Eversolo is way over hyped. They have no US repair center , their support is the dealer replacing non working units under warranty. After a year you are out of luck.
I would suggest a 2 channel ATI amp for that kind of money. Made in USA. 7 year warranty. They are OEM mfg for a number of companies.
After dealing with their lack of support on their streamer I caution anyone interested in the brand. Not a stand up company .
Thanks for your information !
If you are okay with Class D look at VTV amps.
I use a Cary CAD 200 on my LRS. Plenty of power.
I realize I am reviving this thread after a month, as I was spending time this morning looking for reviews on the AMP-F10.
I’ve been an Eversolo for a month now and have the A10 and F10 combo. As a dealer of many very high end brands, I will say that this combo truly impresses me, especially at its price point. I don’t believe any entire chain of electronics (streamer, DAC, preamp, amp) can beat it sonically at its asking price of ~$6,300. Together, I find it to present in a very natural way. Great tonality, good separation, enough to be holographic and help speakers disappear, a hint of tonal richness, and pretty strong control over speakers.
The AMP-F10 has no problems controlling my Vivid Audio G1 Spirit which dip down below 3 Ohm, but of course my reference T+A amps deliver better grip, a larger stage, and improved imaging for being 10x the price. The amp is detailed and articulate, but is also on the warm side. One amp I might compare it to at a slightly higher price point is the Cambridge Audio Edge W. In my comparisons, I prefer the tonality of the AMP-F10 a bit more. It is warmer, a bit more harmonic. Detail retrieval is largely similar, though moving to the Cambridge EDGE M monoblocks results it a higher league of resolution and linearity, albeit at 4x the asking price of the AMP-F10.
The Eversolo combo isn’t as “endgame” as my reference stack overall, but I do believe its performance is very balanced across the board, whereas some manufacturers overindex on resolution at the expense of musicality and vice versa.
I also have no doubt in pitting the Eversolo stack against other electronics double the cost, like the EDGE W.
@oddiofyl I had the same concerns with Eversolo in the past, but they recently started working with a U.S. distributor in order to overcome some of the challenges in the past. They are making an active effort to improve upon their communications and support, and I have found them to be very easy to work with. I have already suggested a few new features that they are willing to investigate and/or implement.
I forgot to add that I am also using aftermarket power conditioners and cabling with the AMP-F10, which obviously helps it perform at a higher level over stock.
Too late for me, unit is out of warranty. I told them the warranty was up in 5 days and they stopped communicating
They left me high and dry , absolutely did not care about USB no longer working. Lied about it not being an issue, but a year plus of forum posts confirm it's a problem with several brands.
No way this company can or will redeem themselves with me . You would think that after bashing them on forums and their own targeted Instagram ads, someone would reach out and help me on the basis of damage control alone. Nothing.
Speaks volumes about a company. In my 20 plus years as a forum member it is the only brand I have outted for terrible support.
I believe the Gen 2 exists because they realized the XMOS chip they were using doesn't like the code written since ver 1.2.98. I could be wrong but it's one of the only changes to Gen 2. Why would you release a Gen 2 that is almost exactly the same ?
Sorry but I will have to warn people to steer clear of this brand. All they had to do was try to help me.... they failed.
Thanks All for your experiences and comments... It's good to know that Eversolo is trying to get its act together here, and I hope that they do. I recently heard some planar's powered by a Coda #8 and it was pretty impressive. The Coda #8 is more than twice the price of the F10 but since I'm in no rush to get new speakers, I'll wait a little while before I make the plunge for a more powerful amplifier.
@oddiofyl That sounds like an unfortunate story. Just curious, what product specifically did you have issues with?
I’ve had an A8 for about 7 months. Using it as streamer, DAC and preamp. Sounds great works flawlessly and the app has a great UI. I listen to more music than ever.
just putting another experience out there.
The Coda #8 is more than twice the price of the F10 but since I'm in no rush to get new speakers
I think the Sanders amp I recommended was largely designed/built by Coda.
Bliss HIFi,
A6 Master, would not recognize McIntosh 8950 DAC via USB immediately after FW update. Worked for almost a year without issue . They blamed the Mac, me, cables, said it was not FW. So I asked for the old FW, denied. They said " it’s dangerous" for me to rollback firmware . I then asked for an RMA if they were so confident it wasn’t FW. They ignored my request. Silence. No further contact. Warranty over.
Dealer offered to swap after telling me he had about 40 with software issues. I thought sticking him with another wasn’t right, I am confident it is FW. He also told me most worked in another environment when tested , further confirmation these guys suck at FW updates. Updates should be cumulative and backwards compatible. Not asking for a lot.
The "fix" was me buying a Coax cable. Hardly a fix. But it works. The fact USB doesn’t work isn’t even the issue. It’s the terrible support. That I can’t forgive.
Terrible customer service, worst I’ve ever experienced in this hobby. When someone chimes into a thread and says how great they are it’s because they haven’t reached out for support ... wait. You will see what I’m talking about.
What’s really frustrating is that it’s my Dad’s. I told him to buy an Innuos or Aurender but he got sucked in by the hype. I can’t tell you how many times I have installed the A6 in my systems and my streamer in his system. It’s a PITA.
He’s 82, how much longer does he have to wait for FW fixes????
So no vote of confidence for Eversoso. Can not recommend
@Soix Yes... I was told recently the Sanders amp was designed by Coda by a panel speaker distributor.
@oddiofyl One thing I am pretty adamant about is customer service and support. Nearly everything I have purchased if questions or issues come up, I have had great support. Pass Labs, Innuos, even Denafrips (support from Vinshine Audio) and Charney Audio have been terrific, speedy and thorough. Regarding Eversolo, I do hope they get their support/service act together, so prior to purchasing their products, I believe I'll wait and see how things seem to be going into the future.
After dealing with their lack of support on their streamer I caution anyone interested in the brand. Not a stand up company .
Dealer offered to swap after telling me he had about 40 with software issues. I thought sticking him with another wasn’t right, I am confident it is FW.
Actually, if the dealer offered you a brand new unit that is my definition of a "stand up company", whether or not you think it will solve your problem.
I have always had great support in this hobby. I attribute that to buying mostly American brands. 45 plus years and only a handful of problems. Pretty amazing. I sold or gave away almost every component in still working condition.
Companies like Eversolo have no clue about great support. Nor do they care They would rather not answer emails and string you along until you have a dead unit and no warranty.
A smart company would have seen my posts here and other forums along with my comments in their targeted Instagram ads and been proactive about making a happy customer. Or at least some kind of damage control
I actually stopped visiting one local dealer who tried to sell me on Evesolo, not knowing my experience. Telling me how great they are, best value , blah blah blah. He had no idea what bad advice he gave me. Won't be back there anytime soon. When I see they've dropped the brand maybe I'll go back. That's what a crap brand can do to you as a dealer. I want nothing to do with that guy because he's drinking the KoolAid.... he basically lied to me.
The dealer offered a replacement but FW is the problem. So basically no fix. A new one will have the more recent FW that did not fix the problem.
Eversolo did nothing for me .
Only version 1.2.50 FW and below work correctly. New unit will not resolve the problem.
@oddiofyl That is unfortunate for sure. I’m aware that the McIntosh DAC1 module present in the 8950 and many of the preamps have their own USB connectivity issues or their own, so perhaps the issue is more complicated than it seems, especially if the unit can connect to other DACs with no problems. This wouldn’t be the first time a firmware has botched something that was working previously, and sometimes, a firmware rewrites core functionality that is not easily reversible, which is why it is not always easy to roll back (I used to be a coder so I have some experience on this).
That said, there is no excuse for the lack of response you received on the Eversolo team on this. There should have at least been some communication to validate the issue and have either a clear path for issue logging, investigation, and resolution, or at least communication to show why they may not be able to offer a repair. Were you getting responses from them in the beginning? If not, I have to wonder if messages were going into a junk mail folder, but I’m guessing you checked there.
Knowing you, I’m 99% certain you looked into this but have to ask the obvious question - have you updated the firmware on the MA8950? I know that one of the later builds addresses some of the USB quirks the DAC1 units were known to possess.
It’s a DA2. Card. No further FW. It worked great. I believe it is as simple as them not having the right USB VID/PID. Vendor ID and Product ID tells the computer/ streamer what USB device is used. It used to display on the A6 before v 1.2.98. It would say "McIntosh 8950" Since 1.2.98 the USB icon is greyed out and you can't select. They obviously have a corrupt VID/PID in recent FW.