Yes, I was asking about highendbroker that advertises here.

Thanks for the replies so far, much appreciated !

If you are talking about this dealer (he also sells on Audiogon) than I can confirm that I have done numerous deals with him (buying and selling) and every time had zero problems. Also, must add that I have never bought or sold a cartridge and I live in Europe, so everything was easier, I guess. But, none the less, I have sold SF Guarneri H, via him to Hong Kong, so everything can be done. Cartridge, being so small, should not be an issue

In relation to any Cartridge being Purchased in the USA. It is very important to have the Warranty Period offered on the Cart' made known and even better supplied in writing by the Vendor.

A Recent Thread made it known a 12 Weeks Warranty Period was the time offered on  $10K Cart'. Follow Up investigations of the same Cart' showed it was possible to get it imported for approx' $5.5K.      

The Purchaser learnt about the Warranty Period and Import Price approx' 50 Weeks into Ownership and period of about 100 hours usage. 

Caveat Emptor is always ones best friend in such matters. 

@lewm  Oh yeah, remember Chakster? He's the guy who loved his Stantons and Pickerings! 

Define "higendbroker". Do you have someone in particular in mind? If so, much better to reveal the actual identity. If it’s 2juki on eBay, for example, he has a good reputation. I bought my FR64S tonearm from him, and I have been very pleased with it. Many others here have purchased cartridges from him. Chakster, who hasn’t been around here for a few years, at one point claimed that one or more of the eBay sellers (maybe including 2juki, but I am not sure) sell cartridges with non-factory serial numbers. I don’t know what became of that issue, or even if it is a real issue, but you might search these archives.

@rsf507 I understand that for sure. Just looking to see what members here have experienced.

They (highendbrokers) offer a warranty, but, I`m not sure it`s worth much if it isn`t factory backed.

Personally I'd only buy a used (I'm assuming it's used) cartridge from a dealer I've done business with or someone I know in my very small circle of audiophiles. But that's me.