any early 80's alt/soft punk fans out there?

great time for music imo. new sounds, edgy but musical and sometime.....downright deep/moving. never got into the really hardcore punk seen. liked the softer side destruction alot better =)

just finished a psychedelic furs binge tonight. had joy division/early new order on all weekend. planning on reminiscing with lou reed/velvet underground and early rem later this week.

haven't really listened to this stuff much in recent memory. not sure why?. i own almost everything these bands ever put out but still rarely give them a turn anymore?.

early furs with all that sax and mr butler's near painful voice =). i'm gonna grab some tickets for their upcoming show at house of blues (chicago). i'm sure it won't be as crazy as the shows back then but the music will still be great. didn't even know they were touring.

really enjoyed joy division and after the death of Ian....early new order stuff. incredible music considering their roots. new order eventually lost their edge but back then....they were it!

any other fans out there?
Tzh21y, your list resembles my CD collection during high-school. Good memories...

This music eventually lead me to the rave seen of the early 90s, when I started DJaying and the discovery of vinyl.

The vinyl lead me to my present audio addicition.

A few month ago I picked-up a 45 rpm Japanese pressing New-Order's Everthing's Gone Green, EP. My old CDs never sound this good.

I'm playing the EP now :)

May I add a few to the list:

Skinny Puppy,
Meat-Beat Manifesto
Psychic TV
Otherwise I think you have the bases covered.

About Ministry, I much prefer the early Ministry (but not too early their first album was scary bad) Twitch and after but later in the nineties they started becoming to heavy metal for my taste and less techno...
Remember Lene Lovich? Before she went disco/dance? Saw her at the long gone Meadowbrook in Cedar Grove, NJ back in the early 80's.
Graham Parker: "Shooting Out Sparks". Wow!
Joe Jackson: "Look Sharp!" I think definitive.
Great "New Wave" club in downtown NYC: Tier Three.
They were all great agree! I love this music. I listen to it mostly when I am driving or working out.
Ian Dury and the Blockheads, although the 'new boots and panties' album came out in '77 still deserves a mention.
The CHills, Saints, CLean, CHurch...anything on flying nun....and Mushroom....
I don't recall seeing Loyld Cole And The Commotions on the list anywhere. IMO, they are an excellent post punk outfit. The plus for audiophiles is the stuff is well recorded.
You all must hear this song. I consider myself pretty well-versed in 80s music but this is a new one on me. I've been going through this guy's Top 100 Records Of All Time list and I must say that he has impeccable taste. I've discovered all sorts of new artists/tracks from his list. Anyway the track I wanna share is titled All About You by Thomas Leer. It's one of those songs that I can't believe wasn't a hit.
Found another good one from the era. The band is Cactus World News from Ireland. Check out some of their stuff on You Tube.
Hey Macdad, you didn't happen to catch the Femmes at the Aragon back in early 90, did you? I was supposed to be visiting Northwestern's campus, but bailed on that evening's activities to catch the show. Good times.
not Macdad here but i remember a show in the late 80's at the ballroom. love that place!. think lou reed was there that summer too??. lots of great shows there back in the day. good times for sure!.
For Against out of Lincoln, NE is a good post punk/new wave type band. Made their first Album in 1988.

Based on some suggestions earlier in the thread, I have the Stockholm Monsters and The Sad Lovers on the way.
No love for The Bongos here?

Great mix of songcraft and rock energy. Their first single, "The Bullrushes", is IMHO a stone classic from the era and the band was off-the-charts tremendous live. When ????? (Yikes, I can't remember the guy's name, but he ran Razor and Tie Records and was the male half of the band called "The Marys") died, there was a tribute show/fundraiser featuring a bunch of the R&T artists (including IIRC Graham Parker and a few others already mentioned here) . The Bongos re-united for that show and just brought the house down.

Along with The Feelies, they were my go-to live acts of the period. Of course, it helped that I lived in Hoboken, NJ at the time, where those bands happened to be based.


BTW, The Marys ("Ringing In My Ears") weren't half bad, either.