Any Experience with Furutech Unfiltered Power Distributors

Has anyone had experiences with either the Furutech e-TP609 NCF or the GTO- D2 or D3 NCF?

These are unfiltered passive power conditioners and distributors.


@jfrmusic I haven’t tried these but I use Furutech GTX-D NCF outlets in my system. And that is what you will get with these units. 

In my experience - 

1. These outlets have an impact on sound quality. Could potentially be a negative impact as you get an increase in resolution (in your system it most likely won’t sound bad), clarity and treble extension. The bass tightens up. It also appears to reduce noise.

2. You haven’t experienced a break in until you experience a break in with a Furutech GTX-D NCF. It’s an absolutely psychotic rollercoaster that lasts over 300hrs. 

How an outlet does all this, I have no explanation. But I experienced it twice with each one I installed 

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I don’t have the ones you mentioned but I use a Furutech E TP80 power conditioner  which is passive.  I use it in a second system with all McIntosh electronics. It is dead quiet and very dynamic

I recently replaced, one at a time, my hospital grade outlets for Furutech outlets on my direct lines. Each provided a notable improvement in sound quality. 

I have an eTP60 sitting on a shelf, yes it isn't an NCF,  nicely built but didn't add anything to benefit the SQ. . Likewise, no benefit from using an NCF Clearline power conditioner

"If a power strip doesn’t change sound quality, it’s a win!"

No kidding. My point re: the e TP60 was contrasting @stereo5’s comment on the eTP80 "... and very dynamic"


As far as the NCF Clearline goes  my point was  that it in fact does nothing that either the company or the reviews suggest; and I'm not alone in that user assessment. Net net, I wouldn't go out of my way purchasing one of their distributors just because it has NCF designation


@facten I get it and I’m with you on that. Power conditioning is a really strange space to explore. I stopped bothering with it and just get components that have a very solid power supply design and use best quality power cables I can afford. Dedicated lines for my system helped a ton as well.

But…as strange as it sounds, the GTX-D NCF Rhodium outlets improved sound quality and lowered noise floor. So those I can definitely recommend. However, I tread with caution as too much Rhodium is too much of a good thing. I sold all my rhodium power cables.

Given the Furutech e-TP609 NCF is a power distribution unit, aka power strip, if it doesn’t harm anything and the purpose is to get more outlets, it’s really not a bad deal. 

I use a Furutech ETP-66G, it replaced a more expensive power strip. The Furutech is excellent. I like the fact that is allows for six outlets, is easy to place and is essentially neutral when it comes to SQ. The price is also attractive.

I have three Furutech e60e schuko outlets, there is only wiring, no chokes, caps resistance,  nothing. Wires are 14AWG neatly finished. Outlets are gold plated and good grip on the contacts and fit between the plug and outlet. 

The GTX outlets over time like 7 years lose their grip and would judge these too easy to pull out, these are the gold types.

I think they're great value for the money. I don't use the rhodium products - the immediate impression is always "oh WOW" but over time, the tone is not natural to me. I buy gold ones and use NCF boosters or clear line. I don't prefer the filtered outlets to the non-filtered. somehow all power conditioning sucks the life out of music, even if mentally it sounds better.

all furu products require a 400 hr break-in due to their alpha cryo process. People will mention the long break in of their wall receptacles, but I think thats because the entire system is plugged into them so the effects are exaggerated. All of their products go through the same issue. Most probably judge it long before its reached the final destination.

You can mod the power distributors really well. Put contact enhancer on all the barrier terminals or even upgrade the internal wire.