Anybody here buy a cartridge from 'highendbroker' ?

    If you have, how did it go from start to finish ?


Showing 2 responses by pindac

In relation to any Cartridge being Purchased in the USA. It is very important to have the Warranty Period offered on the Cart' made known and even better supplied in writing by the Vendor.

A Recent Thread made it known a 12 Weeks Warranty Period was the time offered on  $10K Cart'. Follow Up investigations of the same Cart' showed it was possible to get it imported for approx' $5.5K.      

The Purchaser learnt about the Warranty Period and Import Price approx' 50 Weeks into Ownership and period of about 100 hours usage. 

Caveat Emptor is always ones best friend in such matters. 

Putting another members experience with a particular Cart' to one side.

The made known Warranty Period supplied did cause more than a Stir to the comments being made.

Hence the following earlier offer statement is a Caveat Emptor worthwhile adding to the inquiries to be made:

"  In relation to any Cartridge being Purchased in the USA. It is very important to have the Warranty Period offered on the Cart' made known and even better supplied in writing by the Vendor ".